Title: Rheumatic Fever Aschoff Body edema and Monos
1Rheumatic Fever -- Aschoff Body -- edema and Monos
2Aschoff Body -- binucleate cell
3Rheumatic Mitral Valvulitis -- thickened chordae
tendineae and opaque valve
4Fish mouth valve -- rigid -- Mitral Stenosis
5Aortic Stenosis -- left ventricular hypertrophy
expected -- commissures messy, fused together
6Calcific Aortic Stenosis -- rigid leaflets
7Congenital Bicuspid Aortic Valve
8Bicuspid Aortic Valve with extensive
9Left is hypertrophied heart
10Left ventricular hypertrophy with enlarged left
atrium due to increased L ventricular pressure
leading to Mitral valve incompetency
11Mitral valve prolapse -- basophilic ground
substance in leaflets
12Extremely large Mitral Valve
13Edematous connective tissue of mitral valve
14Mitral valve parachutes back into atrium
enlarged L atrium w/ mild L ventricular
15Non-bacterial endocarditis -- granular, composed
of fibrin and platelets, associated with
hypercoaguable states including adenocarcinomas
16Vegetations on Aortic and Mitral valves from
infective endocarditis -- alpha-hemolyticstrep
(50) or S. aureus (20)
17Infective endocarditis -- granular
18Infective endocarditis with ruptured chordae
19Infective endocarditis -- ruptured valve
20Subacute endocarditis -- firmer than acute,
granular -- mitral valve
21Dissected valve with vegetations
22Shortened, fused chordae tendineae
23Artificial valve - porcine with calcifications
24Normal Artery
Int. elastic membrane
Musc. media
25Atherosclerotic atheroma -- fibrofatty plaque
with fibrous cap -- in intima
Fibrous cap
26Aorta with fatty streaks
27Aortic streaks around mouths of arteries -- Sudan
red stain
28Coronary artery with fatty streak -- intimal
hyperplasia with foamy cells
29Atheromatous plaque -- Masson trichrome stain --
lumen (L) narrowed with fibrous cap (F), about
60 occlusion
30Fibrous plaques on left, nasty ulcerated
atheromas on right
31Acute MI -- 7 - 10 days old, probable LAD
32Infrarenal aortic aneurysm -- Most common
33Renal Arteriole showing hyaline arteriosclerosis
34Hyperplastic (onionskin) arteriosclerosis --
associated with malignant hypertension
laminations of SMC and redundant basement membrane
35Polyarteritis nodosa -- inflammatory thickening
of wall
Segmental fibroid necrosis
Normal vessel
36Wegeners Granulomatosis -- epitheloid and giant
cells C-ANCA
37Temporal (Giant Cell) Arteritis -- can lead to
blindness, nodular, with granulomatous
38Buergers Disease -- thromboangitis obliterans --
associated with male smokers -- tibial and radial
aa with adjacent ischemia affecting nerves
leading to pain
39Syphilitic Aortitis -- chronic lymp inflammation
-- in vaso vasorum (aorta nutrition), leads to
dilation of aortic root, aortic valve
insufficiency, and tree barking
40Syphilitic Aortic Aneurysm
41Dissecting Aneurysm -- intramural hematoma ()
42Esophageal varices -- portal hypertension
43Esophageal varices -- swollen veins in submucosa
44Thrombosed vein -- in leg, pain, tenderness, and