Title: Shoreline Management in Port Townsend, Wash.
1Shoreline Management in Port Townsend, Wash.
- SMA 509
- May 11, 2006
- Prof. Bob Goodwin
2Port Townsend - Historical and Geographic Context
- Founded 1851 (six months before Seattle)
- Located at entrance to Puget Sound
- Advantage in sailing vessel era
- Downtown developed in speculation of P.T.
becoming railhead for P.S. - Ships Captains lived on bluff top in elegant
Victorian mansions - Drunken sailors and prostitutes lived (and,
presumably, loved) along shoreline - Eclipsed by age of steam - RR came to Tacoma
- Downtown never fully occupied, esp. 2nd floors
3(No Transcript)
4(No Transcript)
5 6Urban Waterfront Sub-Districts (South - North)
- Urban Wetland District
- Boat Haven Marina District
- Regional Service Commercial District
- Bluff Narrows Commercial District
- Ferry Retail District
- Historic Commercial District
- Civic District
- Point Hudson Marina District
7History of Shoreline Management in Port Townsend
- 1974 Shoreline Master Program
- Joint Jefferson County/City of Port Townsend
- Served rural county interests
- Failed to address urban issues
- 1990 - Port Townsend Urban Waterfront Plan
- Guided development through 8 sub-districts
- Point Hudson to S. of Port of P.Ts Boathaven
- 1993 - SMP separated into County and City
documents - 2001 - Shoreline master Program Update Initiated
8Pt. Townsend SMP Update Timeline
- Phase I (2001-02)
- Shoreline Inventory
- Product Shoreline Inventory Summary Report
- Phase II (2002-03)
- Shoreline Advisory Group (SAG)
- Products
- General shoreline goals
- Provisional shoreline environmental designations
9Shoreline Advisory Group Membership
- Andy Gale - Recreation-Public Access/Waterfront
Business - David King - Boat Haven Marine Trades
- Dave Robison - Recreation/Public Access
- Gary Kennedy - Homeowners
- Heida Diefenderfer - Natural Resources
- Hugo Flores - Department of Natural Resources
(DNR) - Joel Colby - Washington State Ferries (WSF)
- Kate Burke - Washington State Parks
- Kevin Harris - Historic/Waterfront Business
- Larry Crockett - Port of Port Townsend
- Steve Chapin - Point Hudson Marine Trades
- AlternatesAnne Murphy Natural ResourcesKen
Radon - Port of Port Townsend - Ex-OfficioCindy Thayer - Planning
CommissionMichelle Sandoval - CouncilRandi
Thurston - Washington Department of Fish
WildlifeTed Labbe - Tribes (Port Gamble -
10SMP Update Timeline cont
- Phase III (2003-05)
- SAG Continues
- SMP Goals and Policies
- Sub-committees focus on key issue areas
- Point Hudson, Boat Haven, Restoration Plan.
- June 2, 2004 - City held Open House
- February 2004 - Point Hudson consultant hired
- April 14 2004 - Port/City Workshop on Point
Hudson - July 28, 2005 - SAG presents Draft SMP to
Planning Commission - October 13, 2005 - Planning Commission Approval
11SMP Update Timeline cont
- October - December, 2005 - City Council Review of
SMP - December 20 - City Council Approval of SMP
- Forwarded to WA Dept. of Ecology for state review
12Key Issues/Areas
- Point Hudson
- Point Hudson East
- Maritime Heritage Corridor
- Marina Sub-district
- Boat Haven Marina
- Urban Designation
- Residential development
- Ferry terminal
13Issues, cont
- Environmental Protection
- Environment designations
- General environmental regulations
- Marine bluff protection
- Specific use and modification standards
- Restoration
- Public Access
14Shoreline master Program Organization
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Scope, Jurisdiction, and Exemptions
- 3. Inventory of Port Townsend Shoreline
- 4. Master Program Elements Goals Policies for
the Port Townsend Shoreline Master Program - 5. Shoreline Environments
- 6. Environmental Protection
- 7. Shoreline Public Access
- 8. Specific Use Policies Performance Standards
- 9. Specific Modification Policies Performance
Standards - 10. Administration Permit Procedures
- 11. Nonconforming Development (Nonconforming
Uses, Structures Lots) - 12. Enforcement and Penalties
- 13. Master Program Review, Amendments and
Adoption - 14. Shoreline Restoration
- 15. Definitions
151. Introduction
- 1.1 Requirements Of The Shoreline Management Act
- 1.2 Port Townsend Role In Implementing The
Shoreline Management Act - 1.3 Purposes Of The Shoreline Master Program
- 1.4 Legislative Findings
- 1.5 The Port Townsend Shoreline Master Program
- 1.6 How The Shoreline Master Program Is Used
162. Scope, Jurisdiction, and Exemptions
