Title: Welcome To: GLEEM Grade Level Expectations Educational Model
1Welcome To GLEEMGrade Level Expectations
Educational Model
- Presented by
- Livingston Parish
- Public Schools
2GLEEM Module 3
- Enhancing a Standards Based Lesson
3Pre Module Survey
- You were given 5 stickers and there are 5
posters. - Using the stickers you were given place one
sticker on each poster - Rate yourself on the scale of 0-5 with 5 being
the highest
4Quick Review of Role of School Representatives
- Expectations
- Participation in training on Modules 1-3 in
Summer 2005 - Redelivery of Module 1 on one of the first two
inservice days in August - Tentative Future Schedule
- Redelivery of Module 2 3 during the school year
(may be delivered online) - Summer of 2006 training on Modules 4 5
- Redelivery of Modules 4-5 during the school year
5Remember To
- Focus on the information and how it is being
presented - Focus on asking questions to help you redeliver
the information
6ASK questions!
- That is the only way for you to acquire the
- Abilities,
- Skills, and
- Knowledge
- needed to redeliver successfully!
7Course Essentials
- Honor Time
- Respect opinions and ideas of colleagues
- Limit side bar conversations
- Be an active listener
- Be fully present
- Place cell phones/pagers on silent
- Freedom to take breaks as needed
9House Keeping
- You must stay at your session all day to get full
credit and to receive your certificate of
completion. - Lunch will be on your own.
- You must return at the scheduled time
10GLEEM Modules
Module 1 GLEs An Introduction Module 2
Effective Classroom Practices Module 3
Enhancing a Standards-Based Lesson
Plan Module 4 Effective Assessment
Practices Module 5 Making the GLE Connection
11Questions and Answers
12In this module you will
- Utilize Information Literacy Model for Lifelong
Learning to locate high quality instructional
resources - Evaluate instructional resources to select the
most appropriate materials to address all
learning styles - Include instructional resources to enhance lesson
13Lets Mingle
14People Bingo
- Have participants initial the blocks
- Only one block per participant
15KWL Exit Ticket
- Complete the first two columns of the ticket now
- You will revisit the activity this afternoon and
tomorrow afternoon.
16In Module 2 You should have
- Created an Account
- Making Connections
- Created a New Lesson
- Completed the following information
- Title
- Subject
- Grade Level
- Content Standards
- Benchmarks
- GLEs
- Completed the Contact information
17Exploring a Hotlist of Resources
- Hotlist of Instructional Resources for Louisiana
Educators - Use the hotlist to locate a specific resource
that addresses the GLE from your Making
Connections lesson. - Record your finding
18Resources Wall
- On a large sticky note, list the following
information about the resource - Title
- Name of Website
- Subject Area
- Grade Level
- Description
- See page 13 of Module 3 for an example
19Introduction to the Information Literacy Model
for Lifelong Learning
- Look at the Model on page 27-29
- Discuss
- How would you use these skills to locate high
quality instructional resources? - What do you think about the Literacy Model?
- How are some ways it might be utilized?
- How might you use it in the classroom?
20How would you use these skills to locate high
quality instructional resources?
- Applying Skills 1 2
- Defining/Focusing
- Recognize that an instructional resource is
needed to enhance activities used to implement
GLEs. - Selecting Tools and Resources
- Develop search strategies for locating
instructional resources
Skills 3 4
21Selecting Tools and Resources
- Explore Noodle Tools www.noodletools.com
- Noodle Quest
- Choose the Best Search for Your Information Need
22Remote Bookmarks
- http//www.mybookmarks.com
- http//www.ikeepbookmarks.com
- http//www.backflip.com
23Favorite Resource
- Find your favorite resource
- Put the title/address and a description on a
sticky note - Add to the Resource Wall
25How would you use these skills to locate high
quality instructional resources?
- Apply skills 3 4
- Extracting and Recording
- Utilize Evaluation Tools to select the most
appropriate resources - Processing Information
- Determine if the resource is relevant to the
content of the lesson plan
26Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus
- Go to www.google.com
- Type
- octopus, endangered species, Pacific Northwest
tree octopus
27Teaching Zach to Think
28Evaluating Web Resources
- Using a Site you found when researching for
resources - Determine the websites purpose. Why was it
created? - Investigate the sites author using
www.profusion.com - Search for links to the site using
www.altavista.com type link the site url then
click search
29Evaluating Web Resources
- Use one of these evaluation tools to evaluate
your web resource - http//www.evalutech.sreb.org/criteria/web.asp
- http//school.discovery.com/schrockguide/eval.html
30Wrap up Activity
- Complete the remaining columns of the KWL ticket
31End of Day
- Make sure you initialed the sign-in sheet after
lunch - Evaluations
- Certificates
- Supplemental Pay Forms
- Clean your area
- Push you chair under