Uwe Schweig

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Uwe Schweig


(such as sales areas, plants, purchasing organizations, and so on) ... and reference system, supplement in local maintenance systems with operative business ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Uwe Schweig

ALE Business Processes in Logistics
Uwe Schweig Business Framework Support
The ALE business process concept Distribution of
master data in Logistics SD-MM link Distribution
of information systems Distributed purchase
contracts Overview of further business
ALE Business Processes
  • An ALE business process is an integrated,
    cross-system business process
  • ALE business processes run between
  • Several R/3 Systems
  • Logistics, Financial Accounting and HR on
    separate systems, for example
  • R/3 and non-R/3 systems
  • Warehouse Management in R/3, external warehouse
    control system, for example
  • Integrated ALE business processes
  • Loose integration (asynchronous, message-based)
  • Close integration (synchronous)
  • A combination of both

Example of an ALE Business Process
Exchange of messages
  • Accounting
  • Central purchasing
  • Purchasing Information System

BLAOR Contract/change BLAOCH Change BLAREL Releas
e order statistics EKSEKS Purchasing Information
System FIDCMT FI document FIROLL FI rollup
  • Local purchasing
  • Invoice verification

In other words, ALE is.
  • A method and technique for supporting distributed
  • A collection of distribution scenarios with the
    aim of achieving distributed and integrated
    system configurations

The ALE business process concept Distribution of
master data in Logistics SD-MM link Distribution
of information systems Distributed purchase
contracts Overview of further business
Contents, Master Data
Master data in Logistics - ALE features that
support master data distribution - Reasons and
prerequisites for distributing master data -
Individual master data objects
Master Data Distribution
  • Different ways of sending master data
  • Sending changes by evaluating change pointers
    (SMD tool)
  • Initially, partner systems can also be supplied
    directly with the appropriate master data
    (direct sending).
  • The receiving system can request master data from
    the reference system. The request is sent by a
    particular message type (MATFET for material, for
    example). The reference system checks whether the
    requested master data exists and whether it may
    be sent (distribution model). If this is the
    case, the current status of the master data is
    sent to the receiver (no delta download).

SMD Tool for Distributing Master Data
  • Master data (a material master, for example) is
    distributed by evaluating so-called change
  • These change pointers (table BDCP) are generated
    directly from the application (SMD tool Shared
    Master Data) for changes that are relevant for
    distribution (table TBD62).
  • A post-processing program (RBDMIDOC), which is
    started manually or scheduled periodically,
    selects the change pointers and generates the
    summarized IDocs.

SMD Tool for Distributing Master Data
Engineering change management
ALE layer
Standard ALE outbound processing
ALE relevant?
Batch job / manual
Change documents
Change pointers
Controlling / Influencing the Distribution
  • Data filtering in the distribution model
  • Segment filtering
  • Reducing IDocs
  • Taking dependencies between master data objects
    into consideration

Data Filtering
  • Filter objects can be used with each
    communication relationship to prevent certain
    application data from being sent.
  • If a segment within a hierarchy contains a
    filter, only this segment and the segments
    dependent on it are filtered

General data
Short text
Filter at plant level
Product group
Material valuation
Logical Combination of Filters
  • Filter groups are used to combine filter objects
  • (Division 10 AND mat grp 001) OR (division 20 AND
    mat grp 005)
  • Within one filter group
  • Logic ORing between filters of the same filter
    object type
  • (Plant 1000 OR plant 2000)
  • Logic ANDing between filters of different filter
    object types
  • (Division 10 AND mat grp 001)
  • Data is sent if it is defined in at least one
    filter group (logic ORing of filter groups)

Segment Filtering / Field Conversion
  • IDoc segments that are not required are filtered
    out from the ALE layer. These segments are not
  • Segment filtering is data-independent, in other
    words you can specify the segments that are to be
    filtered out for a particular message type and
    the corresponding recipient.
  • In contrast to this, filtering via filter objects
    in the distribution model depends on the actual
    data that is to be transferred in the IDoc.
  • The contents of the IDoc fields can be adapted to
    the requirements of the recipient by converting
    the fields using conversion rules.

Reducing IDocs
  • An individual, reduced message type can be
    derived from the existing message types in the
    standard system for master data objects
  • The customer-specific message type for a master
    data object (material, for example) is derived
    from the standard maximum IDoc (MATMAS03, for
    example) of the object
  • You can choose segments and fields from the
    overview of the assigned standard maximum IDoc by
    selecting or deselecting them
  • Required entry fields and mandatory segments
    cannot be deselected
  • Advantage reduction at field level (ltgt
    filtering), no modifications to the standard
    system required

