Title: Modernizing Modernism: Challenges with Preserving PostWar Buildings
1Modernizing ModernismChallenges with
PreservingPost-War Buildings
Materials, Methods Marketplace
National Historic Tax Credit Conference
2008September 24-26, 2008, Chicago
Mike Jackson, FAIA Illinois Historic
Preservation Agency
2Preserving the Recent Past
Chicago 1995
Philadelphia 2000
Chicago IL 1989 Preserving Whats New
3Twentieth Century Building Materials
1995, Tom Jester, Editor
The Preservation of Historic Pigmented Structural
Glass (Vitrolite and Carrara Glass)
1984 Based upon APT Bulletin Article 1981
5(No Transcript)
6New Organizations
- Society for Commercial Archeology
- www.sca-roadside.org
- www.docomomo-us.org
- Recent Past Preservation Network
- www.Recentpast.org
- Association for Preservation Technology
- www.apti.org
7Survey and Identification
8John Ruskin
When we build of stone, let us think we building
9Building stone veneers
The challenge of new building installation
methods and tolerances.
10Cheaper Faster Lighter
APT Training Courses
11Materials as cover-up
The tin ceiling as an Early renovation material
Flooring of all kinds is not expected to last.
12Materials marketed as Maintenance Free
Aluminum siding
Metal Slip Covers
Asphalt siding
Asphalt siding
13Material Challenge Weeping Mortar
14The challenge of the marketplace
15planet green
- Wrecklamation follows one determined demolition
auctioneer, Jodi Murphy, as she tracks down a
treasure trove of Chicago homes doomed for the
wrecking ball that are full of recyclable
materials she auctions off for deeply discounted
16Building Re-cladding
Before After
17Building Re-Cladding
Before Springfield IL After
18Partial Modernism Change Over Time
19Modernizing ModernismMeeting the Challenge
Survey and Identify New Resources Promote the
value of these resources Integrate these
resources into preservation programs Encourage a
new generation of preservationists