Title: The Northern Virginia Workforce Investment Board
1The Northern Virginia Workforce Investment Board
- Presentation to the Miles-Lehane Companies
- Executive Breakfast Series
- Leesburg, Virginia
- October 15, 2008
2 Keys To Know About WIA
- The Workforce Investment Act is currently based
on seven key principles - streamlined services through a one-stop delivery
system - empowering individuals to make informed choices
- universal access
- increased accountability
- a strategic role for local boards and the
private sector - state and local flexibility
- improved youth programs
3SkillSource Center Locations
Northern Virginia Workforce Investment
Board Center Locations
4Business and Public Workforce Centers
- Forty-one percent of the employers are aware of
the One Stop Career Center in their areas while
only nineteen percent report having used a
One-Stop Center in the past year. - While finding qualified applicants is a key
obstacle, businesses have other challenges as
well. The Center for Workforce Preparation
survey found that maintaining skill levels of
current employees is also a concern.
515 Local Workforce Boards in Virginia
6Keys To Know About WIA
- There is a State Workforce Investment Board
appointed by the Governor that sets statewide
policy - Local WIB is appointed by the local elected
officials and certified by the State Board - The Local Elected Officials in this area have
appointed a chief local elected official (CLEO)
that sits on the WIB and acts on their behalf
when necessary
7Greater Washington Labor Market
8Keys To Know About WIA
- General Responsibilities of WIB in Partnership
with Local Elected Officials (LEOs) - Enter into a MOU with One-Stop Partners
- Certify One-Stop Operators
- Conduct oversight to the One-Stop Delivery System
in the local area - Create consumer reports
9Regional Workforce Partners
Prince William County 1. Social Services 2.
Public Schools 3. Area Agency on Aging
Fairfax County 4. Family Services 5. Housing
Comm.Dev. 6. Public Schools
7. Northern Virginia Community College
Loudoun County 8. Area Agency on Aging/
Dept. Of Parks, Recreation Community
Services 9. Social Services 10.Public
Commonwealth of Virginia 16. Rehabilitative
Services 17. Blind Vision Impaired 18.
Employment Commission
City of Manassas 11. Social Services 12.
Public Schools
15. Job Corps
City of Manassas Park 13. Social Services
14. Public Schools
10Keys To Know About WIA
- The current Law specifies performance outcomes
for youth and adults based on - Placement
- Retention
- Earnings
- Skills Attainment
- Credentialing
11How Can Local Workforce Board Help You?
- Recruitment and placement assistance
- Business Service Center
- Labor Market Information System
- Federal Bonding Program
- Applicant Resume Bank
- Occupational Skills Training
- On-The-Job Training Subsidies
- Support with Federal Tax Credits
- Rapid Response Services
12Comparing Unemployment Rates Among Regions as of
August 2008
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2008
13Northern Virginia Employment by Industry
Virginia Employment Commission, 2007
14Public Use of NOVA Centers
- Public Utilization of NOVA One-Stop Centers
- NVWIB has experienced continued strong public
utilization of One Stop Centers throughout
region. While data represents multiple visits, it
offers an order of magnitude snapshot of Center
use. - July 04 June 05 July 06 - June 07 July
07 June 08 - 49,063 33,200
45,184 - One Stop Centers offer universal access to the
public, in addition to specific employment
services for eligible job seekers. -
15Regional Economic Impact of Workforce System
16Regional Economic Impact of Workforce System
17Percentage of Foreign-Born Persons in Northern
2000 U.S. Census
18DOD Base Realignment in NOVA
- 2006 DOD Base Realignment and Closure
- Northern Virginia Workforce Area is expected TO
GAIN over 23,000 new workers. - Ft. Belvoir (Fairfax County)
- Quantico Marine Base (Prince William County)
- NVWIB funded contract studies to help local area
to plan and prepare for major workforce impacts
in future years.
19Key BRAC-related Job Sites Affecting the NoVA WIB
20Key BRAC Actions OverviewTotal Inbound
21Indirect Employment Impacts Due to BRAC
22The PRC Employment Center
23The PRC Employment Center
24Center Demographics - Education
25Center Demographics - Charges
26NOVA GATE Project
- The Northern Virginia Growing America Through
Entrepreneurship Project (NOVA GATE) is a 3 year
effort providing services to dislocated workers
age 50 and over that are eligible for Workforce
Investment Act (WIA) services. - Designed to assess up to 225 dislocated workers
and to enable 188 eligible candidates to obtain
information, classroom training, one-on-one
technical assistance, counseling, guidance and
financial assistance (low-interest loans) to
establish new businesses. - The proposed project anticipates creating 40-55
new businesses with a projected three-year
economic impact between 1.4 million and 2
27NOVA GATE Partners Schematic
28Total NOVA GATE Outcomes
29Example of NVWIB Rapid Response
- Impact of Major Industry Layoff
- Independence Airlines, based at Dulles Airport,
terminated all 3,000 employees in January 2006. - Pilots, flight attendants, customer service staff
and mechanics - Most employees required minimal support in
accessing new employment. But NVWIB placed over
50 for IA workers, primarily pilots, into new
positions, averaging over 80K annually.
30What Can You Do For Your Local Board?
- Utilize Existing Workforce Services at Centers
- Offer input on what works and what needs
improvement - Showcase Center Services To Colleagues
- Share Success Stories with Elected Officials
- Serve on the Workforce Board of Directors
31For More Information
- For More Information on the SkillSource Group,
Inc and the Northern Virginia Workforce
Investment Board - David A. Hunn
- President and CEO
- The SkillSource Group, Inc.
- (703) 752-1606
- David.hunn_at_myskillsource.org
- www.myskillsource.org