Reducing IDocs
Initial screen When it is generated, the new
message type is linked to the structure of the
reference message Structure description Activatio
n of the segments of the message type Field
list Fields that are to be sent must be activated
in the active segments
Maintain reduction Access View (message
type) ________ Derived from ________ Short
text ________
Structure description MATMAS03 Material master
E1MARAM General data E1MAKTM
Short text E1MARMM Unit of measure
E1MARCM Plant data
Field list E1MARAM _ MATNR Material no. _ MTART
Material type _ MBRSH Industry sector _ MATKL
Material group _ WRKST Basic material ...
Taking Dependencies Between Master Data Objects
into Account Serialization, Dependent Objects
  • Serialization of message typesSome items of
    master data contain dependent objects and should
    therefore be distributed together (material and
    classification of the materials, for
    example).These objects must be processed
    sequentially (1st material, 2nd classification)
    in inbound processing on the receiving system.
  • The messages are grouped according to message
    types and processed in the receiving system.
    Messages of one particular message type are not
  • Available for message types from the master data
  • For this purpose, dependent message types are
    combined in serialization groups in which the
    individual message types are processed in a fixed
  • Process
  • Generation of the IDocs for the serialization
    group using change pointers in the sending system
  • Generated IDocs are sent (RBDSER02).
  • System checks whether all IDocs have been sent
    and sends an IDoc of the type SERDAT to the
    receiver (RBDSER03).
  • Serialized processing of the IDocs sent
    previously to the receiver is triggered by
    processing the SERDAT01 IDoc.

Taking Dependencies Between Master Data Objects
into Account Serialization, Dependent Objects
  • Dependent objects
  • With some items of master data, it only
    makes sense to distribute an object to a specific
    system if other objects are also distributed to
    this system (purchasing info record and vendor).
  • Dependencies describe relationships, with
    reference to whether the objects can be
    distributed among
  • Message types
  • BAPI methods and message type
  • BAPI methods
  • Before an object is distributed, ALE determines
    whether dependent objects are also distributed to
    this destination. The object is only distributed
    if this is the case.

Administration Programs
  • You can schedule the following programs
  • Outbound
  • Generation of IDocs from change pointers
  • Sending of IDocs in batch jobs
  • Status conversion after successful communication
  • Serialization groups
  • Inbound
  • Forwarding of IDocs to the application
  • Sending of audit messages
  • General
  • Active monitoring

  • Further documentation
  • R/3 library
  • BC - Changes to the SAP standard system
  • CA - ALE programming guide
  • CA - The IDoc interface
  • Knowledgeware
  • R/3 Interface Adviser
  • R/3 transactions
  • CMOD (project management of SAP enhancements)
  • BAPI (BAPI browser)

Contents, Master Data
Master data in Logistics - ALE features that
support master data distribution - Reasons and
prerequisites for distributing master data -
Individual master data objects
Reasons for Distributing Master Data
  • Strategic instrument
  • Standardization of object numbers
  • Standardization of company-wide statistics and
    evaluations (company-wide profitability analysis,
    OAS, company-wide logistics evaluations, for
  • Transparency of company-wide processes
  • Prerequisite for other distribution scenarios
  • Preparation for a more extensive distribution
    project (1st subproject to gain experience, for

Distributable Master Data Objects in Logistics
  • Materials
  • Debtors
  • Creditors
  • Purchasing info records
  • Source lists
  • Conditions
  • BOMs
  • Article masters
  • Additionals
  • Assortments
  • Listing conditions
  • Price lists
  • Product catalogs
  • Documents
  • Change masters
  • Project structure plans
  • Document structures
  • Class systems

Prerequisites for Master Data Distribution
  • Coordinated Customizing, depending on the master
    data, check tables, and views to be distributed
  • Organizational units(such as sales areas,
    plants, purchasing organizations, and so on)
  • Check tables (such as divisions, material groups,
    MRP groups, and so on).
  • Desirable
  • Central, standardized Customizing throughout the
    company (Central Customizing client / central
    Customizing system)
  • Problem control data distributed to many systems
    (CTS is awkward, manual intervention!!)
  • Additional distribution of dependent
    objects(such as classes, characteristics,
    documents ..).

Material Master Distribution (1)
1 Central maintenance and reference system,
supplement in local maintenance systems with
operative business
Maintenance of the material characteristics that
are identical throughout the company (e.g. view
K) (maintenance and reference system Z)
Branch 1 (Sub-range of all articles, B1)
Branch 2 (Sub-range of all articles, B2)
B, C
Local maintenance of the views that are
significant locallydata is only available or is
instantiated locally (Views A, G, V, F ., for
example )

Material Master Distribution (2)
Several maintenance systems (depending on the
material or material grouping, for example), 1
reference system for coordination, supplementary
maintenance is possible locally in the branches
Maintenance system for articles C,D
C, D
Maintenance system for articles A,B
A, B
Reference system (without active maintenance or
with restricted maintenance)
Selective distribution in the productive
branches (according to articles A,B,C,D and
A, B, C, D
Productive branches
Material Master Distribution (3)
Several maintenance systems in production
operation. 1 reference system for coordination
Experience with Customers
  • Mostly 1 central maintenance system with the
    corporate-wide data (design view, for example)
  • Views that are relevant locally are created
    locally (plant-dependent settings, for example)
  • Problem with different valuations of stock
  • Central Customizing is not always possible from a
    political or organizational perspective
  • Risk of Customizing split

Performance Aspects
  • Direct sending
  • Remote logon for every IDoc Impairs
  • Problems with selecting and sending (Report
  • If the IDocs to be sent have been restricted
  • If the number of IDocs sent per LUW is too large
  • Cascading of the occupied processes caused by too
    many RFCs(per selected IDoc packet)
  • Problems with inbound processing (Report
  • Parallel posting can overload the work processes
    and disrupt online operation
  • Deadlock danger one free work process is always
    required to assign numbers in the
    application!!!(design problem)

