Title: Pablo Ruiz Picasso 1881 1973
1Pablo Ruiz Picasso (1881 1973)
- Picasso was born in Malaga, Spain.
- His mother said pencil was his first word.
- His father was an artist and art teacher who
recognized that Picasso was talented when he was
2 years old.
2- At a young age, Picassos father encouraged him
to paint. - At the age of 15 he was admitted to a famous art
school. He struggled there because he didnt want
to learn by copying the work of others which was
the way of teaching art at the time. - In Spain he saw the art of the famous Spanish
artists. - When he moved to Paris, France he was influenced
by many of the artists we have studied (like
Manet and Ingres).
3- He painted this self-portrait in 1896. He was
15 years old. - How do you feel when you look at this
self-portrait? - How do you think he is feeling?
4Compare the self-portrait by Manet on the left
with the one of Picasso on the right. Remember,
Manet painted this self-portrait 4 years before
he died in 1879. Picasso painted his
self-portrait in 1896 when he was 15 years old.
Do you see the influence of Manet?
5Picasso painted the picture on the left in 1900.
The one on the right was painted by Manet. What
do you notice?
6The Blue Period 1901-1904
- During this period, Picasso was a starving young
artist in Paris. One of his closest friends, a
poet, killed himself. - Why do you think this period is called the blue
period? - How do you feel when you look at this painting?
Why? - How do you think Picasso was feeling when he
painted in this blue style?
7- During this period, Picasso was depressed,
hungry, and lonely. - He painted pictures of homeless people, hungry
people, lonely people -- ALL in BLUE. - Do you think that he communicates his feelings to
the viewer?
8The Rose Period 1904 -1906
- Picasso fell in love for the first time in 1904.
- How do you think this affected his art?
- Why do you think this period is called rose?
9- During this period, Picasso painted in pinks and
oranges. He also introduced the theme of clowns
and harlequins, which he used through the rest of
his career. How does this show how he was
10The African Period 1907 - 1909
- At this time the French were exploring Africa and
sending home African masks similar to this one. - How do you think these masks might have
influenced Picassos work?
11(No Transcript)
12- Look at the faces of the women in these
paintings? - Can you see the influence of the African masks?
13Analytic Cubism 1908 - 1912
- With a friend and fellow painter, Georges Braque,
Picasso developed a new style of painting called
Cubism. - In analytic cubism the artist uses geometric
shapes to communicate with the viewer. For the
first time, artists did not use color, but shape
to show how they were feeling.
14- Can you see the guitar player in this image?
- Why do you think that Picasso and his friend
Braque wanted to paint in this way? - How do you feel when you look at this painting?
- Do you like it? Why or why not?
15- What do you think Picasso painted in this
picture? - How can you tell?
16Synthetic Cubism 1912 - 1919
- At this time, Picasso and his fellow cubists
began using collage for the first time ever in
fine art. - He used, fabric, newspaper, wall paper.
- What do you see?
17- Look at these still life paintings? Remember
that Manet said to give the impression of what
you are painting? - Do you think Picasso was interested in giving you
an impression of what he was painting?
18- Picassos style continued to change over the rest
of his life. - Consider this self-portrait painted,
approximately 50 years later and one year before
he died. - What changes do you see from the earlier work we
have looked at?
19Which is your favorite period? Why?
Do you like Picassos work? Why or why not?