Computing and the Web - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Computing and the Web


... was an extension of the gopher idea but incorporated many new ideas and features. ... Spiders or Bots scan through web pages for information ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Computing and the Web

Computing and the Web
  • The Internet and the WEB
  • Worldwide Transformation

  • Why is the WEB so powerful
  • Evolution of the Internet / WWW
  • Internet Tools
  • Creation of the WEB
  • Navigating the WEB
  • URLs
  • Search Engines

Why is the WEB so powerful
  • World Wide Communication
  • Anyone can access it
  • From anywhere
  • At anytime
  • Freedom From Censorship
  • Too dispersed and pervasive to police
  • Immediacy of Information
  • Information is available the second it is
    published on the WEB
  • Digital Soap Box
  • Can be used to garner support for a cause

Evolution of the Internet / WWW
  • 1969  The original Department of Defense ARPANET
    contract. The first node (a node is a computer
    workstation or file server or bridge, or any
    other device that has an address on a network.)
    at UCLA, and after that nodes were established at
    the Stanford Research Institute, UCSB, and the
    University of Utah. These are the first four
    computers on the InterNet. Three are linked at 50
    Kbps circuits (UCLA, SRI and UCSB). UNIX is born.
  • 1971  The InterNet has 15 nodes (23 hosts
    central computer, usually attached to the
    InterNet) UCLA, SRI, UCSB, U of Utah, BBN, MIT,
    RAND, SDC, Harvard, Lincoln Lab, Stanford,
    UIU(C), CWRU, CMU, and NASA/Ames. Ray Tomlinson
    sends first e-mail message.
  • 1981  In August, there are 231 hosts (linked
    computers) on the InterNet, almost all of them
    belong to either the U.S. military or major U.S.

Evolution of the Internet / WWW
  • 1982  Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and
    InterNet Protocol (IP) are established.
  • 1983  On January 1st the crossover from NCP to
    TCP/IP takes place--The InterNet is now a
    distinct place.  Name server is developed at the
    University of Wisconsin.
  • 1984  Domain Name Server (DNS) is introduced, no
    longer requiring users to know the exact path to
    other computer systems. The number of hosts is
    about 1,000.
  • 1986  The NSFNET backbone is created and it
    moves data at 56 Kbps.
  • 1988  November - An InterNet "worm" (small
    computer program) burrows through the Net,
    affecting about 6,000 of the 60,000 hosts on the
    InterNet. The NSFNET backbone upgraded to T1
    (1.544Mbps) speed, and CERFnet (California
    Education and Research Federation network) is
    founded by Susan Estrada.   InterNet Relay Chat
    (IRC) is developed by Jarkko Oikarinen.

Evolution of the Internet / WWW
  • 1990  In October there are 313,000 InterNet
    hosts mostly using telnet and ftp.   Tim
    Berners-Lee writes the first GUI browser, and
    called it "WorldWideWeb."   1991  The NSFNET
    backbone is upgraded to 44.736 Mbps and the
    World-Wide Web (WWW) is created.
  • 1992  In December, there are 7,000 domain names
    (.com, .net, and .org) registered with InterNic.
  • 1993  NCSA releases Mosaic (first widely used
    browser) and it takes the InterNet by storm as
    WWW traffic grows 341,634 in one year.
  • 1996  MCI upgrades the InterNet backbone to 622
  • 1997  March 6 at 120751 p.m., the InterNic
    registers the one millionth active domain name.  
    By the end of 1997 there will be 1,541,000.
  • 1998  September 11 is the InterNet's busiest day
    (Starr report) at 340,000 hits / minute.

Evolution of the Internet / WWW
  • 1999  On May 29th, the InterNet had reached 5
    million active domain names, about 85 of which
    were .com sites.   In addition, there are about
    6,000 .edu domain names.
  • 2000  Seventy-eight percent of the online fraud
    is associated with Online Auctions, followed by
    General Merchandise Sales (10), and Internet
    Access Services (3).
  • 2001  Nielsen/NetRatings "estimated that more
    than 176 million Americans, or 62 percent of the
    population, had access to the World Wide Web.
    That's a jump from 156 million, or 57 percent, a
    year ago."
  • 2002  As of May, NUA estimates that there are
    580.78 million people world wide on the Internet.

Internet Tools
  • Originally designed for resource sharing
  • CPU telnet or remote login
  • Files FTP or File Transfer Protocol
  • Had to know what to look for and where to look
    for it
  • It wasnt easy to find information
  • University of Minnesota creates GOPHER
  • Menu driven access to information
  • Allows different sites to be linked together

Internet Tools
  • VERONICA was created to search GOPHERS
  • Scanned all known Gophers twice a week and build
    indexes or catalogs about the information
    contained on them
  • This was a model for todays Search Engine
  • ARCHIE searched FTP archives
  • Still used today
  • All information on the Internet is not contained
    in the WEB

Internet Tools
  • EMAIL was primary use for the Internet
  • Bulletin Boards provided community forum type
    information exchange
  • IRCs provide users with the ability to talk
    directly to each other

Creation of the WEB
  • Tim Berners-Lee is credited with having created
    the World Wide Web while he was a researcher at
    the European High-Energy Particle Physics lab
  • Berners-Lee wrote a proposal which was the
    solution to the technologies that would enable
    collaboration in the high energy physics
  • The proposal was an extension of the gopher idea
    but incorporated many new ideas and features. It
    was also inspired, in part, by the concept of
  • A line-mode user interface was completed in late
  • In 1993 Marc Andreesen was an undergraduate
    student at the University of Illinois at
    Urbana-Champaigne when he led a team that
    developed the graphic interface browser called

Creation of the WEB
  • Popularity of the graphical user interface (GUI)
    browser was immediate. People without computer
    expertise were able to use the graphical
    interface and just point and click to navigate
    the World Wide Web.
  • Number of Unique Web Sites
  • The number of Web sites, adjusted to account for
    sites duplicated at multiple IP addresses.
  • 1998 2,636,000
  • 1999 4,662,000
  • 2000 7,128,000
  • 2001 8,443,000
  • 2002 8,712,000

Navigating the WEB
  • HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
  • Mixture of text, graphics, audio, video, and
  • Browser interprets and displays the data stream
  • Links are text that contain imbedded URLs
  • Links point to related web pages
  • The browser seamlessly switches from page to page

  • http//
  • http the protocol
  • the domain
  • Index.html the file containing the web page
  • https secure form of http
  • Used for money / secure transactions
  • Domain types
  • Com Edu Mil Org
  • Net Gov Tv

Search Engines
  • Multiple parts to a search engine
  • 1st part collects data
  • Data must be indexed stored in a database
  • Spiders or Bots scan through web pages for
  • Any links in the web page are followed and the
    process repeats
  • 2nd part processes queries
  • Accepts requests from user
  • Looks through indexes for matching information
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