Contents, Master Data
Master data in Logistics - ALE features that
support master data distribution - Reasons and
prerequisites for distributing master data -
Individual master data objects
Material Master
  • Material Master

What is a Material Master?
  • Central source of information for Logistics
  • Organized into several views
  • Design data
  • Production data
  • MRP data
  • Sales data
  • Accounting data
  • ..
  • The most important organizational unit is the
    plant, otherwise the warehouse number, sales
  • Various material types control the most important

Distribution of Material Masters
  • Available since 3.0A
  • Direct sending
  • Sending via change pointers
  • Reduction possible
  • Listing possible
  • Dependencies conditions, purchasing info
    records, source lists, BOMs

ALE Customizing
  • Message types MATMAS (send), MATFET (retrieve)
  • IDoc types MATMAS03
  • Filters in the distribution model,
  • Valuation area, external material group,
    warehouse number, storage location, material,
    material type, division, language key, sales
    organization, distribution channel, material
    group, plant
  • General ALE Customizing
  • Listings (3.0x)
  • Use of material classes
  • Serialization group GRP_MATMAS
  • Material
  • Document
  • Classification

Distribution Restrictions
  • Not distributed/supported
  • Reference material
  • Scheduling of changes
  • Unit of measure group
  • QM inspection setup
  • Manufacture of co-products
  • Average plant stock
  • Revision level (after 4.5A separate IDoc
  • Assignment of configurable material (standard
    product) and variant configuration
  • Export licenses/customs tariff preferences
  • Production versions
  • Document data (separate IDoc DOCMAS04)
  • Sales prices (separate IDoc COND_A1)
  • Classification (separate transfer programs for
    classification, separate IDoc CLFMAS01)
  • MRP area cannot be distributed. (New object for

How are Material Masters Distributed Effectively?
  • Where is information on the individual views of
    the material stored in the company?
  • One central location? At what organizational
  • Different locations for different information?
  • Who is to be authorized to maintain the data?
  • Central maintenance of all material master data?
  • Different locations maintain different views of
    the same material?
  • One location maintains all the views of a
    material (material group-related)?
  • Who requires which material info for their
  • All materials required everywhere?
  • Selective distribution of materials and views
  • Who initially creates a new material master?
    (Material number assignment)
  • Who is to be informed of changes and how?

Customer Master
  • Customer Master

What is a Customer Master?
  • Central source of information for Logistics and
  • Organized into several views at the levels
  • Client
  • Company code
  • Sales area
  • Different account groups control the most
    important attributes

Distribution of Customer Masters
  • Available since 3.0A
  • Direct sending
  • Sending via change pointers
  • Reduction possible
  • Listing possible
  • Dependencies conditions, banks, G/L accounts
    (reconciliation account)

ALE Customizing
  • Message types DEBMAS
  • IDoc types DEBMAS03
  • Filters in the distribution model,
  • Company code, debtor, credit control area,
    division, sales organization, distribution
  • General ALE Customizing
  • Listings (3.0x)
  • Serialization group no specific group predefined

Distribution Restrictions
  • Not distributed/supported
  • Addresses of contacts are not distributed
  • Long texts are not attached to the change

How are Debtors Distributed Effectively?
  • How is the customer handled in the company?
  • Always in the same way or in different ways
    (creditworthiness, assignment to sales areas,...,
  • How are company codes and sales areas
  • How are incoming payments made by the debtor
    processed(centrally or decentrally, same payer,
    dunning, ..).
  • Where is information on the individual views of
    the debtor stored in the company?
  • Central locations or different locations for
    different information

Vendor Master
  • Vendor Master

What is a Vendor Master?
  • Central information source for Logistics and
  • Organized into several views at the levels
  • Client
  • Company code
  • Purchasing organization
  • Different account groups control the most
    important attributes

Distribution of Vendor Masters
  • Available since 3.0A
  • Direct sending
  • Sending via change pointers
  • Reduction possible
  • Listing possible
  • Dependencies conditions, banks, G/L accounts
    (reconciliation accounts etc.).

ALE Customizing
  • Message types CREMAS
  • IDoc types CREMAS02
  • Filters in the distribution model,
  • Company code, purchasing organization, creditor
  • General ALE Customizing
  • Listings (3.0x)
  • Serialization group no specific group delivered

Distribution Restrictions
  • Not distributed/supported
  • Dunning data is only posted to the default
    dunning area with inbound processing of vendor
    master data

How are Creditors Distributed Effectively?
  • How is the vendor handled in the organizations
    within the company (company code, purchasing
  • Always in the same way or in different ways?
  • How is the company code / purchasing organization
    structured in the distributed systems?
  • How are payments to the creditor processed
    (centrally, decentrally, grouped,... )?
  • Where is the information on the individual views
    currently stored?
  • One central location or different locations for
    different information
  • Who is to be authorized to maintain and create
  • Central maintenance of all creditor master data
  • Different locations maintain different views of
    the same creditor (with different company codes,
    purchasing organizations in the distributed
  • One location maintains all views of a creditor, a
    different location maintains other creditors
  • Who needs which creditors for their processes?
  • Are all creditors needed everywhere or is
    selective distribution required?
  • Who is to be informed of changes, how, and when?

