Title: Bristol Children and Young Peoples Partnership Provider Training
1Bristol Children and Young Peoples
PartnershipProvider Training
Reproduced with permission from Centre for Public
Innovation www.publicinnovation.org.uk
2Session outcomes
- Participants will
- Understand principles and language of
commissioning for children and young people in
Bristol - Be able to use tools to demonstrate how their
services contribute to outcomes for children and
young people.
- What is a child?
- What is a family?
- What is commissioning?
- What is an outcome?
End state or vision
- Specific changes in behaviour, condition and / or
satisfaction - Benefits, results and impacts
- Why we are doing what we do?
- Answers the question SO WHAT?
5Commissioning isA collaborative cycle of
activity that invests resources to get the best
results to meet local needsIt is learning
process that responds to change and demandsIt
is about prioritising investment and getting the
best returnIts an opportunity for providers to
demonstrate they have the skills, knowledge and
experience and are best placed to delivery
outcomes for CYP and receive resources to make
this happen An opportunity for
innovationDeveloping a robust local market
Commissioning is not Procurement
Purchasing Grant giving Buying the cheapest
service Getting the voluntary sector to deliver
what WE have identified Outputs driven Rigid and
inflexible Continuing giving money to do the same
old thing if its not producing good outcomes For
6Commissioning cycle
7Activity Carousel
- Your team will have 2 minutes at each of the 4
stages of the cycle to consider - How does the provider engage in this part of the
process? - What opportunities should there be for dialogue
between BCC and bidding organisation?
8Dont turn over yet.
9Definitions 1
10Key Terms and Concepts
Investors domain
Performance Indicators
Providers domain
11Definitions 2
12Outcome Disadvantaged young people in Bristol
will improve their educational attainment
Verifiable, critical points that a customer
reaches to indicates they are on track to achieve
the their target
Performance Target 40 young people will complete
10 weeks of IT training and 3 months later will
have demonstrated how that knowledge has helped
their study
13Outcome Outcomes for all CYP in Bristol will be
improved through commissioning partnerships with
the voluntary and independent provider sector
Receive marketing
300 Book a place on the training day
160 Turn up and ready to engage
140 Stay for the session
130 Demonstrate understanding of
100 commissioning and tools
Put the learning into 50 practice
in their own organisation
Week 1 Week 2-3 Week 4 Week 4 Week 4 By
week 17
Performance Target 50 providers will have
demonstrated that they understand the
commissioning principles and after three months
will have used the outcome based commissioning
tools in their own organisation or within a
tender response or bid
14OutcomeYoung women in Bristol will have improved
health and well-being
What are the Milestones?
Performance Target 120 women aged 18 35 will
have ceased to smoke after the 12 week programme
and continue not to smoke for three months
15OutcomeYoung women in Bristol will have improved
health and well-being
YW are referred from GP practices, self referred
from schools, colleges, workplaces etc
400 YW attend intro
session and are eligible for programme 300 YW
read the info pack and sign declaration of
commitment to the programme
280 YW attend the first group
meeting and are ready to engage
YW attend 4 forum theatre sessions and
state they have not smoked during that time
180 YW take part in the theatre production
about smoking cessation 160
YW report that they still have not
smoked and pledge to continue 150
Week 1 Week 2 Week 2 Week 3 Week
7 Week 12 By week 17
Performance Target 120 women aged 18 35 will
have ceased to smoke after the 12 week programme
and continue not to smoke for three months
16Verification. Performance Indicators
- Self-reported data
- Peer reported data other family members,
carers, advocates, friends - Provider staff assessment data
- Other external professionals assessment data
- Empirical data
- Formal third party evaluation
17Thank You
- If you have any further enquiries please contact
us - Nicola Waterworth
- Policy Officer, Joint Commissioning Unit
- Children and Young People's Services
- 0117 92 24689
- Nicola.waterworth_at_bristol.gov.uk
- Sabrina Lee
- Funding Advisor, Voscur
- 0117 909 9949
- Sabrina_at_voscur.org