Information Systems in Health Care

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Information Systems in Health Care


Supported functions include online order entry, pharmacist review, medication ... Computer-Based Patient Record (CPR) ... development, and implementation of CPR ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Information Systems in Health Care

Information Systems in Health Care
  • Yung-Fu Chen, Ph.D.
  • Department of Health Services Management, China
    Medical University

Learning Objectives
  • Distinguish between the concepts of data,
    information, and knowledge and give examples of
  • Describe the evolution of IS in health-care
  • Discuss how the management of IS in health-care
    facilities has changed over time and how this has
    affected the development of IT in health-care
  • Distinguish between in-house developed, shared,
    turnkey, and stand-alone IS
  • Provide examples of clinical and administrative
  • Discuss the elements of a HIS
  • Discuss current trends in health-care IS

Key Terms
  • Administrative and managerial information
  • Computer-based patient record (CPR)
  • Data
  • Hospital information system (HIS)
  • Information
  • In-house systems
  • Knowledge
  • Laboratory information systems (LIS)
  • Nursing information systems (NIS)
  • Patient monitoring systems
  • Pharmacy information systems
  • Shared systems
  • Stand-alone systems
  • Turnkey systems

  • Information Systems in Health Care
  • History of IS in Health Care
  • Current Applications and Trends in Health Care
  • Current Trends in Health Information Systems

History of IS in Health Care
  • Studied from different standpoints
  • Technology
  • System design approaches
  • Management approaches
  • Data-information-knowledge model
  • Focus on data-information-knowledge model and
    contrast it to other three standpoints

History of IS in Health CareDistinctions between
data, information, and knowledge
  • Data are facts, images, or sounds that may or may
    not be useful to a particular task
  • Non-interpreted items
  • A data system only produces facts, images, or
    sounds without any contextual basis
  • Information consists of data or sets of data
    whose content or form is useful to a particulat
  • Information systems maintain a long-term database
    use applications built on storage, retrieval, and
    communication concepts
  • Data need to be formatted. Filtered, and/or
    manipulated in order to be converted to
  • Data can be converted to information in a number
    of ways summarized, highlighted, and formatted
    or presented
  • Knowledge is a combination of rules,
    relationships, ideas, and experience
  • Knowledge systems are usually composed of an
    expert knowledge base, algorithms, or some type
    of rule-based or decision analysis adjunct.
  • Diagnostic decision support systems (DDSS), which
    provide collegial assistance in making decisions
    to the user, are good examples of knowledge

History of IS in Health CareDistinctions between
data, information, and knowledge
Figure 3-1 Hierarchical view of
  • Knowledge
  • Rules
  • Relationships
  • Ideas
  • Information
  • Formatted
  • Filtered
  • Manipulated
  • Data
  • Facts
  • Images
  • Sound

History of IS in Health CareEvolution of IS in
Health Care
  • 1960s-70s
  • Financial Focus
  • Few Clinical Systems
  • In-house Development
  • Shared Systems
  • Turnkey Systems
  • Transaction Processing

Figure 3-2 Timelining Health Information Systems
  • 1980s
  • Continuing Financial Focus
  • More Clinical Development
  • Stand-alone Systems
  • Distributed Systems
  • Management Information Systems
  • 1990s
  • Focus on Clinical Systems
  • Integration of Systems
  • Executive Information Systems
  • Decision Support Systems
  • Enterprise-wide Systems
  • Office Automation
  • Virtual Systems
  • 2000s
  • Standards
  • E-health
  • Intranets and Extranets
  • Internet
  • Clinical Repositories
  • Data Warehouses
  • Data Mining

History of IS in Health CareEvolution of IS in
Health Care
  • Financial and Clinical Systems
  • Although automation has been occurring since
    1960s, IS in health care still remain primarily
    paper based
  • The initial use of computers in health care
    occurred during the 1960s and early 1970, but
    mostly focused on financial applications
  • Transferred from other industries to health care
    was an lateral movement
  • The nature, scope, and development of computer
    technology then supported data systems better
    than IS
  • Several exemplary applications in the clinical

