Title: QPOs and Nonlinear Pendulums
1QPOs and Nonlinear Pendulums
Weizmann Institute - January 13th 2008
by Paola Rebusco
- Quasi (nearly) Periodic Oscillations
- Oceanography
- Electronic circuits
- Neural systems
- Lorentzian Peaks
- X-ray power spectra
- Highly Coherent
- 0.1-1200 Hz
- Show up alone OR in pairs OR more
- Both NS and BH
- sources
Van der Klis, 2000
4High frequency (kHz) QPOs
- In Black Holes
- stable
- In Neutron Stars
- the peaks move-much more rich
phenomenology (state, spin, Q)
32although not always
5 Low Mass X-ray Binaries
7Shakura Sunyaev model (1973)
- Thin disks
- No radial pressure gradient
- llk, keplerian angular momentum
- neglect higher order terms
8 HFQPOs and General Relativity
- High frequency (kHz) QPOs lie in the range of
ORBITAL FREQUENCIES of geodesics just few
Schwarzschild radii outside the central source - The frequencies scale with 1/M
- (Mc ClintockRemillard 2004 )
TEST GR in STRONG fields!
9 HFQPOs and ULXs
10Models (many!)
- Relativistic precession model (StellaVietri
1998) - Beat-frequency models (LambMiller
2003,SchnittmanBertschinger 2004) - Resonance models (KluzniakAbramowicz 2000)
- Discosesmeic models (Wagoner et al 2001)
- Non-axisymmetric trapped modes (S. Kato
2001,2007) - Hydrodynamical oscillations model (Rezzolla et al
2003) - NONE WORKS 100
11Our group, lead by Marek Abramowicz and Wlodek
12 Analogy with the Mathieu equation
Kluzniak Abramowicz (2000)
13Transition curves
14 HFQPOs and nonlinear pendulums
- wr lt wq ------? n3
- Subharmonics signature of
- nonlinear resonance
- The frequency are corrected
- Not exact rational ratio
Bursa 2004
15The effective potential
16Epicyclic Eigenfrequencies
17TOY MODEL - Perturbed geodesics
- Geodesics Equations
- Taylor series to the III order
- Isotropic non-geodesic term
- (Abramowicz et al 2003, Rebusco 2004,
Horak 2005)
18 Geodesics
19 Perturbed geodesics
20Analytical results
21The Method of Poincarè-Lindstedt
It is a technique for calculating periodic
22Transition curves
23Weakly nonlinear coupled oscillators
24SCO X-1 numericsanalytics
25the Bursa line
26 Successive approximations
- a
- Multiple Scales
- Imagine that we have a watch and attempt to
observe the behaviour of the solution using the
different scales of the watch (s, m, h)
27- To know that we know what we know, and to know
that we do not know what we do not know, that is
true knowledge. - Nicolaus Copernicus
28 What we know
- The perturbation of the geodesics leads to two
nonlinear coupled harmonic oscillators - The strongest instability occurs when the ratio
is 32 this is a direct consequence of the
symmetry - In this case the asymptotic solution
- shows two peaks in correspondence of
- a ratio between the frequencies near to 32
- the observed frequencies are close, but not
equal to the eigenfrequencies
29What we do not knowEXCITATION MECHANISM
- Direct forcing (NS)
- Stochastic forcing (BH)
- Disk instabilities (Mami Machidas simulations
PP instability)
- Slender tori slightly out of equilibrium do not
produce QPOs (only transient - Mami Machida) - They do if the torus is kicked
- HOWEVER it is difficult to recognize the
modes - (William Lee,Omer Blaes, Chris Fragile, Mami
Machida, Eva Sramkova)
- ?? ?spin or ?spin/2 (NO!MendezBelloni 2007)
- The asymptotic expansion is not valid for large
32Perturbed geodesics (numericstheory)
33Black Holes
- 32, GRS 1915150 (53)..
- on those small numbers (4) the model worksTB
34 Turbulence? (Vio et al 2005)
35 The right turbulence feeds the resonance
36BH vs NS
- Different excitation
- Different modulation (GR/boundary layer)
- Is it a different phenomenon?!?
37What we do not know - DAMPING
- Stochastic damping ?!?
- What controls the coherence Q ?/???
- Didier Barret et al. - QlowgtQhigh
- Qlow increases with ? - and
38EPI or NOT EPI?!?
- EPI - the advantage is that they survive to
- damping.
- Pressure and gravity coupling?
- NO!!! (slender torus-Jiri Horak)
- NOT EPI - the eigenfreq. depend on
- thermodynamics -gt 1/M
?!? - - g-modes (but do not
survive) - which modes are special?
39 Conclusions
- There is strong evidence that HFQPOs
- arise from nonlinear resonance in accretion
disks in GR (KA 2000) - BUT
- some ingredients are missing
40Successive approximations
41Secular and nearly secular terms
42Tuning parameter
Small-divisor terms are converted into secular