Purchasing Info Records
  • Purchasing Info Records

What is a Purchasing Info Record?
  • Information source for purchasing
  • Data on a particular material and material vendor
    (quotation and purchase order data)
  • General data
  • Organizational data (POrg., plant)
  • Texts
  • The data in the info record is also used as
    default data for purchase orders

Types of Info Records
  • Info record with material master (stock material,
    for example)
  • Info record without material master record
    (consumable material, for example)
  • Subcontracting purchasing info record
  • Pipeline info record

Distribution of Purchasing Info Records
  • Available since 3.1G
  • Direct sending
  • Sending via change pointers
  • Reduction possible
  • Dependencies material, vendor, (conditions)

ALE Customizing
  • Message type INFREC
  • Filters in the distribution model
  • Material, plant, vendor, purchasing organization,
  • Dependent message type
  • General ALE Customizing
  • Listings (3.1x)
  • Serialization group (after 4.0A)
  • Material
  • Vendor
  • Purchasing info record

Application Customizing
  • Coordination of the number ranges
  • IMG Materials Management -gt Purchasing -gt
    Purchasing Info Record -gtDefine Number Ranges

Distribution Restrictions
  • Not distributed
  • Customs tariff preference data
  • Order price history
  • The conditions are not changed when the info
    record is posted
  • If the filter objects plant, material, or listing
    are used, the plant field for cross-plant info
    records or the material field for non-stock
    materials must be assigned SPACE.

Source List
  • Source List

What is a Source List?
  • The source list lists the sources of supply that
    are allowed (or not allowed) for a material in a
    plant within a specified period of time.
  • The term source of supply refers to a vendor or
    an outline agreement.
  • Each source of supply is defined by a source list
    record in the source list.
  • Source lists are maintained
  • Manually
  • From an outline agreement
  • From an info record
  • Automatically

Utilization of the Source List
  • Source list records are used to determine the
    effective source of supply.
  • When the source of supply is determined, the
    source of supply to which a purchase requisition
    is to be assigned is specified.
  • Further options
  • Displaying the source list for a material
  • Simulating automatic source determination

Distribution of the Source List
  • Available since 3.1G
  • Direct sending
  • Sending via change pointer
  • No reduction
  • Dependency material, vendor, (contracts)

ALE Customizing
  • Message type SRCLST
  • Filters in the distribution model
  • Material, plant, vendor, purchasing organization,
  • Dependent message type (4.0A)
  • General ALE Customizing
  • Listings (3.1x)
  • Serialization group (as of 4.0A)
  • Material
  • Vendor
  • Source list

Application Customizing
  • Source list requirement (plant-related)
  • IMG Materials Management -gt Purchasing -gt
    Source List -gt Define Source List Requirement
    at Plant Level
  • Source list requirement (material-related)
  • Material master record -gt Purchasing view -gt
    Source list requirement

Distribution Restrictions
  • Not distributed
  • Source list records with reference to a
    scheduling agreement
  • If the filter objects vendor or purchasing
    organization are used, the vendor field must be
    assigned SPACE for cross-vendor source list
    records and the purchasing organization field for
    cross-purchasing-organization records.

  • Conditions

Introduction What is Implemented?
  • Outbound processing
  • Automatic selection and distribution on the basis
    of change documents from price and condition
  • Manual selection and distribution without change
  • IDoc modification option via customer functions

Introduction What is Implemented?
  • Inbound processing
  • Transfer of IDocs to the master conditions Axxx,
    Konh, Konp, Konm/Konw
  • Also for purchasing info records
  • Also for document-related conditions (contracts)
  • Also for purchasing bonuses (agreements)
  • Not for other agreements (KONA reference)
  • Not for free goods
  • Option of modifying IDocs by means of customer

IDoc and Condition Technique Conditions in R/3
  • Overview
  • Example the usage A Pricing the
    application V Sales and distribution

10 PR00 Price 0 20 PR02 Price rise
0 30 PB00 Gross price 0
X 40 Gross 0 50 K004 Material
0 60 RA01 disc. from gross 40 ...
10 005 Customer/material 0 x 20 006 Price
list/mat 0 x 30 006 Price list/mat 3 x 40 004 Mate
rial 0 x 50 029 Material group 0 x ...
... PR00 - Price PR01 - Price incl. VAT RA01 -
disc. from gross RB00 - Absolute discount SKTO -
Cash discount ...
Condition type
Calculation scheme
Access sequence
Application x Condition type x Variable key
x Date until x Link (knumh)
Condition records
Condition tables
IDoc and Condition Technique IDoc Structure
  • E1KOMG For filter functions (1required)
  • E1KONH Condition header (nrequired)
  • E1KONP Condition position (mrequired)
  • E1KONM Quantity scale (ioptional)
  • E1KONW Value scale (joptional)
  • E1KONH
  • E1KONP Condition position (mrequired)
  • And so on.

