Title: Agenda 10405
1Agenda 10/4/05
- Culture presentation
- Article presentation
- Jessica Camphinha-Bacote Ch 5, 6
- Charisse Camphiha- Bacote Ch. 7
- Vanessa deChesnay. Ch 11
- Ethics
- Character, manners, moral, doing good
- Knowledge value reasoning
- Theories
- Altruism love others over oneself
- Egoism individual first
- Hedonism pleasure over all other values
- Rational paternalisms -
- Relativism subjectivism each culture /or
individual decides what is right or wrong
3Basic Theories
- Utilitarianism goal-based
- the greatest happiness for the greatest number
- Deontology duty based, love-based
- Autonomy human right self-determination
- Beneficence do good
- Justice - fairness
- Non-maleficence do no harm
- Veracity telling the truth
- Fidelity - keeping promise
4Comparison of 2 major theories
- Utilitarian
- Consequences
- Who is the majority
- What is happiness
- Deontology
- Action motives
- Value
- knowledge
5Ethical theory scientific theory
- Justify human action
- Acceptance of theory
- Action
- Explain phenomenon
- True or false
- Predict, control
6Roles of the nurse
- Nurses fundamental responsibility- value,
concern, goals - Ethics of caring empathy, nurturing,
commitment, being an advocate - Participation of the family in decision making
social assessment
7Ethical Issues in Nursing
- Quantity vs. quality of life
- Pro-choice vs. pro-life
- Freedom vs. control
- Truth-telling vs. deception
- Distribution of limited resources
- Empirical knowledge vs. personal belief
8Methods of moral reasoning
- Deductive code, creed,
- Inflexibility, value conflict, no motivation
- Inductive custom, cases,
- Static preventing progressive social change
- Intuition combination of subjective, objective,
relativistic aspect - Dialectical philosophical aspect, art
9Ethical Issues - principles
- Autonomy whos decision
- Beneficence, Nonmaleficence
- Justice, fairness allocation of resources
- Veracity (truth-telling) white lie
- Informed consent level of knowledge
- Quality of life/sanctity of life
- The golden rule time circumstances
10Issues of Ethical Rights
- Right to privacy - confidentiality
- Right to decide what happens to ones body
- Right to health care
- Right to information
- Right to choose whom you care for
- Right to live, right to die
- Rights of children/ senior
11Issues of Ethical Duties/Obligations
- Respect
- Be accountable, competent - decision making
- Participation - contribute to professional
knowledge base - Implementation - improve standard of profession
prevent illegal practice
12Issues of concern in life cycle
- Contraception and sterilization
- Genetic engineering and embryo transfer
- Abortion
- Infanticide
- Adolescent sexuality
- Allocation of scarce resources
- Lifestyle
- Euthanasia
13Related to Culture
- Language communication
- Value decision maker
- Knowledge bill of rights
14Cultural competence training
- Health care institutions
- Interdisciplinary programs
- Nursing service
- Orientation demographic data of the pop,
ethical-legal consequences, appropriate resources - In-service
- Interdisciplinary team
- Nursing education
- Undergraduate level core course
- Graduate level specialty areas
15Factors to consider
- Time past vs. present, interpretation
- Circumstances setting, knowledge
- Religion beliefs, creation vs. revolution
- Science hard data vs. philosophy
- Technology change of nature
- Marrella, L. (2001). In search of ethics
conversations with men and women of character.
D.C. Press (www.focusonethics.com) - Business ethics, www.business-ethics.com
- The Ethics Resource Center, www.ethics.org
- Institute of Business Ethics, www,ibe,org,uk
- Junior Achievements Business Ethics Center,
17Discussion stories
- Genetic therapy for fetus to prevent Alzheimer
- Euthanasia
- Disaster triage
- Children health insurance program
- Human organs for sale
18Prepare for next class (10/11)
- Culture presentation
- Gisela Russian
- Charisse Nepali
- Virginia - Vietnamese
- Article presentation
- Charisse
- Mark
- Vanessa
- Patty x 3
19(No Transcript)