Title: SEIS
1Changing times with serious environmental and
development implications Chris Steenmans
2nd CEN/TC 287 Mediterranean Workshop UN FAO
10-11 June 2008, Rome
2Todays main environmental issues
Source Eurobarometer, March 2008
342 of EU citizens feel poorly informed about
environmental issues
Source Eurobarometer, March 2008
4Source Eurobarometer, March 2008
5Who do you trust most when it comes to
environmental issues?
Intern. Organisations
European Union
Source Eurobarometer, March 2008
6European Commission CommunicationTowards a
Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS)
- Better decisions from local to global level
need better and more timely information, based on
more efficient monitoring and reporting systems
S Dimas, Feb 2008
pronounce ?saiz?
7SEIS at Centre of NewEEA Strategy
2009-2013Draft May 2008
- 3 strategic objectives
- Securing the objectives of EU environmental
legislation - Cross-cutting areas of the acquis communautaire
- Global and international perspective
8Scope of SEIS
- Improve
- Modernise
- Streamline
- the present
- information
- systems
9VisionFrom reporting to online services
The current data flows
Live Information Systems
Member states
Member states
- Data and information should be
- managed as close as possible to its source
- collected once and shared with others for many
purposes - readily available to public authorities and
enable them to easily fulfil reporting
obligations - accessible to enable end-users to make
comparisons at the appropriate geographic scale
and to participate meaningfully in the
development and implementation of environmental
policy - available to the general public after due
consideration of the appropriate level of
aggregation, given possible confidentiality
constraints, and at national level in the
national language(s).
11How ?
- better integration and sharing
- online information services
- distributed information management
- local, national, European, global
- serving policy makers and public
- two-way communication
- e-reporting
- using existing e-infrastructure
12Understanding the context
13SEIS components EEA node
emvironmental data centres
Infrastructure and services
Networking, Eionet, Group of 4, EPAs, agreements,
country visits...
14Examples of existing international, national,
regional and local initiatives
SEIS Building Blocks
15 EEA web map services statistics
User sessions 40.000/month
16EEA is working with
Building Partnership
EEA member countries
EEA collaborating countries
European Neighbourhood Policy
ENP South
ENP East
Strategic Partnership
Strategy for a new partnership for Central Asia
Central Asia
- EEA 32
- Monaco
- Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of
Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia
gt COM(2008)319 Barcelona Process Union for the
Mediterranean Horizon 2020 Proposal to set up
a Mediterrenean Shared Environmental Infomation
System (SEIS)
- Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya,
Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia
- Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova,
- Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan,
17Some concluding reflections...
18Does one SEIS fit all?
A Network to enhance a European
Environmental Shared and Interoperable
Information System
19Is it a SEIS XSmall or XXLarge ?
Source www.evergrow.org
20Road map for SEIS implementation
EC Communication SEIS
Political commitment SEIS
SEIS implementation plan
Revised EC standardised reporting directive
First Inspire data services
Online e-reporting systems
GMES space infrastructure