IDoc and Condition Technique Concepts
  • Concepts
  • IDoc type COND_A01Determines the hierarchical
    structure of the IDoc for exchanging
  • IDocs and their segments are assigned to the IDoc
  • Message type COND_A is assigned to the IDoc type
    Reduction message types are possible on the
    customer side
  • Reduction capability individual fields of the
    IDoc segments can be transferred in a reduced
    form, in other words without dataEntire IDoc
    segments can be excluded from the transfer

IDoc and Condition Technique Implementation of
Outbound Processing
  • Manual selection and distribution
  • For each condition type by displaying condition
    records (condition info) with the following
    selection options
  • Valid on date or validity period
  • Selection checkbox with single, block, and
    complete selection options
  • Display name of the condition table
  • Selection (reduction) message type and possible
    target system
  • Transfer of the selected data to send module
  • In the ALE layer select, filter, transfer

IDoc and Condition Technique Outbound Processing
IDoc and Condition Technique Outbound Processing
IDoc and Condition Technique Outbound Processing
  • Automatic selection and distribution
  • Processing of the change documents COND_A from
    condition and price maintenance using the
    function module MASTERIDOC_CREATE_SMD_COND_A
  • Called via report RBDMIDOC with the message type
    COND_A as a parameter
  • Checks whether a system is interested in the data
  • Structures and sends the IDoc with the function
  • At the ALE layer Select, filter, transfer

IDoc and Condition Technique Special Features
Outbound Processing
  • Filter and distribution function
  • VAKEY in the E1KOMG segment
  • E1KOMG contains (almost) all of the fields that
    can be used as key fields in condition tables
  • E1KOMG extended to include important fields from
    the condition header(usage, application, table
    number, condition type, retail promotion number,
  • E1KOMG extended to include fields for conditions
    with a reference (for contract, info record, for
    example) (purchasing document category, type,
    purchasing group,..).
  • Call customer function for data enhancement
  • Customer-specific segment at E1KOMG level is
    possible for providing further filter and
    distribution functionality

IDoc and Condition Technique Special Features
Outbound Processing
  • Error handling
  • What the standard transaction BALE has to offer
  • Generated documents with their processing status
  • IDoc segments with the data to be sent
  • Manual sending success or failure messages
  • Automatic sending
  • Only formally consistent conditions are
    transferred the change pointer is set to
  • The status of the change pointer only remains
    unchanged with system-specific errors

IDoc and Condition Technique Special Features
Outbound Processing
  • Validity periods
  • Manual sending
  • The individual conditions selected are sent
    together with their validity range
  • Automatic sending
  • For each condition record number, all the
    validity periods are determined for which the
    to_date gt todays date. These validity periods
    are sent.(Consistency between source and target

IDoc and Condition Technique Special Features
Inbound Processing
  • Determined by RV_CONDITION_COPY
  • The condition records are always recreated in the
    target system, in other words, a new condition
    record number is always assigned.
  • Time gaps that exist in the source system because
    of condition changes will not always occur in the
    target system.
  • Periods that are linked via the condition record
    number are lost
  • Maintenance for the conditions cannot be split
    prices in the source system and scales in the
    target system, for example
  • When sending using change documents, all affected
    validity periods gt todays date are sent for
    each condition record number (consistency).

Customizing Prerequisites
  • The Customizing data of the condition technique
    is not transferred
  • Customizing must be identical in the source and
    target systems
  • Certain conversions, however, are possible, for
  • Renaming the condition type
  • Renaming the condition table
  • The following are not possible
  • Conversion of a percentage type to an amount
    condition type
  • Conversion of a value scale to a quantity scale

Customizing Prerequisites
  • The master data must be available and identical
    in both the source and target system.
  • ISO standardization
  • Countries, quantity units, currencies, and
    associated amounts are transferred to ISO
    standards. If there is no ISO code for the
    SAP_Code, the SAP_Code is transferred (outbound)
  • If an ambiguous ISO-SAP conversion is not
    possible in inbound processing, an error message
    is output

Modification / Customer Enhancements Other
  • Reduction of segments
  • The segments for the value or quantity scales can
    be excluded from the transfer (E1KONM, E1KONW)
  • No scales are created in the target system as a
    result. Because of the new structures created,
    existing scales may no longer be valid.
  • Reduction to field level
  • Field contents can be assigned a reduce
    character (for example / ).
  • Unlike in other master data transfers, the values
    of the corresponding fields do not remain in the
    target system and are initialized instead.

Serialization IDoc Logical Unit
  • A logical unit for conditions consists of
  • Application condition type condition table
  • All data that is to be transferred and that
    belongs to a logical unit is combined in an IDoc
    and sent (in other words, specifically all time
  • This unit is also the basis for serialization in
    inbound processing
  • For inbound processing, only more recent data can
    be processed for a logical unit.

