Title: Tates Creek Elementary School STLP
1Tates Creek Elementary SchoolSTLP
- Fayette County Public Schools
- Lexington, Kentucky
2Who Are Our Student Technology Leaders?
TCEs Student Technology Leaders are a group of
exceptional 4th and 5th graders.
We represent people of multiple ethnic
backgrounds including African American and
Caucasian. We also represent both genders
with 10 Female members and 7 male members.
3What Do We DO??
- We are leaders who take care of and maintain
computers throughout our school building! (STLP
Goals 1,2,4)
Brooklyn and Breonna clean computers in our lab!!
Breonna demonstrates how to clean the keyboard.
4What Do We Do?
The crew waits to see their finished product!
Brooklyn and Ruby work on staff badges!
- We learn how to work with all types of technology
so we can teach others. - Technology we have worked with this year include
computers, digital camera, video camera,
SmartBoard, heat laminator, printers, projectors,
Pinnacle Video Editing software, Microsoft Word,
Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Publisher!
(STLP Goals 1, 2,4,5, 6)
5What do we do?
- We use or skills to create projects that will
benefit the school community (STLP Goal 2,4,6)
Here is an example of our staff badge!
Mrs. Rutledge Teacher Tates Creek Elementary
Emergency cards are needed so students can run in
the halls for an emergency!
6Wait there is MORE we DO!
- We create different types of media to share with
others! - (video chromakey green screen)
7How do you become a TCE Student Technology Leader?
- Student Technology Leadership Program is open to
ALL 4th and 5th graders at Tates Creek
Elementary. - We meet one time every other week with your grade
level STLP Team. We also schedule other work
times throughout the week to complete projects!
We find time to have fun too!
- All 4th and 5th grade students were invited to
join STLP . - ALL 4th and 5th grade students were given the
information to join STLP during library class. - Students had go over paperwork and read student
code of conduct. The only requirement was a
parent signature to join.
9TCEs Student Technology Leaders
4th Grade STLs
5th Grade STLs
10TCE STLP Helps our School Community
- STLP announcements are made on our TCE news
program as well as in the PTA newsletter that
goes out once an month. - The school community benefits from STLP projects
including the creation of ID badges for school
staff, EMERGENCY Hall Pass cards, Chroma-Key
video projects for TCE News, cleaning and
maintenance of computers school wide.
Darrell is EXCITED to see the finished product
and that all of their hard work is paying off!
11What is Ahead?
- NEXT year STLP will be working more with chroma
key video production and the school news program.
STLP will also be working on creating a project
that will enhance the students entrepreneurial
STLs work on the last step of the staff badges,