Title: Transport and development Transport
1Transport and developmentTransport the
cityJérôme Pourbaix
2Mobility in Cities Database
- 120 indicators of urban mobility economics.
- Collected in 50 cities worldwide.
- Data for 1995 and 2001.
3Structure of the Presentation
- The relationship between mobility behaviour and
the performance of urban transport. - Policies in favour of public transport.
4Energy Consumption for Passenger Transport
- Energy consumption for passenger transport
- Consumption of fuel for private modes (cars,
etc.) -
- Consumption of fuel and electricity for public
transport. - Expressed in Mega Joules / inhabitant / year
5Energy Consumption for Passenger Transport
Annual energy consumption (megajoules/inhabitant)
6Energy Consumption for Passenger Transport
Annual energy consumption (megajoules/inhabitant)
7Energy Consumption for Passenger Transport
Annual energy consumption (megajoules/inhabitant)
8Energy Consumption for Passenger Transport
- Other explicative factors
- Urban density,
- Size of the city,
- Volume of mobility,
- Cost of fuel.
- Savings represent about 20 full tanks per person
per year.
9Cost of Transport for the Community
- Cost of Transport for the Community
- Cost of public transport operation investment
- Cost of building and maintaining roads
- Cost of using a car for the citizens
- Expressed in of the urban GDP
10Cost of Transport for the Community
Cost of transport for the community ( of GDP)
Proportion of trips made on foot, by bicycle and
on public transport
11Cost of Transport for the Community
Cost of transport for the community ( of GDP)
Proportion of trips made on foot, by bicycle and
on public transport
12Cost of Transport for the Community
Cost of transport for the community ( of GDP)
Proportion of trips made on foot, by bicycle and
on public transport
13Cost of Transport for the Community
- Other explicative factors
- Urban density,
- Richness of the city.
- Savings represent about 3,000 per person per
14Structure of the Presentation
- The relationship between mobility behaviour and
the performance of urban transport. - Policies in favour of public transport.
15Policies in Favour of Public Transport
- Development of public transport
- Control of car traffic and parking
- Integration of spatial planning and public
16Development of Public Transport
- Volume of public transport supply (frequency and
capillarity) - Speed, regularity and reliability
- Cost for the traveller
- Qualitative factors
17Development of Public TransportCoverage of Urban
Areas by Public Transport Networks
Public transport market share (mechanised
motorised trips)
Number of vehicle x km per hectare
18Development of Public TransportCoverage of Urban
Areas by Public Transport Networks
Public transport market share (mechanised
motorised trips)
Sao Paulo
Number of vehicle x km per hectare
19Curitiba, Brésil
20Development of Public TransportRelative speed of
public transport
Public transport market share (mechanised
motorised trips)
Average car speed / average public transport speed
21Development of Public Transport Bus Rapid
22Development of public transport Cost for the
- Fare policy has various objectives.
- In general, there is little correlation between
fare level and modal split. - Demand elasticity is not constant.
- Range of concessionary fares.
- Impact of fare integration on modal split.
23Development of public transport Qualitative
- Comfort, cleanliness,
- Accessibility,
- Feeling of security,
- Etc.
- Importance of a global quality approach.
24Policies in Favour of Public Transport
- Development of public transport
- Control of car traffic and parking
- Integration of spatial planning and public
25Control of car traffic and parking Available
- Access restrictions
- Congestion (and emission) charging
- Parking restrictions
- Parking charges
26Control of car traffic and parking Access
- Restriction of through traffic in city centre.
27Control of car traffic and parking Access
- Selected areas accessible by car to residents and
authorized vehicles only (city centre or
residential areas)
28Control of car traffic and parking Access
- Access restrictions during peak hours
- Access authorisation based on environmental
performance of vehicles - Access to city centre reserved to pedestrians,
cyclists and public transport
29Control of car traffic and parking
30Control of car traffic and parking
Congestion charging
- To discourage the use of private vehicles in a
given area and/or during a given period. - Zone charge, cordon charge, km charge.
- Usually flat fare
- London, Stockholm.
- An asset for public transport, but some issues
(planning increased demand, availability of
31Control of car traffic and parking
Congestion charging
32Control of car traffic and parking
Congestion charging
33Control of car traffic and parking
Congestion and emission charging
- To discourage the use of vehicles with high
emissions. - Fare varies according to vehicle type.
34Control of car traffic and parking Parking
Public transport market share (mechanised
motorised trips)
Number of parking spaces per 1000 jobs in the CBD
35Control of car traffic and parking Parking
policy in Bogota
36Control of car traffic and parking Parking
restrictions and parking charges
- Increasing number of cities fix a ceiling for
parking availability in new buildings (before was
the opposite!) - Parking charge structure disincentive for
commuter use of parking (to the benefit of shop
37Policies in Favour of Public Transport
- Development of public transport
- Control of car traffic and parking
- Integration of spatial planning and public
38Integration of public transport urban planning
- Modalities of integration
- Structuring (dense) suburban developments
- Mixing activities along high quality networks
- Public transport oriented urban design
- Urban regeneration
- The strength of public transport and the city are
intertwined. - Benefits of public transport are maximised when
policies in favour of public transport are
integrated with measures for traffic reduction
and spatial planning. - www.uitp.org