Title: Magnitude and trends of
1- Magnitude and trends of
- noncommunicable diseases
2Distribution of deaths by leading cause groups
(males and females, world, 2004)
3NCDs cause premature deaths in LMICS
4Projected deaths by cause and income (2004 to
2030) WHO
Intentional injuries
Other unintentional
Road traffic accidents
Other NCD
Other infectious
HIV, TB, malaria
5Noncommunicable DiseasesBurden of disease in
disability adjusted life years (2004)
Launched October 2008
6Noncommunicable DiseasesGlobal burden of disease
attributable top 20 risk factors (2002)
Unsafe sex
High blood pressure
World Health Report, 2002)
Unsafe water, SH
High cholesterol
Indoor smoke from solid fuels
IIron deficiency
High BMI
Zinc deficiency
Low and middle income
Low fruit and vegetables
High income
Vitamin A deficiency
Physical inactivity
Occupational injury risks
Lead exposure
Illicit drugs
Unsafe health care injections
Lack of contraception
Childhood sexual abuse
Attributable DALYs ( total 1.44 billion)
7Noncommunicable DiseasesTobacco is a risk factor
for 6 of the 8 leading causes of death
(World Health Statistics, 2008)
8Tobacco Rising production and consumption in
developing countries
9Tobacco The poor and uneducated are the ones who
smoke the most
Smoking prevalence in Bangladesh (1995)
Source Sen, B Hulme D, 2004
10Overweight and obesity in people over 15 selected
11- The epidemiological transition in this region is
already well advanced all countries are at risk
irrespective of income and socioeconomic
12Adult mortality (2004)
13Prevalence of tobacco use among males in the
Eastern-Mediterranean Region
Launched February 2008
14Noncommunicable DiseasesAdult Overweight and
Obesity in Arab Countries
15Noncommunicable DiseasesOverweight among school
children (13-15 yrs old)
16Noncommunicable DiseasesAge-adjusted estimates
of diabetes prevalence in theEastern-Mediterranea
n Region
(Source Comparative DM prevalence, table 1.12
and 1.13 of Diabetes Atlas)
Adults (20-79)
17 18Impact of increasing medical costs and the need
for prevention
- Total Health Expenditure per capita ranges
between US 325 to 2750 - Out of pocket spending ranges between 18-23 THE
- Advanced epidemiological and demographic
transitions are expected to result in a several
fold increase in health care spending in Gulf
Cooperation Countries in the coming 2 decades - Prevention has to be taken seriously
- Sources WHO WHR 2008,- WHO NHA database,
WHO-EMRO, Mapping health care financing, EMR
countries -
19Catastrophic Expenditures
- Studies in some Arab countries show that 2-4.5
of the population face catastrophic expenditures
meaning spending 40 or more from their
disposable income (excluding food), when a member
of the family becomes sick - 5.5 - 13 millions individuals may face such
situation every year - 1-1.4 of the households are pushed into poverty
when a member of the family becomes ill,
resulting into 2.5 to 4 millions of poor
individuals for the whole region - (Source B. Sabri WHO/EMRO)
20Proportion of family income devoted to diabetes
Source Ramachandran A Diabetes Care 2007
21In Conclusion Barrier to Development
- CVDs and other NCDs Will Further Widen the Health
Gap between Rich and Poor Countries - They Are Killing and Disabling People at Their
Peak Productivity - They Will Slow Economic Growth Rates in Poor