Title: Interfacing Spatial Statistics sofware and GIS: a case study
1Interfacing Spatial Statistics sofware and GIS a
case study
2TerraLib Open source GIS library
- Data management
- All of data (spatial attributes) is in database
- Functions
- Spatial statistics, Image Processing, Map Algebra
- Innovation
- Based on state-of-the-art techniques
- Same timing as similar commercial products
- Web-based co-operative development
- http//www.terralib.org
3Operational Vision of TerraLib
TerraLib ? MapObjects ArcSDE cell spaces
spatio-temporal models
4TerraLib applications
- Cadastral Mapping
- Improving urban management of large Brazilian
cities - Public Health
- Spatial statistical tools for epidemiology and
health services - Social Exclusion
- Indicators of social exclusion in inner-city
areas - Land-use change modelling
- Spatio-temporal models of deforestation in
Amazonia - Emergency action planning
- Oil refineries and pipelines (Petrobras)
5TerraLib Structure
Java Interface
OGIS Services
COM Interface
C Interface
Spatio-Temporal Data Structures
File and DBMS Access
Visualization Controls
I/O Drivers
External Files
- TerraLib client
- Connects to DBMS
- Oracle, PostGIS, MySQL and SQLServer
- Visualization with views and themes
- Images, Grids, vectors and tables
- Brushing between graphics and maps
- Analysis
- Geocoding, ESDA, Clustering (more to come)
- I/O
- SHP, MIF, and SPRING vectors
- TIFF and GEOTIFF rasters
7Creating a MySQL spatial database in TerraView
- File...Open Database menu
8Importing GIS files
- File...Import data
- Select the rio_inf_mort.shp (Rio infant mortality
data) - Use OBJET_ID_1 as the column
- Use Projection... Lat/Long and Datum SAD69
9Databases, layers, views and themes
- A database has many layers
- This is a storage concept
- Visualization is based on views and themes
- A view is a set of spatial objects from a layer
- A theme is a way to display these objects
10Changing the legend of a theme
- Theme...Change legend
- Change the legend to display the NEO_RATE
- Quantiles
- Five slices
11Resulting TerraView interface
12Producing a scatterplot
- Theme...Graphic Parameters
- Selection a DISPERSION graphic
- Operation...TileWindows
- Shows both graphics and map
- Brush between the two and the table
14R TerraLib integration
- Strong coupling mechanism
15R TerraLib integration
- Enables R to access a TerraLib database
- Results in R are incorporated in a GIS database
directly - Data is analysed in R using packages such as
gstat or geoR - Results are visualized in TerraView
- Integration is performed by the aRT API
16aRT API R-TerraLib
- aRT is an R package that provides the integration
between the software R and the GIS classes
TerraLib. - Developed by UFPR, Brazil
- http//www.est.ufpr.br/aRT/
17aRT API R-TerraLib
- Classes to manipulate data and functions in
TerraLib - aRT
- Enables connection to the DBMS for database
administration - aRTdb
- Creation and access to a database
- aRTlayer
- Enables manipulation of layers in aRT
- aRTtheme
- Enables visualização of themes in TerraView
18Integration R - TerraLib
19R-TerraLib integration example 1
- Load the geoR and arT packages into R manually
- geoR is a library for advanced geostatistics
(also developed by Paulo Ribeiro, UFPR) - Get the geoR and arT packages from the course
homepage - Expand the zip files and copy them to the
directory C\Program Files\R\rw2011\library
20R-TerraLib integration example 1
- loading packages
- require(geoR)
- require(aRT)
- Exemple 1 data for parana state
- data(parana)
- points(parana, borborders)
21A new type geodata
- gt class (parana)
