Title: Motivational Interviewing
1Motivational Interviewing
2The Big Question is
3Different Reasons Why People Decide To Make A
- Natural Change
- Brief counseling time span
- Longer counseling time span
- Faith/Hope Effects
- Counselor Effects
4Many People Are Slow to Change Due To A
Decisional Balance
What are the Benefits for Change? What
are the Cost for Change?
5 Carl Rogers, Ph.D
- Known for Rogerian Therapy or Client-Centered
Therapy - Felt therapist should not lead the client
- Be there as client directs the progress of the
6 Carl Rogers, Ph.D
- Felt a therapist should have
- Congruence- honest with the client
- Empathy- ability to feel what the client feels
- Respect- acceptance, unconditional positive
regard toward the client
7Definition of Motivational Interviewing
Client-centered, directive method for enhancing
intrinsic motivation to change by exploring and
resolving ambivalence.
8Definition in Parts
- Client-centered- focused on persons present
interest, concerns, experiences and values - Directive method- responding to speech in a way
that resolves ambivalence - Communication- not techniques but develops
natural change
9Definition in Parts
- Intrinsic motivation for change- internal and
social environmental rearrangement - Exploring and resolving ambivalence- process
within the individual that persuade change. It
is geared toward the persons own values, beliefs
and concerns
10We want to Build
11What is Self-Efficacy?
- Persons belief in his or her ability to carry
out and succeed with a specific task
12Steps of Motivational Interviewing
- Ask open ended questions
- Listen reflectively
- Affirm
- Summarize
13Steps of Motivational Interviewing
- Create an atmosphere for change talk
- Give information and advise
- ONLY if
- requested by client
- With the persons permission
- Set Goals
- Methods of achieving goals
14Example of Questions that Provoke Change
- What would be the good things about losing
weight? - What strengths do you have to help you succeed
in losing weight? - What makes you think that if you did decide to
lose weight that you could do it? - What do you think you might do?
15In Nutrition Education, We have people that are
- Know it alls
- You cant tell me what to do
- I am a failure so why bother
- It aint broke so why fix it
16Stages of Change and Motivational Interviewing
- Precontemplators
- Express feelings
- identify barriers
- discuss why resistant
- diffuse resistance
- Instill hope
- However, the client is responsible in determining
progress in and out of stage
17Stages of Change and Motivational Interviewing
- Contemplation Stage
- Think of benefits of change
- Instill hope that change is possible
- Preparation for Action Stage
- Assess strengths for change
- Work out a plan for change
18Stages of Change and Motivational Interviewing
Building Self-Efficacy
- Action Stage
- Listening
- Affirmation and Assurance
- Additional goal planning
- Maintenance and Relapse
- Reassurance
- Listening
19Group Motivational Therapy..