History of IS in Health CareEvolution of IS in
Health Care
  • In-House Developed, Shared, Turnkey, and
    Stand-alone System
  • 1960s-1970s
  • In-house systems included on-site systems that
    were designed, programmed, supported, and
    modified by hospital data processing staff
  • The advantage is more flexible in meeting
    hospital needs than vendor-developed products
  • Shared systems included those designed,
    programmed, and maintained by a system vendor and
    run on computer equipment at the vendor site
  • Shared by multiple hospitals and communicated
    through telephone lines or paper forms
  • The advantages were low start-up costs, low
    technical staffing requirement in the hospital,
    and the availability of fully tested and proven
  • The drawback is lack of system flexibility to
    meet specific institution needs

History of IS in Health CareEvolution of IS in
Health Care
  • In-House Developed, Shared, Turnkey, and
    Stand-alone System
  • Turnkey systems
  • Developed by an information vendor, usually in
    only software side of the system
  • Installed on a hospital computer and operated by
    the hospital staff
  • The hospital could literally just turn the system
    on and be ready for business
  • Attractive to smaller hospitals
  • Stand-alone system
  • Developed to support functional tasks for
    separate departmental areas that each claims
    ownership of its data
  • Usually no attempt to share information among
  • Lack of system integration
  • Data that could be used on an enterprise-wide
    basis for decision making were difficult to
    provide through this decentralized approach

History of IS in Health CareEvolution of IS in
Health Care
  • In-House Developed, Shared, Turnkey, and
    Stand-alone System
  • Information system types
  • TPS, MIS, DSS, EIS, ES, and OAS
  • Early systems were mainly TPS that automated
    operational functions such as accounting,
    payroll, inventory, and admission/discharge
    systems order entry system was later added
  • The introduction of national prospective payment
    system for Medicare patients influenced the
    growth of MIS
  • Weakness in linking and integrating data for
    stand-alone system became magnified
  • In the 1990s, a need for developing EIS and DSS
    were manifested by increase of health maintenance
    organization, development of alliances, and focus
    on managed care
  • Optical fiber provided faster communication for
    both data and images
  • In the 2000s, progress in system integration has
    been promoted
  • Commitment to the development of standards such
    as HL-7, DICOM, and ASTM
  • Advancement of computer technologies
  • Client/server networks, DBMS, DDBMS, GUI, voice
    recognition, etc.
  • Improvements in IS development tools, such as
    CASE and RAD

Current Applications and Trends in Health Care
Clinical Applications and Systems
  • Various system types
  • Patient monitoring systems
  • Nursing information systems
  • Laboratory information systems
  • Pharmacy information systems
  • Other clinically oriented information systems
  • There are frequently overlaps in function and
    purpose among system types
  • Broadly defined as hospital information system
  • Provide communication among health facility
    workers and support organization need for
    operating, planning, patient care, and
  • Help to handle this complexity by coordinating
    work tasks, integrating information, organizing
    and storing information, and providing
    information decision support through
    communication architectures, databases, and
    application programs,
  • HIS should provide the following functions
  • Core applications
  • Business and financial functions
  • Communications and networking
  • Departmental management
  • Medical documentation
  • Medical support

Current Applications and Trends in Health Care
Clinical Applications and Systems
  • Core applications
  • Patient scheduling, admission, and discharge
    embodied in a registration-admission-discharge-tra
    nsfer (RADT) system
  • Business and financial functions
  • Provide traditional functions such as payroll,
    general ledger, and accounts receivable
  • Communications and networking
  • HIS is a hub for communication to systems such as
    pharmacy, radiology, laboratory, dietary, OR,
    housekeeping, and other services
  • Order entry-results reporting system providing
    communication between physician orders and
    ancillary unit is another important function of
  • Departmental management
  • Supports the internal needs of individual
    hospital departments
  • Integration of individual departmental systems
    with core HIS application is a trend
  • Medical documentation
  • Performs the functions of the standard medical
    record in collecting, storing, and presenting
    clinical information
  • Supports managerial and administrative decision
  • Medical support
  • Assists health-care provider in interpretation of
    data and in making clinically related decisios
  • Data generated, stored, and integrated by various
    systems can be used to monitor patients, issue
    alerts, and provide limited advice for diagnosis
    or therapy
  • Alert of drug allergies