  • BOMs

Distribution of BOMs
  • Available since 3.1G
  • Direct sending
  • Sending via change pointer
  • No reduction provided
  • Dependency material, documents, classes

ALE Customizing
  • Message type BOMMAT
  • Filters in the distribution model
  • BOM usage, BOM status, plant
  • General ALE Customizing
  • No classification for BOMs -gt no ALE listing
  • No serialization group in the standard system

Distribution Restrictions
  • The distribution of BOMs does not include
  • Long texts for header, alternative, item
  • Sub-items
  • Global object dependencies. This must be
    available in the target system.
  • The history of the BOM. The status of the BOM is
    distributed according to the key days.
  • The item objects of the BOM, for example,
    materials, documents, classes. These must be
    distributed separately before the BOM.
  • The change number (if specified). This must be
    available in the target system (message ECMMAS01
    as of 4.0).
  • Batch classification of the BOM items
  • Multiple and variant BOMs

Customer Enhancements - BOMs
  • Outbound processing not planned
  • Inbound processing not planned

Further Master Data Objects
  • Details of further objects can then be taken from
    the Interface Advisor.
  • Listing of further objects
  • Article master ARTMAS / ARTMAS02
  • Additionals MMADDI / MMADDI01
  • Listing conditions LIKOND / LIKOND01
  • Price list PRICAT / PRICAT01
  • Product catalog PRDCAT / BPRDCAT01, PRDPOS /
  • Document DOCMAS / DOCMAS04
  • Change master ECMMAS / ECMMAS01
  • Project structure plan PROJECT / PROJECT01
  • Document BOM DOC / BOMDOC01
  • Characteristic, class CHRMAS / CHRMAS02, CLSMAS /
  • Classification CLFMAS / CLFMAS01

The ALE business process concept Distribution of
master data in Logistics SD-MM link Distribution
of information systems Distributed purchase
contracts Overview of further business
Contents, SD-MM Link
SD-MM link - Stock transfer between distributed
systems - Separate Sales and Shipping
Scenario - Assigned standard purchase order -
External procurement - Use of MM-SD scheduling
agreements - VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory)
Scenario Stock Transfer Between Distributed
System of the ordering plant
System of the supplying plant
Requirement, planned order, purchase requisition
Purchase order
Sales order
Purchase order change
Order change
Confirm sales order
Shipping notification
Incoming invoice
Billing document
Goods receipt
Goods issue
Physical stock transfer
Process Description
  • This scenario is based on purchase orders that
    are created in the system of the ordering plant.
    The purchase orders are sent to the system of the
    supplying plant via the logical message type
    ORDERS. Here, a sales order is created in the
    inbound processing of the IDoc. The sold-to party
    is determined in outbound processing from the
    vendor master. (correspondence view, account
    with vendor field). The sales area can be
    specified in the IDoc or determined via the EDSDC
    table. (SP VD -gt Sales area) The order type can
    be set in a CUSTOMER EXIT. If nothing is
    specified in the IDoc, the default TA is used.
  • The sales order generated in the delivery system
    sends an order confirmation via the logical
    message type ORDRSP. This is stored as an order
    confirmation in the purchase order system.
  • If a shipping notification is sent via the
    logical message type DESADV when the sales order
    is delivered, a notification for the purchase
    order can be generated in the ordering system.
  • The billing for the sales order is sent via the
    logical message type INVOIC. The inbound
    processing in the ordering system generates an
    incoming invoice for the purchase order.
  • The scenario does not have an interface for
    mapping the goods movement.

ALE Customizing
  • Maintain distribution model
  • Message types
  • ORDERS - Purchase order
  • ORDRSP - Order confirmation
  • ORDCHG - Purchase order change
  • DESADV - Shipping notification
  • INVOIC - Billing (incoming invoice)
  • Maintain or generate partner profiles
  • Set error handling using the following standard
  • ORDCHG_Error - 8046, ORDERS_Error - 8115,
    ORDRSP_Error - 8075, DESADV_Error - 8178,
    INVOIC_MM_Er - 8057
  • Maintain conversion for text IDs
  • Define EDI settings for inbound processing of the
    sales order
  • Settings IMG-gtSales and Distribution-gtElectronic
    Data Interchange-gtEDI Messages
  • Perform consistency checks Check technical
    consistency / RBDMMSD1 - Check application
    consistency /

  • Check control data consistency

Application Customizing
  • Set message control for the following message
  • Local sales
  • NEW - Outbound purchase order and purchase order
  • Central shipping
  • BA00- Outbound order confirmation
  • LAVA - Outbound shipping notification
  • RD00 - Outbound billing
  • Confirmation control in local sales
  • A confirmation control key must be set up with
    order confirmations and shipping notification.
  • EDI settings for inbound processing of the
    incoming invoice in local sales
  • Settings can be reached via IMG-gtMaterials
    Management-gtInvoice Verification-gtEDI

Master Data
  • In the order system
  • - Vendor master
  • - Purchasing info record (alternatively -
    customer/material/info record)
  • - Message condition records
  • In the shipping system
  • - Customer master
  • - Customer/material/info record
    (alternatively - purchasing info record)
  • - Message condition records

USER EXITS in Outbound Processing
  • ORDCHG - Purchase order change MM06E001
  • ORDERS - Purchase order
  • ORDRSP - Order confirmation
  • INVOIC - Billing
  • FORM routines
  • DESADV - Shipping notification

USER EXITS in Inbound Processing
  • ORDERS -Sales order
  • ORDCHG - Sales order change VEDB0001
  • ORDRSP - Order confirmation MM06E001
  • INVOIC - Incoming invoice
  • DESADV - Shipping notification
    MM06E001, LMELA010
  • FORM routines
  • ORDERS - Sales order
    LVEDAF0U (for reasons of compatibility)
  • ORDCHG - Sales order change LVEDBF0U
    (for reasons of compatibility)

