Empirical Applications of Neoclassical Growth Models - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Empirical Applications of Neoclassical Growth Models


Extend the model to include Human Capital. Labor in different economies ... result in an income distribution with 'twin peaks', a mass of countries at both ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Empirical Applications of Neoclassical Growth Models

Empirical Applications of Neoclassical Growth
  • ECON 401 Growth Theory

Solow Model with Human Capital
  • Extend the model to include Human Capital
  • Labor in different economies possess different
    levels of education and different skills
  • Suppose that output, Y, is produced by
  • Physical capital, K
  • and by skilled labor, H
  • Production function is of Cobb-Douglas type
  • YKa(AH)1-a (3-1)
  • where A represent labor-augmenting technology

Solow Model with Human Capital
  • Individuals accumulate human capital by spending
    time to learn new skills instead of working.
  • HeyuL , (y is a positive constant) (3-2)
  • where u denote the fraction of an individuals
    time spent learning skills, and L denote raw
  • Note that if P denote the total population, then
    the total amount of labor input is given by
  • So skilled labor is generated by unskilled labor
    learning skills for time u
  • What if u0?

Solow Model with Human Capital
  • By increasing u, a unit of unskilled labor (L)
    increases the effective units of skilled labor
  • Apply the trick (take logs and derivatives of eq.

Suppose Du1 and y0.10 ? H rises by 10 percent.
(A large literature in labor economics actually
finds out 10 return through higher wages- to
an additional year of schooling).
Solow Model with Human Capital
  • Physical capital accumulation is given by

Let lower case letters denote, as before,
variables divided by the stock of unskilled
labor, L. Re-write the prod. Function
as (Y/L)y ka(Ah)1-a , (3-5) where heyu and
k(K/L). We will assume u is constant and given
exogeneously (at least until Chp 7) Since
production function is similar to earlier ones,
we can easily say that along a balanced growth
path, y and k will grow at the constant rate g
(rate of technological progress)
Solow Model with Human Capital
  • Denote state variables by dividing with Ah (so
    they are constant along a balanced growth path).
    Re-write production function as

Re-write the capital accumulation equation
following the same logic.
So adding human capital doesnt change the basic
structure of the Solow model.
Solow Model with Human Capital
  • Steady state values are found by setting the
    previous equation to zero.
  • Countries are rich because
  • Have high investment rates in physical capital
  • Spend a large fraction of times accumulating
  • Have low population growth rates
  • High levels of technology

Solow Model with Human Capital
  • In addition, as in the original Solow model,
    output per capita grows at the rate of
    technological progress, g, in the steady state.
  • How does this model perform empirically in terms
    of explaining why some countries are richer than
  • - analyze by looking at relative incomes
    (incomes are growing over time)
  • - define per capita income relative to US

Where the hat () is used to denote a variable
relative to US value, and xndg.
Solow Model with Human Capital
  • Need to assume that countries have the same rate
    of technological progress. Why?
  • Is it plausible to make this assumption?
  • - if g varies across countries, income gap
    will eventually be infinite.
  • - Technology may flow across borders due to
  • - international trade, or
  • - through scientific journals and newspapers,
  • - through immigration of scientists and
  • Hence, it may be plausible to think that
    technology transfer will keep even the poorest
    nations from falling too far behind.
  • Note levels of technology can be different

Solow Model with Human Capital
  • If the countries have the same g as we assumed,
    then can Solow model answer why countries had
    different growth rates over the last 30 years?
    The answer is no.
  • However, we can still examine the fit of the
    neoclassical model. Figure 3.1 compares the
    actual levels of GDP per worker in 1997 to the
    levels predicted by equation (3-9)
  • - Assumed a(1/3). This choice fits well with
    the observation.
  • - Measured u as the average educational
    attainment of labor force (in years)
  • - Assumed y0.10. So each year of schooling
    increases workers wage by 10 percent. This is
    consistent with international evidence.
  • - Assumed gd0.075.
  • - Assumed technology level, A, is the same
    across countries.