Current Applications and Trends in Health Care
Clinical Applications and Systems
  • Patient monitoring systems
  • Collect, store, interpret, and display
    physiological patient data
  • Critical in helping to detect life-threatening
  • Found in various areas, such as emergency
    departments, operating rooms, general acute-care
    units, and intensive-care units
  • Nursing information systems
  • Support the nursing-care process both from
    clinical and managerial perspectives
  • Helping nurses in determining diagnosis,
    preparing and implementing of nursing-care plans,
    and evaluating care that was provided
  • Supporting nursing management functions including
    scheduling of personnel having appropriate level
    of education, training, or skill

Current Applications and Trends in Health Care
Clinical Applications and Systems
  • Laboratory information systems
  • Support processing of data associated with
    laboratory tests and management functions
    associated with daily operations
  • Store, analyze, and distribute data of tests and
    examination including clinical chemistry,
    hematology, clinical microbiology, cytology,
    surgical pathology, and blood bank
  • Perform test ordering and results reporting,
    patient and specimen identification, data
    processing and record keeping, data acquisition,
    report generation, quality control, and
    managerial reporting
  • Pharmacy information systems
  • Collect, store, and manage information related to
    drugs and use of drugs in patient care.
  • Provide medications for patient care in response
    to a physicians order is the primary activity
  • Provide information regarding identification of
    drug-drug interactions, contraindications with
    patient allergies, and drug sensitivities
  • Supported functions include online order entry,
    pharmacist review, medication profile update,
    label printing, drug-dispensing reports,
    medication administration reports, inventory
    maintenance and automatic drug reorder, drug-use
    reports, and controlled-drug reports
  • Other clinically oriented information systems
  • Radiological information systems
  • Dietary information systems
  • Emergency department systems
  • Support system for central supply, operating room
    systems, anesthesia systems, etc.

Current Applications and Trends in Health Care
Computer-Based Patient Record (CPR)
  • A concept of maintaining health-related and
    patient-related data electronically in a system
    so that end users may access complete and
    accurate data, and be provided with alerts,
    reminders, clinical support systems, and links to
    medical knowledge
  • A system of technology, software, and data
    subsystems working together to provide accurate,
    complete, and timely information when and where
    it is needed
  • Make up of one technology but supported by many
  • Web-enabling technologies, client/server
    networks, fast computing speed, voice
    recognition, and DDMS
  • Multiple data sources are required to support CPR

Current Applications and Trends in Health Care
Computer-Based Patient Record (CPR)
  • CPR requirements
  • An integrated view of patient data
  • Access to knowledge resources
  • Physician and clinician order entry
  • Integrated communications support
  • Clinical decision support
  • Barrier to CPR Development
  • Lack of a clear definition of a CPR and costs and
    risks associated with development
  • Barriers to diffusion including
  • Fragmented organization of the health-care system
  • Lack of leadership for establishing the necessary
    infrastructure for national CPR implementation
  • Requirements for education and training of
    health-care personnel
  • CPR adoption costs
  • Legal and social issues
  • Lack of a communications infrastructure and
  • Current status of CPR
  • Development of integration among a variety of
    independent systems, such as pharmacy,
    laboratory, radiology, and nursing information
    systems, is a trend
  • Integration involves the application of
    client/server protocols, DDMS, and application of
    vocabulary and other types of standard
  • Work on defining the basic architecture for data
    contained in the CPR needs to be accomplished if
    data are to be seamlessly transmitted among
    health-care providers, internal and external to
    the organization
  • Computer-Based Patient Record Institute (CPRI)
    has established the Nicholas E. Davies Annual CPR
    Recognition Symposia

Current Applications and Trends in Health Care
Administrative and Management Applications
  • The applications, especially in the financial
    areas, were the first functions widely deployed
  • Clinical and financial systems were rarely
    integrated, also poor integration among various
    managerial and administrative systems
  • Lack of appropriate integration has adverse
    impact on decision making
  • Examples
  • Financial information system
  • Accounting information system
  • Human resource MIS
  • Material management systems
  • Facilities MIS
  • Management planning and decision support systems

