Title: Birchwood Primary School
1Birchwood Primary School
2Our school is located in North Warwickshire.
3Here are some of our staff.
4Our 4 and 5 year olds work on a play based
Role- play
Music time
5Maths game
Shiny corner
Story telling
Kingsbury Water Park
6Year 1 enjoying dance.
7Year 2 are singing with our music specialist.
8Year 3 are working on different art techniques on
a bug theme.
9Year 4 Friday afternoon sewing club.
10Year 5 Friday afternoon French club.
11Year 6 are keeping fit with Take 10
12We enjoy having visitors to our school.
Rock and rollers
Yamaha guitar group
Bird man
13Times to celebrate
Bonfire Night
Concert for parents
Little angels
Mary and Joseph
Christmas Presence
15Our eco committee meets every week. We are
working to achieve silver medal status.
16Our school council are making posters for Wacky
17Here is a typical day for our Year 6 children.
8.40 8.55 registration
189am 10am DramaFreeze framing Little Red
Riding Hood
1910am - 10.20am break
2010.20am 11.20am
Dance warm up
Gymnastics making shapes
2111.20am 12.20am Maths
2212.20 1.20 Lunch
School meals give you a balanced diet that will
help you eat better and do better.
2312.20 1.20pm Lunch
These children are having packed lunches from
24Lunch time duties include
25After lunch play till 1.20pm
261.20pm 2.00pm French with Madam McLay
272.00pm 3.00pm Science
283.05 Home time
29Come and see us soon!