Example of Using a CUSTOMER FUNCTION in Inbound
  • Determination of an order type for the orders
    resulting from ALE communication
  • Enhancement VEDA0001, EXIT number 006, function
    module EXIT_SAPLVEDA_006
  • Call in the function module IDoc_INPUT_ORDERS

Contents, SD-MM Link
SD-MM link - Stock transfer between distributed
systems - Separate Sales and Shipping
Scenario - Assigned standard purchase order -
External procurement - Usage of MM-SD scheduling
agreements - VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory)
Scenario Decentral Sales, Central Shipping,
Assigned standard purchase order
Process Description
  • This scenario is based on a sales order.
    Customizing at the schedule line level is defined
    to generate a PReq when data is saved. The update
    triggers an event that starts to convert the PReq
    into a purchase order (event ALECREATED for
    BUS2032). This purchase order is exported to
    central shipping (logical message type ORDERS).
    The item category ALEN that is used for this
    purpose has the flag ALE relevant which causes
    a further status to be managed. This status shows
    whether an order confirmation has already been
    returned. Inbound processing of the order
    confirmation (logical message type ORDRSP) sets
    this status in the sales order. In central
    shipping, an ATP check can be performed in the
    sales order. The result appears as a confirmation
    in local sales.
  • Changes to the sales order of local sales are
    processed further via the event ALECHANGED for
    BUS2032. In other words, the change is forwarded
    to the purchase order and a change message is
    sent (logical message type ORDCHG).
  • The order confirmation is stored with the
    purchase order.
  • The shipping notification generated during
    delivery in central shipping can also be sent and
    is stored in local sales as a notification for
    the purchase order.
  • Billing of the sales order in central shipping
    generates a message (logical message type INVOIC)
    that is stored in local shipping as an incoming
    invoice for the purchase order.
  • The goods movement is not mapped as an interface.
    After goods are physically transported, a GR is
    performed for the purchase order.

External Procurement, Without ALE Scenario
Third-party vendor
Sales order
Purchase order
Third-party purchase order
Sales order
Delivery to customer
Goods issue
Automatization of External Procurement for ALE
Third-party vendor
Sales order
Purchase order
WF event TRFC
ALE / IDoc
Third-partypurchase order
Sales order
Scenario Local Sales, Central Shipping,
External Procurement
EDI message
Decentral sales
Central shipping
Sales order
Create /change
Third-partypurchase order
Sales order
Status, Confirmation
Order change
Purchase order change
Confirm sales order
Shipping notification
Delivery to customer
Incoming invoice
Billing of internal allocation
St-GR, FI doc.
Goods issue
Billing, sales order
Process Description
  • This scenario is based on a sales order.
    Customizing at the schedule line level is defined
    to generate a third-party PReq. The update
    triggers the event ALECREATED for BUS2032. This
    generates a purchase order from the PReq via the
    function module PUR_ORDER_CREATE_VIA_SD_EVENT.
    The purchase order is sent to the system of the
    delivering plant via message type ORDERS. In SD,
    the item categories (in the standard ALE system)
    are assigned the flag ALE relevant. This means
    that an additional status is managed in the sales
    order (order confirmation status). If the order
    is created, the status is unconfirmed. It is set
    to confirmed by processing the order confirmation
    (ORDRSP). (In other words when the confirmation
    returns from the vendor system).
  • The ship-to party is forwarded from the sales
    order to the third-party purchase order and then
    to the sales order in the vendor system via the
    ORDERS message. The goods from the vendor system
    are shipped directly to the ship-to party.
    Changes to the sales order are forwarded to the
    purchase order via the event ALECHANGED for
    BUS2032 and sent to the vendor system via the
    message control of the purchase order (message
    type ORDCHG).
  • A shipping notification can be generated on the
    basis of logical message type DESADV. Inbound
    processing of the shipping notification generates
    a static goods receipt for the purchase order. In
    other words, the purchase order history is
    updated and an FI document is generated (stock
    changes/GR//IR). This goods receipt is the
    condition for billing the original order for the
    end customer. Without a static goods receipt,
    billing cannot be carried out until an incoming
    invoice is posted for the purchase order. Whether
    goods receipt or invoice receipt is the basis for
    billing is determined in the SD copy control for
    order-related billing.
  • Billing for the sales orders in the vendor system
    can be sent via the logical message type INVOIC.
    An incoming invoice is created in the order

ALE Customizing
  • Maintaining the distribution model
  • Message types
  • ORDERS - Purchase order
  • ORDRSP - Order confirmation
  • ORDCHG - Purchase order change
  • DESADV - Shipping notification
  • INVOIC - Billing document (incoming invoice)
  • Maintain or generate partner profiles
  • Set error handling using the following standard
  • ORDCHG_Error - 8046, ORDERS_Error - 8115,
    ORDRSP_Error - 8075, DESADV_Error - 8178,
    INVOIC_MM_Er - 8057
  • SD_PO_Err - 8097(Error generating purchase
    requisition from PReq for sales order),
    SD_PO_ChgErr - 8114 (Change purchase requisition)
  • Maintain conversion for text IDs
  • Define EDI settings for inbound processing of the
    sales order
  • Settings IMG-gtSales and Distribution-gtElectronic
    Data Interchange-gtEDI Messages
  • Perform consistency checks Check technical
    consistency / RBSDMM1 - Check application
    consistency /