- 1 "geodata"
- gt parana
- coords
- east north
- 1, 402.9529 164.52841
- 2, 501.7049 428.77100
- 3, 556.3262 445.27065
- 4, 573.4043 447.04177
- 5, 702.4228 272.29590
- 6, 668.5442 261.67070
- 7, 435.8477 286.54044
- 8, 434.0125 317.90506
- 9, 432.4622 288.37001
22A new type geodata
- data
- 1 306.09 200.88 167.07 162.77 163.57 178.61
301.54 - 8 282.07 319.12 244.67 233.31 224.46 206.12
248.99 - 15 237.87 222.87 263.10 236.91 247.01 240.58
304.28 - 22 351.73 277.92 323.08 253.32 315.33 379.94
197.09 - 29 199.91 167.00 182.88 197.10 257.50 205.16
224.07 - 36 212.50 242.08 247.79 187.27 222.54 313.60
269.92 - 43 321.69 208.89 238.62 248.76 193.48 240.48
265.56 - 50 302.13 335.41 330.87 329.49 262.81 365.88
359.08 - 57 344.59 366.10 201.84 218.27 200.38 229.40
235.07 - 64 236.25 228.82 258.12 232.17 248.17 240.66
184.59 - 71 165.46 320.31 232.80 266.27 301.10 244.78
23A new type geodata
- borders
- east north
- 1, 670.2049 111.7610
- 2, 663.7187 107.0510
- 3, 656.0667 105.2420
- 4, 649.9714 100.7915
- 5, 642.6346 97.9930
- 6, 635.2717 101.1545
- 7, 628.7421 105.5405
- 8, 622.7559 110.7495
- 9, 617.2708 116.3970
- 10, 610.4570 120.5795
- 11, 604.4217 119.6670
- 12, 600.2620 121.8980
- 13, 592.6210 119.9675
24A new type geodata
- loci.paper
- ,1 ,2
- 1, 300.336 484.453
- 2, 647.755 317.463
- 3, 361.764 438.781
- 4, 410.100 260.373
25R-TerraLib integration example 1
- connection to MySQL
- gt con lt- openConn(usergilberto")
- gt con
- Object of class aRTconn
- User "gilberto"
- Password ""
- Port 3306
- Host "localhost"
26Cleaning the database
- If the database exists, clean it
- gt showDbs(con)
- 1 "ifgi" "intro" "mysql" "parana" "test"
- gt if(any(showDbs(con)"parana")) deleteDb(con,
"parana", forceT) - Deleting database 'parana' ... yes
27Creating a new database
- creating a new database
- gt pr createDb(con, "parana")
- Connecting with database 'parana' ... no
- Creating database 'parana' ... yes
- Creating conceptual model of database 'parana'
... yes - Loading layer set of database 'parana' ... yes
- Loading view set of database 'parana' ... yes
28Creating a layer in the database
- Creating a layer to hold the data
- l_data lt- createLayer(pr, "data")
- Building projection to layer 'data' ... yes
- Creating layer 'data' ... yes
29Loading points into the database
- loading points
- gt artcoords lt- .gr2aRTpoints(parana)
- adding points to a layer
- gt addPoints(l_data, artcoords)
- Converting points to TerraLib format ... yes
- Adding 143 points to layer 'data' ... yes
- Reloading tables of layer 'data' ... yes
- adding a table to the layer
- gt t_data createTable(l_data, "t_data",genT)
- Creating static table 't_data' on layer 'data'
... yes - Creating link ids ... yes
30Plotting the data
31Inserting attributes on the GIS table
- gt artdata lt- data.frame(.gr2aRTattributes(parana))
- gt
- gt artdata15,
- id data
- 1 1 306.09
- 2 2 200.88
- 3 3 167.07
- 4 4 162.77
- 5 5 163.57
- gt
- gt names(artdata)
- 1 "id" "data"
- gt createColumn(t_data, "data")
- Checking for column 'data' in table 't_data' ...
no - Creating column 'data' in table 't_data' ... yes
- gt updateColumns(t_data, artdata)
- Converting 2 attributes to TerraLib format ...
yes - Converting 143 rows to TerraLib format ... yes
- Updating columns of table 't_dados' ... yes
32Creating views and themes for TerraView
- criando vistas e temas automaticas para o TV
(opcional) - gt th_data lt- createTheme(l_data, stations", view
"view") - Checking for theme stations' in layer 'parana'
... no - Creating theme stations' on layer 'dados' ...
yes - Checking for view 'view' in database 'parana' ...