- 2.1 Rule of Liberal Construction
- 2.2 Applicability
- 2.3 Port Townsend Shoreline Jurisdiction
- 2.4 Uses Not Constituting Development and
Exemptions from Substantial Development Permit
Requirements - 2.5 Relationship to Other Plans and Regulations
173. Inventory of Port Townsend Shoreline
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Study Area
- 3.3 Northern Shoreline
- 3.4 Eastern Shoreline
- 3.5 Southern Shoreline
- 3.6 Lake Shorelines
184. Master Program Elements Goals Policies for
the Port Townsend Shoreline Master Program
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Shoreline Use Element
- 4.3 Economic Development Element
- 4.4 Circulation Element
- 4.5 Public Access Element
- 4.6 Recreational Element
- 4.7 Conservation Element
- 4.8 Restoration Element
- 4.9 Historic, Cultural, Scientific and
Educational Element
195. Shoreline Environments
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Authority
- 5.3 Shoreline Environment Designations
- 5.4 Official Shoreline Environments Designation
Map - 5.5 Shorelines of Statewide Significance
- 5.6 Aquatic
- 5.7 Natural
- 5.8 Conservancy
- 5.9 Shoreline Residential
- 5.10 Urban
- 5.11 Historic Waterfront
- 5.12 Boat Haven Marine Trades
- 5.13 Point Hudson
206. Environmental Protection
- 6.1 Introduction
- 6.2 Organization
- 6.3 Impacts, Mitigation, Bonding and Monitoring
- 6.4 Environmental Elements
- 6.5 Critical Areas - General
- 6.6 Critical Saltwater Habitats
- 6.7 Frequently Flooded Areas and Tsunami
Inundation Areas - 6.8 Critical Geologically Hazardous Areas
- 6.9 Wetlands
217. Shoreline Public Access
- 7.1 Introduction
- 7.2 Background
- 7.3 Public Access Policies
- 7.4 Public Access Development Regulations
228. Specific Use Policies Performance Standards
- 8.1 Introduction
- 8.2 Advertising and Signs
- 8.3 Agriculture
- 8.4 Aquaculture
- 8.5 Boat Launches
- 8.6 Commercial Development
- 8.7 Industrial and Port Facilities
- 8.8 Marinas
- 8.9 Mining
- 8.10 Mooring Buoys
- 8.11 Parking Facilities
- 8.12 Recreational Facilities
- 8.13 Residential Development
- 8.14 Scientific, Cultural and Education
Facilities - 8.15 Transportation Facilities
- 8.16 Utilities
239. Specific Modification Policies Performance
- 9.1 Introduction -- Applicability
- 9.2 General Policies and Regulations
- 9.3 Alteration of Natural Landscape Clearing,
Grading and Vegetation Removal - 9.4 Docks, Piers and Floats
- 9.5 Dredging and Dredge Spoil Disposal
- 9.6 Landfills
- 9.7 Shoreline Stabilization Measures and Flood
Protection Works
2410. Administration Permit Procedures
- 10.1 Introduction
- 10.2 Procedures for Processing Shoreline Permits
- 10.3 Shoreline Exemptions
- 10.4 Minor Shoreline Substantial Development
Permits (Type II) - 10.5 Shoreline Substantial Development Permits
(Type III) - 10.6 Conditional Use Permits
- 10.7 Variances
- 10.8 Table of Permits and Procedures
- 10.9 Permit Application Forms and Contents
- 10.10 Public Notice
- 10.11 Multiple Permits
- 10.12 SEPA review
- 10.13 Decisionmaker Approval Criteria
- 10.14 Administrative Authority and Responsibility
- 10.15 Appeals
- 10.16 Application Fees
- 10.17 Duration of Permits
- 10.18 Permit Revisions
2511. Nonconforming Development (Nonconforming
Uses, Structures Lots)
- 11.1 Nonconforming Development
- 11.2 Nonconforming Uses
- 11.3 Nonconforming Structures
- 11.4 Nonconforming Lots
2612. Enforcement and Penalties
- 12.1 Enforcement
- 12.2 Penalties
- 12.3 Violations Subsequent Development and
Building Permits. - 12.4 Public and Private Redress
- 12.5 Delinquent Permit Penalty
- 12.6 Permit fee
2713. Master Program Review, Amendments and
- 13.1 Master Program Review
- 13.2 Amendments to Master Program
- 13.3 Severability
- 13.4 Effective Date
2814. Shoreline Restoration
- 14.1 Restoration Introduction
- 14.2 Restoration Planning Requirements
- 14.3 What is Restoration?
- 14.4 Restoration Approach
- 14.5 Restoration Vision Statement
- 14.6 Restoration Goals, Priorities and Objectives
- 14.7 Restoration Opportunities
- 14.8 Existing and Ongoing Programs
- 14.9 Strategies
- 14.10 Project Evaluation
- 14.11 Monitoring and Adaptive Management
- 14.12 Uncertainty
- 14.13 Potential Funding Sources
- 14.14 Restoration Glossary
- 14.15 Resource Links and References
2915. Definitions
- 15.1 General Information
- 15.2 Definitions A to B
- 15.3 Definitions C to F
- 15.4 Definitions G to O
- 15.5 Definitions P to R
- 15.6 Definitions S to T
- 15.7 Definitions U to Z