Title: Probabilistic climate change predictions from GCMs
1Probabilistic climate change predictions from GCMs
- Three broad methodological categories in the
literature at present - Direct use of GCM ensembles without formal
application of observational constraints - Methods designed to be constrained by
observations, and, as far as possible,
model-independent - Methods designed to give results dependent on
both observational constraints and GCM ensemble
2Climate sensitivity distributions from different
Results from reduced complexity models,
constrained by historical temperature changes
GCM ensembles constrained by present day
Unweighted GCM ensembles
3Distributions for regional- or continental-scale
transient changes
- Published/submitted approaches currently
include - Curve-fitting to multimodel ensembles (Raisanen,
2005) - Bayesian methods applied to multimodel ensembles
(Tebaldi et al 2005 Furrer et al, 2005) - Scaling to infer transient response from
perturbed physics ensembles of equilibrium
climate change (Harris et al, 2005) - Projecting uncertainty in the historical response
into the future to get model-independent
estimates of continental-scale warming (Stott et
al, 2005)
4Example Multi-model curve fit
Main caveats no weighting sensitive to outliers
(because the ensemble is small) the ensemble
was not designed with sampling of uncertainties
in mind
5What Observations Should We Use?
Possible observational constraints for weighting
- A broadly-based global estimate of the likelihood
of the model - A subset of regional variables to weight
predictions of regional change - Some optimal selection of time-mean fields
- Historical trends in temperature, ocean heat
content etc. - Attributable warming
- Cooling following volcanic eruptions
- ENSO response
- Palaeoclimate change (LGM, 6K, )
- Verification of ensemble predictions on shorter
time scales (NWP/seasonal/decadal)
6Some issues in assigning variable weights to an
ensemble of models
- Estimates of relative likelihood need to account
for - Noise arising from internal variability in
simulations and observations - Other observational errors (measurement biases,
etc) - Model inadequacy an additional uncertainty in
our predictions which arises from structural
model deficiencies. It is potentially very
important, but difficult to quantify and yet to
be tackled in climate prediction
Knutti and Meehl, (2005)
e.g., If we think an ensemble of model variants
can predict climate change in the real world, it
should be able to predict changes in other models
with alternative structural assumptions
- Significant progress since the IPCC TAR, but much
still to do. - Results depend on choices such as
- what uncertainties are sampled in the chosen
ensemble of models - the constraining observations
- prior distributions for uncertain inputs
- whether or not, and how, to weight ensemble
members - what should control the range of outcomes (e.g.
observational uncertainties, ensemble spread). - No obvious basis for choosing a best method
yet, but the sensitivity of results to
experimental choices should be quantified as far
as possible.