Title: Administrative Analysis Training
1 Administrative Analysis Training
Marine Corps Administrative Analysis Team-East
2Active Duty Special Work (ADSW)
- Rules and Regulations Pertaining to the Order
Writing Process of ADSW
- MCO P1000.6G (ACTSMAN)
- DODFMR Volumes 7A and 9
- MCO 1001R.56A (ADSW-RC)
- MCO 1001.55A (ADSW Cat IV Program)
- MCO 1001.59 TF/ADSW (not approved)
- ALMAR 251/97
- ALMAR 251/00 stated that MCO 1001.59
- (Total Force ADSW Order) would streamline
- and reorganize the ADSW program in 1997
- and would further cancel the ADSW-RC and
- CAT-IV orders. This order cannot be located
- on official pub lists due to never being auth/
- signed by CMC
- ADSW is normally limited to 139 days and
- short breaks (30 days or less) in an
- attempt to circumvent this requirement ARE
- Ref MCO P1001R.1J (MCRAMM)
- MCO 1001.55A (ADSW Cat IV Program)
ADSW may not be used to improve manning of a T/O
billet by filling a vacant billet, and if a
requirement for ADSW proves to be of a permanent
duration then an attempt to change the T/O should
be made Ref MCO 1001.55A (ADSW Cat IV
ADSW of 140 days or greater constitutes a
PCS move Ref Joint Federal Travel Regulations
1001.55A (ADSW Cat IV Program) MCO
1001.59 (TF/ADSW)
8ADSW Order Writing Precautions
How does the preparation of the orders affect
entitlements? It affects Basic Allowance for
Housing (DODFMR Vol 7A) It affects per diem (JFTR
U7150,U2145) It affects Family Separation
Allowance (DODFMR Chap 27) It affects Dependent
Travel (JFTR U7150) It affects household goods
shipment It affects the Active Component end
9ADSW Travel
begins in the vicinity of the PDS and terminates
in the vicinity of the PDS i.e. home, HOR,
office, etc JFTR U2200 and tables U2C-1 and
U2C-2 DODFMR Vol 9, 0502
10Permanent Duty Station
If no PCS orders are issued, the PDS is the Home
Training Center (HTC), the monthly drilling
station If the member is not a drilling
reservist, IRR, IMA or retired then the PDS is
DUTY Ref DODFMR Vol 7A, 570502.D
11Contingency Operations
Designed by the SECDEF as an operation in which
members are or may be involved in actions or
hostilities against an enemy or opposing
military force Or The call or order to active
duty under Title 10, USC or any other provision
of law, during war or national emergency declared
by the President or Congress (DODFMR Vol 7A)
12Scenarios and Questions
Can an individual be ordered to ADSW from one
location and terminate that ADSW from a different
13 Scenarios and Questions
A married individual is ordered to ADSW for 130
days. What type of BAH is paid? The same
individual has his orders extended for 100 days.
What type of BAH is paid? The same individual
then receives another extension for an additional
100 days. What type of BAH is paid?
14Scenarios and Questions
A Marine is ordered to ADSW for 160 days. Under
what conditions would he be entitled to per diem?
15Scenarios and Questions
- A single Marine is ordered to ADSW from
- Santa Ana, CA 92701 for a contingency
- operation. While on ADSW he resided in the
- BEQ at CamLej. Upon completion of ADSW
- you notice that he was in receipt of BAH own
- right for zip 92701. What action must you
- take?
16Scenarios and Questions
- A Marine is ordered to ADSW from San
- Antonio, TX for 135 days for duty with 2d
- FSSG and is in receipt of per diem. Upon
- completion, he requests that the orders be
- terminated at CamLej thus his orders are
- modified. He is subsequently ordered to
- ADSW from CamLej to II MEF. Does he rate per
- diem?