Title: Evolution of Service Oriented Architecture
1Evolution ofService Oriented Architecture
ADAM Seminar August 29-31 2007
Guillaume Dufrêne Advised by Lionel Seinturier
- Previous work Bridging component frameworks
- Evolution of SOA
- ADL for Distributed Heterogeneous CB
applications - Applying our solution to the deployment
- Perspectives
3 4Problem and goals
- Many component frameworks.
- gt How to connect them together ?
- Master thesis Case study about Fractal and SCA
- From fractal point of view using SCA server
Interface. - Shadow component (proxy-like)
- A dedicated binding controller soap-controller
- From Fractal point of view offering Fractal
client Interface. - Extending Comanche
7 8Problem / goals
- Agility of SOA
- Support evolvable applications
- Adaptation of applications according to their
- A service is a set of business functionalities
offered to an actor (human or software). - Interface a mean to describe functionalities
10Adaptation ? Evolution ?
- Business evolution
- Environment changes
- When ? At every stage of software development.
- Requirements (business needs)
- Analysis (PIM)
- Conception (PSM)
- Implementation
- Deployment
- Run-time
11- ADL for Distributed HeterogeneousCB applications
- Refining Architecture Description at each stage.
- Similar approach MDE
- Starting point dependencies description between
components and middleware at deployment-time.
13ADL concepts
- Common component concepts
- Primitive and composite
- Ports which provides or requires functionalities
defined by Interfaces - Binding mechanism
- Component Frameworks
- Required libraries
- Provided component support
- Host (address, transfer protocol, shell type)
14Introduced Notions
Vertical dependencies
Horizontal dependencies
15BNF-like syntax of our ADL
- ADL ltDefinitiongt
- Definition ltPrimitifDefgt ltCompositeDefgt
- ltFrameworkDefgt ltHostDefgt
- PrimitifDef component ltTypeDefgt
ltProvidedItfsgt? - ltRequiredItfsgt? ltPropertiesgt
- TypeDef type ltnamegt
- ProvidedItfs provide
- ltInterfaceDefgt (, ltInterfaceDefgt)
- RequiredItfs require
- ltInterfaceDefgt (, ltInterfaceDefgt)
- InterfaceDef ltitf_Namegt ltitf_Typegt
- Properties properties TreeStruct
- TreeStruct ltnodeNamegt ltnodeValuegt
- nodeValue "ltCHARgt" TreeStruct
- CompositeDef composite ltProvidedItfsgt?
ltRequiredItfsgt? - ltConnectiongt ltPropertiesgt
- Connection ltPathDefgt -gt ltPathDefgt
- PathDef ltAbsPathgt ltRelPathgt
- AbsPath /ltRelPathgt
16 17UTP as a validating example
- Urban Trip Planer (F.Baligand) FAROS Project
18UTP definition
Composite UTP provide instructions
Details, tripMap Map require
deviceID Integer, destination String ( .
. . ) /Transportation/instruction -gt
instruction /Transportation/lastStation -gt
/Grapher/from /Grapher/map -gt
tripMap ComponentFramework openCCM type
ccm libraries openccm_api Host gentse
address gentse.lifl.fr shell ssh transfert
- Component Transportation
- type sca
- provide
- instructions Details, lastStation Address
- require
- start Station, destination String
- properties
- dbconf
- host sql.mydbserver.com
- user lambda
- password xxxxxxx
- dbname mydb1
- Component Grapher
19Using Deployware (FDF)
- Adding some personalities
- Translate our ADL to FDF-script
20Conclusion / Perspectives
- Done Handle the deployment.
- Describe and adapt services from the requirements
to the run-time - Partnership with Argia
- Component vs Service Dataflow vs Workflow