Title: CMPUT%20651:%20Front%20to%20Front%20Perimeter%20Search%20
1CMPUT 651Front to Front Perimeter Search
Pattern Databases
- Introduction to FFPS
- Problems
- Improving FFPS itself
- Perimeters and PDBs
- Results
- Conclusion
3Front-to-Front Perimeter Search (FFPS)
- Build a perimeter around goal
- Find shortest path a perimeter state
- Use a heuristic to find a perimeter state
- Heuristic can be a pattern database (PDB)
4Problems with FFPS
- Taking the MIN of estimates
- Checking for P Perimeter States
- Each node expansion requires P estimates
- Perimeter states and PDBs requires memory
5Problems with FFPS
- Taking the MIN of estimates
- Checking for P Perimeter States
- Each node expansion requires P estimates
- Perimeter states and PDBs requires memory
6Improving FFPSReducing Perimeter Checks
- given a perimeter state, p,
- if h(p) 0
- then state, s, needs to be checked only when
- h(s) 0.
- In the 9-puzzle (2x5), reduced number of goal
comparisons by 92.5
7Problems with FFPS
- Taking the MIN of estimates
- Checking for P Perimeter States
- Each node expansion requires P estimates
- Perimeter states and PDBs requires memory
8Improving FFPSReducing Heuristic Evaluations
- Fraction of Node expansion time required to
evaluate heuristic determines speedup. - Dillenburg 93
fraction Optimal Radius Speedup
0.01 6 4.6
0.02 5 3.3
0.05 4 2.2
0.1 3 1.6
0.2 2 1.2
0.3 1 1.1
9Improving FFPSReducing Heuristic Evaluations
- If heuristic is monotonically non-decreasing.
- Estimate distance to all perimeter states
- Decrease estimate by edge cost
- Re-compute only the minimum estimates
10Improving FFPSReducing Heuristic Evaluations
Radius Total PDB Lookups Reduced PDB Lookups
1 9,910 427 95.7
2 743,432 46,175 93.8
3 1,556,360 129,770 91.7
4 2,615,490 256,375 90.2
5 3,644,070 405,560 88.9
6 1,529,750 168,845 88.9
11Problems with FFPS
- Taking the MIN of estimates
- Checking for P Perimeter States
- Each node expansion requires P estimates
- Perimeter states and PDBs requires memory
12Memory for Perimeter or PDB?
- Distance to each P estimated by a PDB
- Fixing number of states in memory,
- How many Perimeter states?
- How many PDB entries?
- P P PDB c
- Must remember that PDB determined by level of
13Initial (Poor) Results
14Initial (Poor) Results
15Mixing Levels of Abstraction
- c P P PDB
- What if P gt PDB?
- Each Perimeters PDB doesnt have to be the same
- c P ?(Pi PDBi) , Pi ? P , PDBi ? PDB
Abstraction PDBi
P0 011234567 180k
P1 011223456 90k
P2 011123456 60k
P2 011122345 30k
16Mixing Levels of Abstraction
Averages Same Level of Abstraction (PDB 90k) Different Levels of Abstraction (avg PDB 90k)
Abstraction0 Look-ups 170 21
Abstraction1 Look-ups 144 156
Abstraction2 Look-ups 109 239
Abstraction3 Look-ups 133 250
Nodes Expanded 56.2 64.5
- 8-puzzle with 8 perimeter nodes and 360K states
in memory
17Combining Perimeter PDBs
- If each PDB uses same abstraction, then will
look up the same key in each PDB. - h(s) min PDB1 F(s) PDBN F(s)
- Create one PDB with the same keys, and save only
the MIN from each perimeter PDB. - h(s) PDBcF(s)
- Reduce memory from
- P P PDB to P PDB
18Combining Perimeter PDBs
19Combining Perimeter PDBs
2010-pancake results
Radius Nodes Expanded Elapsed Time (s)
0 69565 12.664
1 53675 9.936
2 37751 6.994
3 24152 4.476
4 12822 2.485
5 5290 1.051
- FFPS performance affected by
- Number of goal comparisons
- Number of heuristic evaluations (PDB lookups)
- FFPS Perimeter vs PDB
- Without combining PDBs, radius should be kept
small. - Combining PDBs, memory should be allocated for
radius (up to a certain point?)