Introduction to the Epistles of Timothy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to the Epistles of Timothy


The Epistles unto Timothy were authored by the Apostle Paul ... Paul wrote a letter of encouragement to Timothy beginning with Christ's own ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction to the Epistles of Timothy

Introduction to the Epistles of Timothy
  • The Epistles unto Timothy were authored by the
    Apostle Paul
  • The First Epistle is thought to have been written
    in Macedonia following Pauls first imprisonment
    (63-64 AD)
  • The Second Epistle is thought to have been
    written from Rome during his second imprisonment
    (66-67 AD)
  • He wrote them unto Timothy whom he called my own
    son in the faith

  • Timothy was a young believer and co-worker in
    Gods kingdom
  • His mother was a Jew and his father was a Greek
  • His mother, Eunice, and grandmother, Lois, were
    believers (II Timothy 15)
  • Pauls purpose for writing unto Timothy was to
    encourage him in faith and his work in Gods

First Epistle to Timothy
  • The Apostle Paul had recently left Timothy at
  • Timothy remained at Ephesus in order to counter
    strange and unhealthy doctrines that had emerged
    there ( I Timothy 13-11)
  • Paul wrote a letter of encouragement to Timothy
    beginning with Christs own commands onto Paul
    himself ( I Timothy 1 12-17)
  • Paul first encouraged Timothy to war a good
    warfare (I Timothy 118)

  • Paul went on to give guidance in such matters as
  • Prayer in Public Worship ( I Tim. 21-8)
  • Women in Public Worship ( I Tim. 2 9-15)
  • Qualifications of Bishops and Deacons ( I Tim.
  • Behavior in the House of God (I Tim. 3 14-16)
  • Recognizing False Teachers and Advice for True
    Teachers ( I Tim. 4 1-10)

  • The Apostle Paul also encouraged Timothy to
    neglect not the gift that is in thee ( I Tim. 4
  • Paul commented on the treatment of people
    including widows and elders and how we should not
    be partial preferring one before the other ( I
    Tim. 5 1-25)
  • An exhortation was made unto the behavior of
    servants and their lot in life ( I Tim. 6 1,2)

  • Near the end of the first Epistle Paul gives an
    exhortation to Godliness with contentment ( I
    Tim. 6 3-16)
  • Paul gives a reminder to those who are temporally
    blessed ( I Tim. 6 17-19)
  • Paul concludes his first Epistle with a reminder
    to Timothy to keep what has been entrusted to him
    ( I Tim. 6 20,21)

The Second Epistle to Timothy
  • This Epistle was written while Paul was in prison
    for the last time and nearing the end of his life
  • When compared to the first, this Epistle is more
    like a personal letter to Timothy
  • Paul reminds Timothy of his responsibilities to
  • Disciplining Teacher
  • Single- Minded Soldier
  • Enduring Husbandman
  • Diligent Workman
  • Sanctified Vessel
  • Gentle Servant

  • Paul writes that in the last days perilous times
    shall come ( II Tim. 3 1)
  • But continue thou in the things which thou hast
    learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom
    thou hast learned them ( II Tim. 3 14)
  • That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly
    furnished unto all good works (II Tim. 3 17)

  • Nearing the end of the second Epistle, Paul
    encourages Timothy to Preach the word be
    instant in season, out of season reprove,
    rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and
    doctrine ( II Timothy 42)
  • Paul ends his Epistle with the hope that he has
    in death I have fought a good fight, I have
    finished my course, I have kept the faith
    Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of
    righteousness, which the lord shall give me at
    that day ( II Timothy 4 7,8)

  • Discussion Points
  • The need to keep faith and a good conscience (I
    Timothy 119)
  • The workers in Gods kingdom must preach and
    teach sound doctrine in order to fulfill the work
    of the ministry (I Timothy 13-11)
  • Gods word gives instruction for maintaining love
    and a proper relationship between the children of
    God (I Timothy 51-62)
  • The encouragement of fellow saints and the
    importance of studying Gods word (II Timothy

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