Title: Was ist Internet
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Tutorial. Timescale.
Initial meeting on September 15th every year in
Crofton School Library Tutor Wanda Jarrett
meets students at 3.30 for talk.
Requirements Access to PC or laptop 5-12 hours
for every Unit. with Internet, e-mail, CD
rom, microphone, multi-media accessories.
Who is the course for Any one who wants to learn
Italian from complete beginner with lots of
self-discipline able to work on his/her own.
Assessment 4 assessments for every Unit In
Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. 6 Units
of work and GCSE optional.
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Read through course outlines.
After Unit 9 you can decide if you are ready to
give GCSE exam to get certificate.
Start with Unit 1 with username and
password. Work through the exercises thoroughly.
Use other websites and CD roms, DVDs in Italian
and go to Italy.
Practice vocabulary regularly using different
methods Look/Say/Cover/Write/Check
Do 4 assessments at the end of each Unit and send
it to you tutor.
3Other useful contacts
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Useful contacts.
Cd roms.
4Summary of useful hints.
- You need a computer with access to internet.
- You need self-motivation and discipline.
- Little every day is better than too much at once.
- Keep in touch with tutor.
- Use microphone to test your voice.
- Go to Italy at least once a year.
- Use other CD roms and website to complement
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