2Project supported by the European Commission
- Project title
- Capacity and Institutional strengthening for
- Rural Electrification and Development,
- Decentralized Energy Options
- Aims at
- Developing a rural electrification plan for
one Province in each country - grid extension and renewable energy
- Develop a National level electrification and
development database with GIS interface - Training project counterparts to use the GEOSIM
3Project supported by the European Commission
- Supported by the European Commission COOPENER
program, under Intelligent Energy Europe - Co-funded by the French Ministry of Foreign
Affairs - Target to complete the project by December 2008,
where the results will be presented at an
international workshop
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52. Innovation Energie Développement (IED)
- AREA OF ACTIVITY Small power systems, RE,
Decentralized RE, Energy efficiency DSM - SERVICE Cover the whole range of the project
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8Relevance for Laos and Cambodia
- Current rate of population access is under 30 in
Cambodia - Laos has the objective of 90 household access by
2020 - Grid extension is underway and all cannot be
achieved through public sector investments - Identify areas of relevance for the various
options - grid extension
- Renewable energy options (micro mini hydro,
biomass) - Diesel
- Off grid (stand alone systems PV and Pico
hydro) - with maximum development impact
9Map of Laos
10Map of Laos
11Main Activities, Outputs Expected Outcomes
- At the National level, establish a Multisector
Stakeholder Group, Chaired by the Energy
Ministries - Collect existing data to establish a multi
sector data base with a GIS interface - Engage the group in a discussion on multisector
coordination and planning criteria to increase
the development impact of rural electrification - How energy inputs fit the Millenium Development
Goals for the two countries and Poverty Reduction
Data base with GIS available in August 2007
Local econmy
12Energys contribution to achieving the Milleneum
Development Goals - MDGs
- Extreme Poverty and Hunger to halve by 2015 the
worlds population living with less than one
dollar per day - Universal primary education by 2015
- Gender equality equal access of boys and girls
to education - Child mortality reduction by 2/3 by 2015
- Maternal mortality reduction by ¾ by 2015
- HIV / AIDS, Malaria and other major deseases
- Environmental sustainability halve people who
do not have access to safe drinking water stop
environmental exploitation of natural resources
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14Provincial level implementation of GEOSIM (1)
- In one pilot Province in each country Khamouane
and Kampong Cham or Kampong Speu - Approach
- Identify Development Centers in the Provinces
based on multisector criteria to assess
development potential - Load forecasting - scenarios
- Assessment of various production options grid
and off grid (hydro and biomass) - Development of scenarios which will highlight the
potential projects for implementation - Formulate the planning objective
- Population or village coverage? Time horizon?
- Least cost? Priority on renewables?
15Provincial level implementation of GEOSIM(2)
- Establish a Provincial level working group by
August 07, - including potential private operators and
financial intermediaries - Data collection / surveys and analysis
- Socio economic and production potential
- August to December 2007
- Run the various planning scenarios January to
August 2008 - April to September 2008 work on the investment
plans with local stakeholders
16Training, Capacity Building and transfer
- Training sessions on planning, Data Base
management and GIS, and the planning tool and
approach - Discussion Workshops results and scenarios
- Hands on and continuos training
- Install Manifold GIS software April to August
2007 - The GEOSIM tool January 2008
- Objective for Project counterparts to run the
tool by September 2008 and capable of replicating
to other Provinces
17Communication and Milestones
- A project web site will be developed
- http\\ www.Cap-Redeo.com
- Newsletter
- Methodologies
- Reports
- Background documents
- Mid term meeting in April in Vientiane
- Final regional workshop in Phnom Penh in November
/ December 2008
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