Fig. 3.1
Solow Model with Human Capital
  • Without accounting for differences in
    technology, the model still describes the per
    capita income distribution across countries
    pretty well.
  • Main failure is the departure from the 45 degree
  • Poorest countries are predicted to be richer.
  • How can we incorporate actual technology levels?
  • Can use production function to solve for A,
    consistent with each countrys output and

We can use this equation to estimate actual
levels of A, using GDP per worker, capital per
worker, and educational attainment for each
country as inputs. Figure 3-2 report these
Fig. 3.2
Solow Model with Human Capital
  • Levels of A (calculated) are strongly correlated
    with the levels of output per worker
  • Rich countries have high levels of A so they do
    not only have high levels of physical and human
    capital, they also use these inputs very
  • This correlation is far from perfect.
  • Countries like Singapore and Italy have much
    higher levels of A than expected (even higher
    than US level)
  • Remember level of A is calculated as a residual
    so it incorporates any differences in production
    not factored in through these inputs.
  • Qulality of educational systems, on the job
    training, general health of the labor force are
    some examples of other factors
  • Hence, it might be more appropriate to refer to
    these estimates as total factor productivity
    (TFP) rather than technology levels.
  • Differences in TFP across countries are large

Solow Model with Human Capital
  • Remember equation 3-9
  • Based on actual data (in the appendix of the
    book), richest countries of the world have an
    output per worker that is roughly 32 times that
    of the poorest countries. This difference can be
    broken down into
  • Investment rates in physical capital Richest
    countries have investment rates around 25
    percent, while poorest countries have rates
    around 5 percent.
  • Investment rates in human capital Workers in
    rich countries have about 10-11 years of
    education on average. In poor countries, it is
    less than 3 years. Assuming return to schooling
    is about 10

That is, differences in educational attainment
also contribute a factor of just over 2 to
differences in output per worker
What accounts for the remainder?
Solow Model with Human Capital
  • By construction, it is the differences in total
    factor productivity (TFP).
  • This difference should contribute the remaining
    factor of 8 to the differences in output per
  • In summary, Solow model is successful to
    understand the variation in the wealth of
  • Countries who invest a large fraction of their
    resources in physical and human capital are rich
  • Countries who use these inputs productively are
  • However, Solow model does not help to understand,
  • Why some countries invest more than others
  • Why some countries attain higher levels of
    technology or productivity

Convergence and Explaining Differences in Growth
  • How well does it explain the differences in
    growth rates across countries?
  • An hypothesis under certain circumstances,
    backward countries would tend to grow faster than
    rich countries in order to close the gap between
    the two groups. This is known as convergence.
  • So the question of convergence is whether the
    enormous differences among rich and poor
    countries are getting smaller over time.

Convergence and Explaining Differences in Growth
  • Baumol (1986) was one of the first to provide
    empirical evidence documenting convergence among
    some countries and absence of convergence among
  • This evidence is displayed at Figure 3.3 which
    plots per capita GDP for several industrialized
    countries from 1870 to 1994.
  • Gaps between countries are getting narrower.
  • Figure 3.4 explains why some countries grew fast
    and others grew slowly over time. It plots
    countrys initial per capita GDP (in 1885)
    against the countrys growth rate from 1885 to
  • Reveals a strong negative relationship between
    the growth rate and initial per capita GDP

Fig. 3.3
Fig. 3.4
Convergence and Explaining Differences in Growth
  • Figures 3.5 and 3.6 plot growth rates versus
    initial GDP per worker for the countries that are
    members of the OECD and for the world for the
    period 1960-1997.
  • Figure 3.5 shows that convergence hypothesis
    works quite well.
  • However, Figure 3.6 shows that the convergence
    hypothesis fails to explain differences in growth
    rates across the world as a whole.
  • It does not appear that poor countries grow
    faster than rich countries.
  • Why do we see convergence among some countries
    but lack of convergence among the countries of
    the world as a whole?

Fig. 3.5
Fig. 3.6
Convergence and Explaining Differences in Growth
  • Consider the key differential equation (3-7).

