Title: Coliforms
Laboratory 4
James Douglass
2Coliform characteristics
- Aerobic or facultative anaerobic
- Gram-negative, non-spore forming rod
- Major genera Escherichia, Klebsiella
Enterobacter - Able to grow in the presence of bile salts
- Lactose ? acid gaseous H2 CO2
3Where are coliforms found?
- Ubiquitous
- Fecal AND non-fecal origins
- Water
- Soil
- Intestinal tract
4Food quality and acceptability
- Indicator Organism
- Personal hygiene and sanitation
- Presence of coliforms does not mean a food is
5Detection method
- Presumptive (e.g., LST broth, VRB)
- Confirmatory (e.g., BGLB broth)
- Completed (e.g., EMB for probable E. coli)
6Food Sample (mushrooms, sprouts or tofu)
11g into 99 ml of peptone water (10-1)
Prepare decimal dilutions (10-2 , 10-3, 10-4)
Pour plate overlay
MPN (LST Broth)
Plate on E. coli/Col. Petrifilm
Plate on VRB
Do not vortexMPN tubes
Determine presumptive count of VRB and MPN
Do not vortex
Inoculate presumptive colonies and tubes to BGLB
Score tubes for coliform count
Inoculate coliforms to EMB
Inspect EMB plates
1 mL
1 mL
1 mL
- Most Probable Number
- Easier for counting
9 mL
9 mL
9 mL
1 mL
1 mL
1 mL
- - -
LST tubes
3 2 0
8MPN Enumeration
10-1 10-2 10-3 0.1g 0.01g
0.001g MPN/g 3 2 0
Adjustment for dilutions used
Used 10-2, 10-3, 10-4
Final result 930 MPN/g
9Lauryl Sulfate Tryptose (LST) Broth
- Selective-differential
- Used for coliform detection in water and MPN
determination - Contains
- Lactose to detect lactose fermentation
- Sodium lauryl sulfate a selective agent
- (selects against non-coliforms)
- Tryptose to aid in growth
- NaCl to control osmotic balance
- Durham tubes to detect CO2 formation
10Violet Red Bile (VRB) Agar
- Selective-differential
- Contains
- Bile salts/crystal violet to select against
- G, non-enteric organisms
- Lactose/neutral red
- Lactose fermenting microorganisms will be
PURPLE-RED (acidic) with halo (coliforms) - Non-lactose fermenting microorganisms will be
11E. coli /Coliform petrifilm
- Contains
- VRB gel
- Two dyes-neutral red indicator of
glucuronidase activity - E. coli gt BLUE with gas
bubble - Coliforms gt RED with
gas bubble
12Brilliant Green Lactose Bile(BGLB) Broth
- Selective-differential
- Confirm the presence of coliforms in food, or
water - Contains
- Oxgall (bile)/brilliant green to inhibit G and
non-coliform G- organisms - Inverted Durham tubes trap CO2 produced by
lactose fermentation
13Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB) Agar
- Selective-differential
- Detection and differentiation of coliforms
- Contains
- Eosin/methylene blue under acidic conditions,
combine to form a precipitate to differentiate
lactose fermenters from non-lactose fermenters.
They are selective agents, though G and yeasts
may form pinpoint colonies. - Lactose fermenters DARK COLORATION
- Non-lactose fermenters PALE STRAW COLORATION
- Sucrose-fermenters PINK COLOR
- E. coli colonies GREEN SHEEN
14Coliforms on EMB
15Not a coliform!