Title: Sense of Place
1Sense of Place
- Mary Claire McGovern, Ashley Allen,
- Ashton Fink
High Mountain Institute, Leadville, CO
2Take Home Messages
- What is Sense of Place?
- Why is it important to develop?
- How can we communicate it?
- Sense of Place Maps
3What Does Sense of Place Mean to You?
4What is Sense of Place?
- Affective cognitive bonds with a place
- Person-place relationships
- Sense of belonging
- Refining place memories
- Ecological roots
5Why is it important to develop sense of place?
- To be present
- To better understand our perspective of the
world/our identity - To discover our roots
- To establish an environmental ethic
6A difficult topic to express
7Sense of Place Maps
- Cognitive maps are forms of storytelling that
provide a way to place our various journeys in
perspective. - Mitchell Thomashow
9Make your map!Personal Ecological Roots
- How did this activity enhance your awareness of
your own sense of place? - Was mapping an effective way of communicating
your sense of place? - What would you change when doing this activity
with your students?
11 We abuse land because we regard it as a
commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a
community to which we belong, we may begin to use
it with love and respect. Aldo Leopold
DeBlieu, Jan. Spring 1994. Mapping the Sacred
Places. Orion 13 (2) 18-23. Hutson, G. and L.
Bailey. December 2008. Awakening Place
Awareness during a 2\30-Day Wilderness Leadership
Program. International Journal of Wilderness 14
(3) 23-28. Kyle, G.T., A. J. Mowen, and M.
Tarrant. 2004. Linking place preferences with
place meaning An examination of the relationship
between place motivation and place attachment.
Journal of Environmental Psychology 24 439-54.
MacLean, R. 2002. Being here now
Environmental Education Notebook, ed. J. Gookin
and D. Wells (17-19). Lander, Wy The National
Outdoor Leadership School. Shostak, E. May 2008.
A Field Guide to Sensing Places. Nols
Newsletter. Thomashow, M. Spring 1994. The
Place Where I Live. Orion 13 (2) 2-3.
13A place is like a fractal the more we explore
it, the more we realize how the place expands
beyond our limited perceptual sphere.Mitchell