Rewrite it as
Remember average product of capital declines as
(k/Ah) increases diminishing returns to capital
accumulation (why?) Figure 3-7
Fig. 3.7
Convergence and Explaining Differences in Growth
  • Remember the difference between the two curves in
    Figure 3.7 is the growth rate of (k/Ah).
  • Note also that growth rate of (y/Ah) is simply
    proportional to this difference.
  • Since growth rate of A is constant, any changes
    in the growth rates of (y/Ah) and (k/Ah) must be
    due to changes in the growth rates of k and y.
  • Suppose the economy of InitiallyBehind is at
    (k/Ah)IB , while InitiallyAhead is at (k/Ah)IA.
    If they have the same A, same sK, and same n,
    then InitiallyBehind should grow faster initially
    than InitiallyAhead . Both approach same
  • ? Among countries that have the same
    steady-state, the convergence hypothesis should
  • For industrialized countries this might not be a
    bad assumption.

Convergence and Explaining Differences in Growth
  • However, all countries of the world do not have
    the same steady-state, which explains the lack of
    convergence across the world.
  • In fact, the differences in income levels around
    the world (remember Figure 3.2) reflect the
    differences in steady-states.
  • ? Hence, the countries are not expected to grow
    toward the same steady-state target.
  • Remember the principle of transition dynamics
    The further an economy is below its
    steady-state, the faster the economy should grow.
    The further an economy is above its steady-state,
    the slower the economy should grow.
  • This prediction/principle can explain differences
    in growth rates.
  • Figure 3.8 plots growth rate of GDP per worker
    against the deviation of GDP per worker (relative
    to that of US) from its steady-state value.
  • How do you know steady-state value?

Fig. 3.8
Convergence and Explaining Differences in Growth
  • According to this figure, poorer countries do not
    grow faster, but countries that are poor relative
    to their own steady-states (ratio closer to 1
    closer to steady-state) tend to grow more
  • Examples are Japan. Korea, Singapore and Hong
    Kong in 1960.
  • This is sometimes called conditional convergence
    because it reflects the convergence of countries
    after we control for differences in
  • Extensions of this analysis of convergence
  • US states
  • Regions of France
  • Prefectures in Japan
  • all exhibit unconditional convergence.

Convergence and Explaining Differences in Growth
  • Why did we see wide differences in growth rates
    across countries in chapter 1?
  • Countries that do not at their steady-states are
    not expected to grow at the same rate. There are
    many reasons why they might not be in their
  • An increase in the investment rate
  • A change in the population growth rate
  • A change in the level of technology
  • Or a War that destroys a countrys capital stock
  • Other shocks like large changes in oil prices,
    hyperinflations (e.g., observed in Latin
    America), mismanagement of the macroeconomy

The Evolution of Income Distribution
  • Are the rich countries getting richer and poor
    ones are getting poorer? Are poorest countries
    falling behind while the countries with
    intermediate incomes converging toward the rich?
    These are questions about the evolution of
    distribution of per capita incomes around the
  • Figure 3.9 shows that, for the world as a whole,
    enormous gaps in incomes across countries have
    now narrowed over time.
  • Pritchett (1997) in a paper titled Divergence,
    Big Time calculates the ratio of per capita GDP
    between the richest and poorest countries in the
    world. This ratio was
  • 8.7 in 1870, and
  • 45.2 in 1990

Fig. 3.9
The Evolution of Income Distribution
  • Figure 3.10 examines changes in each point of the
    income distribution.
  • According to this figure,
  • In 1960, 50 of the countries had relative
    incomes that were less than 15 of US GDP per
  • By 1997, this number improved slightly to about
  • In poorest economies, those below the 30th
    percentile, had relative incomes in 1997 lower
    than in 1960.
  • There seems to be a convergence at the middle and
    top of this distribution, while we observe a
    divergence at the lower end.
  • Quah (1996) suggest that this tendency will
    result in an income distribution with twin
    peaks, a mass of countries at both ends of the
    income distribution.

Fig. 3.10
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