Title: Sigma Gamma Epsilon Banquet and Induction Ceremony Fall 2005
1Sigma Gamma EpsilonBanquet and Induction
CeremonyFall 2005
Slide Show by Karina Cheung
2Paul Betka giving speech as Vice President
3Jason Waters giving speech as Agricola
4Karina Cheung giving speech as Lyell
5Jason Betzner providing some entertainment
6The SGE Cake
7SGE Members feasting on the Banquet
8SGE Fall 2005 Members Group Shot
From left to right Clayton Loehn, Sam Denning,
Cenk Ozerdem, Nathan Miller, Stephanie Cox,
Claire Waller, John Frame, Jennifer Moll, Jason
Waters, Summer Brown, Jason Betzner, Heather
Baron, Karina Cheung, Matt Bychowski, Megan
Puncke, Justin Ohlschlager, and Paul Betka
9SGE Fall 2005 Members Funny Group Shot
10Fall 2005 SGE Officers
From left to right Jennifer Moll, Summer Brown,
Jason Waters, Nathan Miller, Karina Cheung, and
Paul Betka
11Fall 2005 SGE Newly Inducted Members
From left to right Claire Waller, Sam Denning,
Stephanie Cox, Megan Puncke, Matt Bychowski, and
Heather Baron
12SGE Fall 2005 Pledging Member Justin Ohlschlager
13SGE Brothers having some fun
14Jason Waters Taking a Breather
15Matt Bychowski posing with the SGE flowerthe
white carnation
16Jason Betzner with dinosaur and Jason Waters
17Cenk Ozerdem and Matt Bychowski with SGE flower
18Jason Betzner and John Frame in a light-saber duel
19Some of the SGE Brothers
20Matt Bychowski with the SGE Ladies
21The SGE LadiesSummer Brown, Karina Cheung, and
Jennifer Moll
22Hope you enjoyed it!The End!Comments and
questions, please email me at kcheung_at_vt.edu