Current Trends in Health Information Systems
Administrative and Management Applications
  • Financial information system
  • Initially automated accounting functions such as
    payroll preparation, accounts payable, patient
    accounting, general ledger, and budgeting with
    the implementation of DRG the need for case-mix
    management systems and integration of clinical
    and financial systems were recognized
  • Categorization
  • Cash management
  • Investment management
  • Capital budgeting
  • Financial forecasting and planning
  • Accounting information system
  • Essential business operations that record
    organizational business and economic transactions
    by recording and reporting how funds flow through
    the organization, producing financial statement
  • A mix of different systems
  • Order processing system captures and process
  • Inventory control system processes data related
    to inventory and inventory tracking
  • Account receivable system records the amounts
    owed by health-care facility patients, clients,
    clients, and produce invoices, monthly
    statements, and credit management reports
  • Account payable system records the purchases, the
    amount of purchases, and from whom purchases were
  • Payroll transaction system includes mechanisms
    for timekeeping for work performed, records
    employee compensation data, and produces paycheck
    and other payroll documents
  • General ledger system glues all of the accounting
    systems together

Current Trends in Health Information Systems
Administrative and Management Applications
  • Human resource MIS
  • Traditional functions include only maintaining
    and updating employee records, currently access
    to data for monitoring productivity, assessing
    personnel-related barriers to productivity, and
    determining appropriate levels of the human
    resources mix are implemented
  • Be able to support three important functions
  • Staff administration supports recording and
    tracking of human resources
  • Training administration helps managers to plan
    and monitor employee training and to develop and
    analyze the success of training programs
  • Development and compensation administration
    analyze the range and distribution of employee
    compensation including wages, salaries,
    incentives, and fringe benefits internal and
    external to the organization
  • Material management systems
  • Management of inventory and purchasing of
    materials and supplies
  • Encompasses front-end and back-end processes
  • Front-end processes involve handling requisitions
    for supplies and materials from departments
  • Back-end process include managing inventory and
    ordering materials and supplies
  • Benefits of this system
  • Reductions in inventory
  • Improvement in bid and contracting procedures
  • Updating of daily patient charges
  • Improvements in avoiding lost patient charges
  • interface with accounts payable to obtain
    payment discounts
  • Reduction in labor costs

Current Trends in Health Information Systems
Administrative and Management Applications
  • Facilities MIS
  • Well-maintained physical facilities are essential
    for the provision of quality patient care as well
    as providing a pleasing atmosphere for workers
    and patients and their families
  • Include capture, storage, and manipulation of
    data used to monitor preventive maintenance,
    energy management, and project (construction)
  • Management planning and decision support systems
  • Information from external and internal is
    necessary for good strategic decision making
  • External prospective
  • Understand the environmental context, know the
    strength and weakness of its competition, and
    understand opportunities upon which it can
  • Internal prospective
  • Recognize its own internal strengths and weakness
    and how these decision making must integrate data
    from internal and external database
  • DSS provides information for strategic decision
    making by supplying tools for the manipulation of
    data and presenting answers to what-if scenarios
  • DSS includes forecasting, marketing, cost
    accounting, and case-mix systems
  • Quality improvement systems

Current Trends in Health Information Systems
Administrative and Management Applications
  • Elements of management information, decision
    support, and executive information systems
  • IS designed to help in the support of strategic
    and managerial decision making are classified
    into three categories MIS, DSS, and EID
  • Management information systems
  • Developed for managing daily business operations
  • Exception report is generated when exceptional
    conditions occur
  • Some allow managers to interactively request
    information through Web browser, query languages,
    and report generators
  • Decision support systems
  • Include more sophisticated features for analysis
    of data than MIS
  • Consist of several characteristics such as a body
    of knowledge or a database, analytical models
    used to analyze data, and interactive modeling
    capability to support semi-structure and
    unstructured management decisions
  • Software for managers to develop their own DSS
    spreadsheet, management sciences packages (SPSS
    or SAS), query languages, and data mining
  • Executive information systems
  • Combine many features of MIS and DSS, but is
    developed for top executive decision making

Current Trends in Health Information Systems
  • Systems can be examined and views in relations to
    management of the resources, architecture,
    applications, communications, and technology
  • Vision must be toward fully integrated systems
    supported by flexible data models, communication
    technologies, and tools that enhance decision
    making, improve quality and productivity, and
    reduce administrative costs
  • Current trends in
  • Clinical information systems
  • E-commerce and E-health
  • Standard development
  • Privacy and security
  • Technology developments
  • Management of information resources and standards
  • The virtual health-care system

