Title: Jennifer Monique Sturgeon
1The TV Culture
- Jennifer Monique Sturgeon
- February 16, 2006
- Digital Culture
static.zed.cbc.ca/ users/e/EricB/files/tv.gif
2Image OVER reality
3What happens to your brain?
- When you watch TV, brain activity switches from
the left to the right hemisphere. - The crossover from left to right releases a surge
of the body's natural opiates endorphins, which
include beta-endorphins and enkephalins. - Activities that release endorphins (also called
opioid peptides) are usually habit-forming (we
rarely call them addictive). These include
cracking knuckles, strenuous exercise, and orgasm
4Frightening Facts Social Conditioning
- "American children and adolescents spend 22 to 28
hours per week viewing television, more than any
other activity except sleeping. By the age of 70
they will have spent 7 to 10 years of their lives
watching TV."-- The Kaiser Family Foundation - Yes, everybodys happy now, echoed Lenina.
They had heard the words repeated a hundred and
fifty times every night for twelve years.-
(Brave New World)
5 Mulholland experiment like hypnopaedia
- "The 'Mulholland' experiment in the early 70's
wired ten kids toelectroencephalograph (EEG)
machines (which measure brain wave activity)and
sat them down in front of their chosen favourite
programmes. Heexpected to see plenty of fast
beta waves, which would indicate that theywere
actively responding to something (as is produced
when reading orduring conservation) instead all
he could find were the slower alphawaves of the
kind found when a person is in a coma or put in a
trance where the subject is not interacting with
the outside world at all."
6 Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
- So, in a sense, T.V. is like soma and hypnopaedia
combined!!! - crappp
7ahh yes Delicious Soma, but now my head is gone!
- TV is owned to sell and like addictive drugs in
general, this soma of our brave new world has a
high price, namely our heads. Michael Ballard
8Carpe Diem! Seize the Day!
- when is the last time you seized the day after
watching television?
9Excerpt from Tough enough for your Coffee cup
- Inside, from inside the cup come answers and
truthsthought processes which confuse - but then again, it can be blanked outchanneled
from dust to beam to tv screen someone else's
imagination and this is how they are paid - subliminal messages and they are sayingwatch me
watch me watch me watch me watch me watch me
watch me watch me watch me watch me watch me
watch me watch me watch me watch me watch me - and then I say, watch me, for I am surely dying
- By Denyse Milliken
10A Poem about TV
and she wishes she had weddings to go to
rituals to executeceremonies to attendmagic to
perform, but its gray outsideand insidethe
televisionroars. no one hears her insights
anywayso she doesn't feel like it and who needs
a life? Fallacious cognitions spewed from
television do mold our decisions so stop and
take a look and youll see what I see now-
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