no - Creating view 'view' ... yes
- Inserting view 'view' in database 'parana' ...
yes - Checking tables of theme stations' ... yes
- Saving theme stations' ... yes
- Building collection of theme stations' ... yes
- gt setVisual(tema_dados, visualPoints(pch22,
color"black", size5))
33Creating a layer to store borders
- gt artpols lt- .gr2aRTpolygons(parana)
- gt
- gt l_pollt-createLayer(pr, borders")
- Building projection to layer borders' ... yes
- Creating layer borders' ... yes
- gt addPolygons(l_pol, artpols)
- Converting polygons to TerraLib format ... yes
- Adding 1 polygons to layer borders' ... yes
- Reloading tables of layer borders' ... yes
- gt createTable(l_pol, "t_pol")
- Creating static table 't_pol' on layer borders'
... yes - Creating link ids ... yes
- Object of class aRTtable
- Table "t_pol"
- Type static
- Layer borders"
- Rows 1
- Attributes
- id string16 (key)
34Creating a view and theme for the polygons
- gt tema_pollt-createTheme(l_pol, borders",
view"view") - Checking for theme borders' in layer 'parana'
... no - Creating theme borders' on layer borders' ...
yes - Checking for view 'view' in database 'parana' ...
yes - Checking tables of theme borders' ... yes
- Saving theme borders' ... yes
- Building collection of theme borders' ... yes
- gt setVisual(tema_pol, visualPolygons())
35Creating a grid for the interpolated surface
- gt gx lt- seq(50,800, by10)
- gt gy lt- seq(-100,650, by10)
- gt loc0 lt- expand.grid(gx,gy)
- gt points(parana, borborders)
- gt points(loc0, pch".", col2)
- gt loc1 lt- polygrid(loc0, borparanabor)
- gt points(loc1, pch"", col4)
36Kriging using geoS model fitting
- gt Kriging using geoS
- gt Step 1 fitting the variogram
- gt ml lt- likfit(parana, trend"1st", inic(1000,
100)) - --------------------------------------------------
- - likfit likelihood maximisation using the
function optim. - likfit WARNING This step can be time demanding!
- --------------------------------------------------
- - likfit end of numerical maximisation.
37Kriging using geoS interpolation
- gt kc lt- krige.control(trend.d"1st",
trend.l"1st", objml) - gt kc lt- krige.conv(parana, locloc0, krige KC,
borparanaborders) - krige.conv results will be returned only for
prediction locations inside the borders - krige.conv model with mean given by a 1st order
polynomial on the coordinates - krige.conv Kriging performed using global
neighbourhood - gt save.image()
- gt
- gt image(kc, colterrain.colors(15))
38Exporting the grid to TerraLib
- gt preparing object for aRT
- gt georpred lt- .prepare.graph.kriging(locationsloc
0, bordersparanaborders, valueskcpred) - gt artpred lt- .gr2aRTraster(georpred)
- gt creating a layer in TerraLib
- gt l_pred lt- new("aRTlayer", pr, layer"pred",
createT) - Building projection to layer 'pred' ... yes
- Creating layer 'pred' ... yes
- gt addRaster(l_pred, artpred)
- Adding raster data to layer 'pred' ... yes
- Reloading tables of layer 'pred' ... yes
39Creating a theme and a view for the grid
- gt thlt-createTheme(l_pred, "raster", view"view")
- Checking for theme 'raster' in layer 'parana' ...
no - Creating theme 'raster' on layer 'pred' ... yes
- Checking for view 'view' in database 'parana' ...
yes - Checking tables of theme 'raster' ... yes
- Saving theme 'raster' ... yes
- gt
- gt setVisual(th, visualRaster(), mode"r")
40Plotting the data in R
- gt plotting the data in R
- gt plot(l_pred, colterrain.colors(15))
- gt plot(l_dados, addT)
- gt plot(l_pol, addT)
41Now, lets see the data in TerraView
- File...OpenDatabase...
- Parana database is there!
42Create Views and Themes (if needed)
- Create View parana
- Create themes
- Borders
- Data
- Pred
- Play with the data!
43R data in TerraView