Current Trends in Health Information
SystemsClinical Information System
  • Continued design, development, and implementation
    of CPR
  • CPR will require continued development and
    application of a number of technologies
  • Clinical data repositories
  • Communication technologies to link various
    repositories, information resources, and users
  • Enterprise-wide and inter-enterprise data models
  • Voice entry to improve user input
  • AI and DSS
  • Communications and other standards
  • Integration of voice, text, data, and image
    processing systems
  • Policies, procedures, and methods that will
    ensure security of patient-related data and

Current Trends in Health Information
SystemsE-Commerce and E-Health
  • E-commerce can be defined as the marketing,
    buying, selling, and support of products and
    services over the Internet, Intranet, and
  • E-commerce involves electronic data interchange
    (EDI) and secure electronic funds transfer (EFT)
  • Health-care organization will continue to use the
    Internet to create a dialog with customers and
    others through online discussion groups,
    electronic bulletin boards, electronic surveys,
    newsletters, blogs, and e-mail exchanges
  • Continuing growth in e-health companies which
    provide a range of services including storing
    personal health data, providing reference
    information on a variety of health issues,
    running health-care superstores
  • Telehealth applications, such as telehome health
    care, teleradiology, telecardiology,
    teledentistry, teledermatology, and others, will
    continue to grow

Current Trends in Health Information
SystemsStandard Development
  • Standards are essential for the collection,
    storage, and exchange of data, which are
    fundamentals of developing CPR and e-commerce
    applications, therefore the development of
    standards will continue
  • Vocabulary standards establish common definitions
    for medical terms
  • Structure and content standards identify
    essential data elements and provide for
    standardization of element characteristics such
    as length, data type, and content
  • Message standards establish the format and
    sequence of data during transmission
  • Security standards identify practices required to
    maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and
    availability of health-care information
  • Organizations
  • International Standard Organization (ISO)
  • American National Standards Institute (ANSI) does
    not develop standards but serves as a
    clearinghouse for nationally coordinated
    voluntary standards
  • Health Level 7 (HL7)
  • Accredited Standards Committee (ASC)
  • Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
  • National Council on Prescription Drug Programs
  • American Society for Testing and Materials 9ASTM)
  • Mandatory standards
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
    Act of 1996 (HIPAA)

Current Trends in Health Information
SystemsPrivacy and Security
  • HIPAA promulgated mandatory rules with regard to
    both data privacy and security for health-care
  • Health-care organizations must be concerned with
    confidentiality, integrity, and availability of
    the information resource
  • Management of data security will force
    organizational change in structure, behavior,
    training and education, and management of
  • Chief security officer (CSO) will be a new role
  • Encrypted keybased authentification and biometric
    authentification for guarding data access
  • Web server guards and server-side session
    management through a secure socket layer will be
    a regular feature for engaging in any type of

Current Trends in Health Information
SystemsTechnology Development
  • Wireless technology accompanied with handheld
    computers and personal digital assistants will be
    applied widely in health-care institutions
  • Interactive technologies such as continuous
    speech recognition, touch screen, and multimedia
    technology will be applied more widely,
    especially in CPR
  • Continuing growth and applications of database,
    data repository, and data warehousing
    technologies in the health-care arena

Current Trends in Health Information Systems
Management of information resources and standards
  • A distinction between information technology and
    systems and IM will emerge
  • An expended role for information resources
    manager, CIO, reporting directly to CEO by
    providing him/her with vision and leadership in
    the strategic planning, implementation, and
    operation of enterprise-wide IS
  • CIO will play a vital role on the leadership team
    in helping to define the strategic objectives of
    the organization as a whole

Current Trends in Health Information SystemsThe
virtual health-care system
  • In a virtual IS, health-care enterprises view
    their information resource from the perspective
    of VR
  • View of information goes beyond an IS confined in
    an organization
  • Critical data reside anywhere, either internal or
    external to an organization
  • Virtual IS will be embraced by developing and
    implementing the following facility communication
  • Physician-healthcare
  • Third-party-healthcare
  • Government-healthcare
  • Alliance and partner-healthcare
  • Customer/client-healthcare
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