Title: Using the Java JDK and
1Using the Java JDK and JCreator as an Editor
Use Java 5.0 Update 8, from Sun Microsystems, as
the compiler Use JCreator 3.50, from Xinox
Software, as the IDE
2- First, install Java 5.0 JDK (Java Development
Kit). - Go to the following URL to download the
compressed file of Java 5.0 - http//java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp
3- On the next screen, select one of the first two
JDKs (if you have Windows) - Save to Disk, usually to the desktop. Make a note
of where you saved the zipped file. - 3. Double-click to the zipped icon to install
(and unzip) the application. You must accept the
license agreement. Follow the prompts, usually
accepting the default settings.
4- Once Java 5.0 is installed, go to the following
URL to download the compressed file of JCreator - http//jcreator.com/download.htm
- 2. Choose the latest Freeware version -- at the
time this slide presentation was prepared, it was
v 3.50.
5- You will be asked to give your email address. An
email will be sent immediately containing the URL
to use for downloading. - Save the zipped file to your desktop.
- 6. Click on the jcrea350 icon on the desktop to
install. - Save it in the default directory ? c\Program
Files\Xinox software\JCreatorV3LE - Next.
- Yes, create the folder.
- Add program to Start Menu folder. Next.
- Create desktop icon. Next.
- Install.
- Finish.
6- Open the JCreator IDE (Integrated Development
Environment). - There are four windows. The File View window (1)
lists files that are currently open. The edit
window (2) is empty until a program file is
created or opened. As a beginning programmer you
will not be using the Package View window (3).
Window 4 changes with the task at hand. It is
used for debugging programs. We will see an
example of this later on. - 3. The next slide is a guide to create a new
file (we will only set up FirstProgram.java but
actually not type anything into the editor).
7- To create a new file
- Under the file menu, select NewFile.
- You must name the file first navigate to the
directory where you are saving your files (click
on the box indicated by the arrow) example
c\Java - Type in the Name dialogue box FirstProgram
(JCreator will add the .java extension). Click
8- 4. There is now an edit window. The cursor is
at column 1 on line 1. - Notice that the tab at the top of the edit window
contains the file name. As you create more
programs, they can be opened and listed in this
window. - 6. The file name is also listed in the File View
window as well as in the Title Bar of JCreator. - 7. If you were actually keying in a program, you
would start keying at the top of the edit window.
9- To open an existing file
- Under the file menu, select Open.
- Navigate to the folder containing the existing
files. - Open the Howdy.java program
10- The JCreator IDE provides several visual cues
- Comments are green
- Keywords (public, class, static, void) are blue
- Javas class names (String, System) are in dark
blue - String literals (Howdy Ags) are magenta
- The JCreator IDE provides other editing features
- Automatic indenting of blocks of code
- Automatic closing of braces or parentheses
- Line numbers on left of edit window
- Drag and drop feature
- Global find and replace (binoculars on toolbar,
or under Search menu) - Undo option (button on toolbar) can go back
and undo lots of steps
11- To compile and execute the file
- Under the Build menu are the commands Compile
file and Execute file. Button shortcuts for
these commands are on the toolbar, indicated by
the arrows above. The F5 key is also a shortcut
for Execute. - First, use the Compile button (the blue down
arrow). If no errors were found, Process
completed. will appear in the Build Output
window at the bottom of the editor. - Secondly, use the Execute button (the blue right
arrow). Your output will appear in a DOS
window. The Press any key to continue message
will appear on all output. Press any key (or the
close box) to close the DOS window.
12Were you successful in compiling your
program? 1. When installing the JCreator IDE,
Java 5.0 should have been located automatically.
However, if JCreator did not locate the jdk, see
either a or b below a. When you compile your
first program, you will get the message to locate
the jdk. It will either be found in c\Program
Files\Java or c\Java. b. An alternative way to
locate the jdk go to the Configure menu,
Options, JDK Profiles and then select where Java
5.0 is installed
Click on New either C\Program
Files\Java or C\Java Click on (or select) jdk
1.5.0_07 OK OK Apply OK
13- Lets make some mistakes and debug them
- In the Howdy.java program, purposely misspell
static (satic) and omit the semicolon on line 7.
public class Howdy public satic void
main(String args) System.out.println("Ho
wdy Ags")
- 2. Compile the file.
- Two errors will appear in the Tasks List window
at the bottom of the screen. It will tell what
lines the errors are on. However, the messages
given in the Build Output window are more
informative. Click on the Build Output tab.
Scroll to the top of the window, begin with error
1 and work through the errors. (See next
ltDefaultgt-------------------- C\Java\Howdy.java5
ltidentifiergt expected public satic void
main(String args)
C\Java\Howdy.java9 '' expected 2
errors Process completed.
Whenever errors are reported by the compiler,
look both for the line number listed as well as
the carat indicator (). The carat may point
at the actual error or it may point to the next
token following the error. In the two errors
in this program, the carat points to the token
after the error. The first error is on line 5
the carat appears at the word void. The word
satic is not recognized by Java. The compiler
does not like the use of the keyword void
following that unknown word. In the second error,
the compiler indicates that a semicolon () is
expected on line 9. An attempt to close the
block of code (with ) cannot be done without
first ending (or closing) the statement preceding
it. The semicolon closes the statement on line
15After correcting these errors, compile again.
Are there other errors? If so, correct them.
When the only message showing up in your Build
Options window is Process completed, the
program is ready to be executed. Important
Points ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! All programmers make
mistakes. ! The mark of a good programmer is
the ability to interpret the error messages
returned by the compiler and make the necessary
corrections. ! The types of errors we are
speaking of at this time are syntax errors. The
compiler will detect syntax errors. ! Run time
errors occur during execution of a program and
cause the program to halt or crash.
Interpreting the error messages takes practice.
! Logic errors are errors that may go
undetected. The program compiles and executes,
however, the output is incorrect. These errors
can be difficult to even find much less correct.
16- Tips
- JCreator automatically indents blocks of code.
As you put together longer programs and put
blocks of code inside other blocks of code, a lot
of horizontal space can be taken up by the
indentations. To reduce the tab space to 2 or 3
spaces, go to the Options menu Editor Java.
Here is also where you can customize colors,
fonts, etc. Wait to make these kinds of changes
until after you have used JCreator for a while.
17- Tips (continued)
- 2. If your output appears in the DOS window and
theres lots of output, it may scroll off the
screen. In that case you may want to increase
the size of the DOS window. - While the DOS Window is open, click on the C\
button at the upper left corner, select
Properties, select the Layout tab, and increase
the height of the Window Size. OK. - It is here that you can customize the color and
size of the font, etc., in the DOS window. - Select the Save properties for future windows
18- Tips (continued)
- If you have closed JCreator and/or exited all of
your programs, you can see the four most recent
files you worked on by going to the File Menu and
selecting Recent Files. Select the files you
want to continue working on.
19- Tips (continued)
- 4. This last tip is one that hopefully you will
not need to use. The windows in the JCreator IDE
can be resized, moved around and even removed.
In the event that you lose the Build Output
window, and any attempts to get it back by going
to the View menu fail, do the following - Close JCreator
- Go to the Start Menu Run type in regedit
OK. - Under My Computer, double click
HKEY_CURRENT_USER. - Double click Software, double click Xinox
Software, double click JCreatorV3LE - Select Settings and delete all of the many
settings that are inside the folder. You will
have to delete each one individually!
This does not happen very often but it is really
frustrating when it does.
20Good luck!
Have fun Java programming in JCreator!