Title: Integrating Technology and Strategy: A General Management Perspective
1Integrating Technology and Strategy A General
Management Perspective
- Review of Pages 1-12
- Dr. Steve Walsh
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- Purpose
- Key concepts in Technology innovations
- Integration of technology and Innovation in
strategy - Frame works for auditing and assessing films
innovative capacity - Conclusion
- Help the strategic officer of a company deal with
issues of technology and Innovation - Established High tech firms spend 5 of revenues
on Technology and Innovation related activities - Acquire, develop and allocate resources
- Importance of technology as a resource
- To develop and exploit firms capacity for
5Key concepts in Technology Innovations
- Inventions, Discoveries and Technologies
- Basic Scientific Research - General knowledge
- Applied Scientific Research Solve a problem
- Criteria for success
- For invention discoveries technical
- For innovation commercial
- Definition of Technology
- Refers to the theoretical and practical
knowledge, skill and artifacts that can be use to
develop products and services as well as their
production and delivery systems
6Technological Innovations
- Some are technology based
- Some are facilitated by new technology
- Innovation are the outcome of innovation
processes - Combined activities leading to new stuff
- This books Innovation categories
- Incremental, radical and architectural
7More Key Concepts
- Technological Entrepreneurship
- Activities versus outcomes
- Inventions, technologies innovations as
outcomes - Activities are RD, market development etc.
- The book shows interactions on page 3 exhibit 1
8Integrate Strategy and Technology
- Prescriptive or Normative vs. Objective
- Environmental versus Internal
- Market based strategy versus Resource based
- Product versus Competence
- Prior to 1960s technology has little or no
strategic role - 1969 Stewart and Ansoff - Strategy Directs Tech
- 1984 Friar et all They have primal influence
on each other
9Porters Box Market View Exhibit 2 page 5
- A environmental or Market strategist view
- Overall cost leadership
- Overall differentiation
- Focus segment cost leader
- Focus segment differentiation
10Fusfelds Audit page 6 exhibit 3
- Strategy expressed by technologies and products
We discuss paper here - First real effort to put technology formally into
the strategic process - The initiation of technology audit efforts
- We have or own
11Technology Portfolio page 6 exhibit 4
- Know when to do what better known as the Kenny
Rogers or Know when to fold em Know when to hold
em, Know when to walk away and Know when to run!
- Relative technology position on X axis and
relative importance on the y axis
12H I G H T E C H I m p t. L O w
High Relative Technology Position Low
13Technology Business Portfolio Page 7 exhibit 5
- Much the same focus as Previous model
- Attractiveness and importance on Y
- Competitive Position and Position on the x
14Tech and the value Chain Page 8 exhibit 6
- In broadest sense it is everything to everyone
Technology is everywhere - Firm value chain
- We do this latter in the semester
- Technology Forecasting
- Technology Lifecycles
- Understand the differences between product and
technology Lifecycles - Competing on different aspects over time
15Capabilities and Competence Auditspage 9 exhibit
8, page 10 exhibit 9, page 11 exhibit 10
- Fusfeld focused on technology competence
- These models focus on business capabilities
- Very complicated
- I give you one that combines all in our ppt.
- Nothing sustainable Great happens without
- Good teamwork
- Good leadership
- Good technologies and innovation
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