Title: Welcome to our school'
1Welcome to our school.
2The entrance to the new key stage one classrooms.
3Collaborative learning in ICT.
4We are very lucky to have a large field with
adventure play equipment.
5Our new key stage one classrooms. We have shared
indoor and outdoor learning spaces. Look at the
lovely balcony.
6Looking after the strawberries.
7Concentrating hard.
8Walking down from one play area to the school and
another play ground.
9Our role play area is great fun.
10We have lots of great outdoor spaces.
There is always plenty to do at play times.
11Children absorbed in their learning.
12Sports day fun.
13Dance club perform at our annual performing arts
show and at other Plymouth events.
14Singing club perform in school and across
Plymouth at different events.
15Our athletics teams excel at local events.
16Practising my trumpet.
17Enjoying our packed lunch outside
18Physical Education
I can get to the top
19Year 6 leavers Paint their portrait on the
leavers wall.
20What country does the leopard come from?
21Enjoying reading
22Key Stage 2 Out on the Moors
23Lasting friendships
24Thank you for looking at the tour of the school.
We hope you enjoyed it.