Title: Allsector management and leadership programme Led by SkillsActive
1All-sector management and leadership
programmeLed bySkillsActive
- 26 July 2007
- Northern Ireland
2Programme Progress
3Advisory Panel / Leitch key points
4SfBn Strategy
5Step 1 Align with the Leitch Review
- Engage with LM Advisory Panel
- Steve Studd Panel Member
- Liaise with CfE (Michael Davis)
- Respond to Advisory Panel requests
- Engage with LM Steering Group
- Work with MSC to develop ML qualification
6Step 2 Act as a coherent network
- Resourcing plan agreed with network
- Build communications process
- Build joint plan based on Sector Skills
Agreements - Contribute to the Network Capability Programme
7Step 3 Engage with SME employers
David, I have been really delighted by the
response from the email sent out by you. I have
been getting about 5 applications through each
day! We are busy processing them all and
qualifying their eligibility. I will review the
outcomes next week, but in the meantime, I just
wanted to say a big thank you to for your
support. I will do formal thanks to Mike next
week, when we have processed all the
applications. Janet Robbins Regional Manager
Leadership Management Business Link, South
East England
- Early 07 experience suggested greater focus
needed - Understand how IDB and Train to Gain broker
organisations operate by Region and Nation - Ensure our offer is clear and understood
- Capitalise on Employer Engagement Pilot as it
8Employer Engagement
9Employer Engagement
10Step 4 Capitalise on national programmes
Northern Ireland
- Brand new strategic approach from government
- Building Management capabilities within context
of business planning - Result of consultation document Leading the way
- 16 key actions
- Right at the heart of the Skills Strategy for NI
Success through Skills - M and L a key priority
- Emphasis on partnership
- Fits nicely with the SfBN position
- Understanding demand
- Improving skills levels
- Improving quality and relevance of provision
- Tackling barriers to involvement and investment
11Step 4 Capitalise on national programmes
Northern Ireland
- Further discussion on SfBN contribution but as a
starter for 10 ! - SfBN contribution
- SSAs
- In partnership with the MLN
- Sectoral baselines and actions
- Employer forums
- National Occupational Standards and Sector
Qualification Strategies making full use of M
and L - Respond to consultations of government
interventions - Contribute to formulation of Regional employment
and skills action plan
12Step 4 Capitalise on national programmes with
partners English Regions
- North (NLA)
- 10 Centres programme, Action Learning and
Coaching, Portal, NLA launch, June 19 - SEEDA
- ESF funded programmes, good response from SSCs
- London
- Engaging with Brokers workshop, July 11.
- South West
- RDA/LSC review of priorities, June 29
- East of England, West Midlands, East Midlands
- Discussions underway
13Step 5 Maintain momentum on projects
- Solutions 4 Business
- SummitSkills taking forward (Stephan John)
- Action Learning
- NI, HI, SEEDA, London, NLA (David Black)
- Qualification Strategies (Kion Ahadi)
- Inspirational Leadership
- Capitalise on the DTI programme and refocus on
the needs of the network (Nigel Crouch)
14Step 6 Complete the SSA review
- Focus on top solutions emerging
- Working with people
- Leadership
- First level management
15Step 7 Communicate the programme value with
compelling messages
16Going forward
- Leitch/Advisory Panel
- SSA completion
- Shared solutions
- Standards
- Action Learning
- Solutions 4 Business
- Inspirational Leadership
- First level management
- Working with people
- Additional resources
- Countries
- Regions
- Communications
- Employer Engagement
- Intermediaries
- Brokers
- SSCs
- Quality Assurance
17Work programme in Northern Ireland?
- Regular slot for M and L on this Forum
- Set up a Joint NI Stakeholders meeting to ensure
a joined up approach - To liaise with all SSC NI leads regarding their
SSA NI Action Plans and specific ML priorities.
draw up a short report - Discover what is currently happening
- Input to the development of the key actions
contained in the strategy to en sure fit for
purpose with Sector/Network position - An Action Plan for NI?
18Programme Web site
19Actions on you!!
- Find out who your M and L rep is, talk to them
and brief them re NI issues to bring to the next
M and L Forum on 4th September - Look at your SSA and identify M and L issues in
NI - Have a look to see if there are good solutions
under way in your sector that we can share around - Feedback to Laurence and/or on what you think we
should be doing as an all sector programme in NI