  • Check control data consistency

Application Customizing (1)
  • Set message control for the following message
  • Local sales
  • NEW - Outbound purchase order and purchase order
  • Central shipping
  • BA00- Outbound order confirmation
  • LALE - Outbound shipping notification
  • RD00 - Outbound billing document
  • Confirmation control in local sales
  • A confirmation control key must be set up with
    order confirmations and shipping notification.
  • EDI settings for inbound processing of the
    incoming invoice in local sales
  • Settings can be called up via IMG-gtMaterials
    Management-gtInvoice Verification-gtEDI

Application Customizing (2)
  • Further settings in local sales
  • Set item categories ALEN and ALES (third-party)
    in SD to ALE relevant (shipment)
  • Order type, item category, account assignment
    category, for schedule line category CS
  • Maintain EKORG, EKGRP, creditor, order type,
    plant, storage location, movement type in the
    purchasing organization.

Master Data
  • In local sales
  • - Vendor master (represents central shipping)
  • - Purchasing info record (alternatively -
    customer/material/info record)
  • - Message condition records
  • In central shipping
  • - Customer master (represents local sales)
  • - Customer/material/info record
    (alternatively - purchasing info records)
  • - Message condition records

USER EXITS in Outbound Processing
  • ORDCHG - Purchase order change MM06E001
  • ORDERS - Purchase order MM06E001
  • ORDRSP - Order confirmation SDEDI001
  • INVOIC - Billing document
  • Order creation (several vendors allowed per
    material) SDALE001
  • FORM routines
  • DESADV - Shipping notification

USER EXITS in Inbound Processing
  • ORDERS -Sales order
  • ORDCHG - Sales order change VEDB0001
  • ORDRSP - Order confirmation MM06E001
  • INVOIC - Incoming invoice
  • DESADV - Shipping notification MM06E001,
  • FORM routines
  • ORDERS - Sales order
    LVEDAF0U (for reasons of compatability)
  • ORDCHG - Sales order change LVEDBF0U
    (for reasons of compatability)

Weaknesses of the Stock Transfers and Separate
Sales and Shipping Scenarios
  • 1. Valuation problems arise if a moving average
    price is used for internal stock postings in the
    issuing plant (stock transfer scenario)
  • 2. The ATP check option in the supplying plant is
    lost during distribution (stock transfer
    scenario, the stock transfer purchase order in
    the integrated system can check availability).
  • 3. No synchronous ATP check in the sales order
    (separate sales and shipping)
  • 4. No stock in transit is managed.
  • 5. Zero quantity cannot be processed as a
    confirmation quantity in the purchase order
  • 6. Deletion of deliveries is not updated in the
    purchase order.
  • 7. Deletion/canceling of sales items is not
  • 8. Deletion/changing of purchase order items
    without checking the processing status of the
    order in the other system.

Contents, SD-MM Link
SD-MM link - Stock transfer between distributed
systems - Separate Sales and Shipping
Scenario - Assigned standard purchase order -
External procurement - Usage of MM-SD scheduling
agreements - VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory)
Alternative Processing of Stock Transfers Via
Scheduling Agreements
MM scheduling agreement
SD scheduling agreement
Forecast delivery schedule
Shipping notification
Inventory posting
Incoming invoice
Billing document
1 , 2
Credit memo display
Accounting document
Payment run
Payment notification
Payment notification
Clearing account
Clearing account
Contents, SD-MM Link
SD-MM link - Stock transfer between distributed
systems - Separate Sales and Shipping
Scenario - Assigned standard purchase order -
External procurement - Usage of MM-SD scheduling
agreements - VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory)
Application Example VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory)
Customer system
Vendor system
Update statistics, send sales data
Import sales figures
Generate purchase order
Check purchase order Release purchase order
Processing of these tasks, including error
handling, viaWorkflow
Confirm generated purchase order Sending
purchase order change messages to the vendor
Process ORDCHG
Process Description
  • The customer provides his or her vendor with
    sales figures and stock information to enable the
    vendor to perform MRP.
  • In the receiving system, a purchase order is
    generated for one of the purchase order
    confirmations received via EDI. The customer can
    use this function to receive information on sales
    orders from the vendors, which the vendor has
    created for the customer as part of replenishment
    planning. In the customer system, a purchase
    order is then generated, which represents the
    opposite of the vendor sales order.
  • A purchase order confirmation is generated. The
    number of the sales order is entered as a
    reference number in the purchase order. A
    purchase order change message is then sent to the
    vendor, which informs the vendor system of the
    purchase order number from the customer system.

The ALE business process concept Distribution of
master data in Logistics SD-MM link Distribution
of the Logistics Info Systems Distributed
purchase contracts Overview of further business
Data Warehouse Concepts
Analysis tools
Summarized information
Integrated application modules
Logistics Data Warehouse
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