Title: What is a community garden
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2What is a community garden?
- Each garden uniquely reflects the communities
that make them. - Community gardens can....
- Improve the quality of life for people in the
garden - Catalyze neighborhood and community development
- Stimulate social interaction
- Beautify neighborhoods
- Produce nutritious food
- Create opportunity for recreation, exercise,
therapy, and education
3Share-it Square - Portland, OR
4Reclaimed Lot - Portland, OR
5Food for the Hungry
6Wedgwood/Picardo - Seattle, WA
7Neighborhood CG - Portland, OR
Picardo P-Patch - Seattle, WA
8Zellerback School Garden - Camus, WA
9Metro Demonstration Garden - Portland, OR
Zellerback School Garden - Camus, WA
10Neighborhood Garden - Portland, OR
Oakhurst - Decatur, GA
11Tucson Community Foodbank Demonstration Garden
- Tucson, AZ
Oakhurst - Decatur, GA
New P-Patch - Seattle, WA
12Picardo P-Patch - Seattle, WA
Oakhurst - Decatur, GA
13Share-it Square - Portland, OR
Oakhurst - Decatur, GA
Milledgeville Community Garden
15Milledgeville Community Garden