Title: Today
1Lecture 24
- Today
- Processes in Unix
- Announcements
- Project 5 is due Nov 21 at 900 pm
2Definitions (dont memorize)
- Source http//foldoc.doc.ic.ac.uk/foldoc/
- Program The instructions executed by a computer.
"Code" is closely related but not exactly the
same. The noun "program" describes a single,
complete and more-or-less self-contained list of
instructions, often stored in a single file,
whereas "code" and "software" are uncountable
nouns describing some number of instructions
which may constitute one or more programs or part
thereof. Most programs, rely heavily on various
kinds of operating system software for their
execution. - Process An executing program. A process consists
of the program code (which may be shared with
other processes which are executing the same
program), and some private data. It may have
other associated resources such as a process
identifier, open files, CPU time limits, shared
memory, child processes, and signal handlers. A
multitasking operating system can run multiple
processes concurrently or in parallel.
3Programs Processes
- Up until now, everything we have done is
- Write a program
- Run the program as a single process
- Both Unix and Windows allow multiple processes to
be running at the same time - Unix multiple users, each has their own
processes - ps ef command lists all processes on the
system - Windows single user, multiple applications
executing at the same time (browser, VC, etc.) - Task manager (CTRL-ALT-DEL) displays processes
4The ps command
- Summarize all processes running
- ps
- Individually list all processes running
- ps -ef
- List all processes of a particular user
- ps ef grep userid (ps ef grep yessi001)
- Output
- USER Proc Parent C STime TTY CPU Name
- Yessi001 3748 3742 0 165850 pts/17 000 ksh
- along with all other processes Im running
5Class Exercises
- Log onto bama.ua.edu (Unix system)
- List all the processes currently running
- ps ef command
- How many processes are there?
- Consider piping output to wc routine
- Are there cases where more than one person is
running the same program (multiple processes with
the same name)
6Programs Processes (cont)
- Programs to date
- Write one program
- It generates a single process
- Programs can also be written that
- When executed, create multiple processes
- Communicate with other processes in the system
- Future classes (OS, networks, etc.) assume some
basic understanding of programs and processes
7Unix Processes
- In Unix, a standard C program generates a
single (executable) process - Consider code at right
- Prints hello
- Invokes fork function
- Prints goodbye (twice)
- Fork creates a second (identical) instance of
this process
- include ltiostream.hgt
- include ltstdlib.hgt
- include ltunistd.hgt
- int main()
- cout ltlt "hello" ltlt endl
- fork( )
- cout ltlt "world" ltlt endl
- Output
- hello
- world
- world
8What happens with fork ?
- Before fork( )
- One process
- Arrow indicates current point of execution
- After fork( )
- Two separate processes
- Both at the same point in their execution (both
just completed fork( ))
int main() cout ltlt "hello" ltlt endl fork(
) cout ltlt "world" ltlt endl
int main() cout ltlt "hello" ltlt endl fork(
) cout ltlt "world" ltlt endl
int main() cout ltlt "hello" ltlt endl fork(
) cout ltlt "world" ltlt endl
9Class Exercises
- What is the output?
- include ltiostream.hgt
- include ltstdlib.hgt
- include ltunistd.hgt
- int main()
- cout ltlt "hello" ltlt endl
- fork()
- cout ltlt "world" ltlt endl
- fork()
- cout ltlt "goodbye" ltlt endl
- What is the output?
- include ltiostream.hgt
- include ltstdlib.hgt
- include ltunistd.hgt
- int main() int a 0cout ltlt "hello" ltlt
endla a 5fork()cout ltlt a ltlt endla a
5fork()fork()cout ltlt a ltlt endl
10Are these processes identical?
- After a fork
- Both at same point in execution
- Both have same values for all variables
- Both have the same file descriptors
- One difference
- One is the parent of the other (child) process
- int pidvar fork()
- Parent has process id of child, child has 0 in
pidvar - You can tell this via ps command
11Class Exercises
- Run the program at the right, it will fork off a
new process and then wait for input - While it is waiting for input, log on to bama in
a new window and typeps ef grep userid - Find these processes
- Figure out which is the parent and which is the
- include ltiostream.hgt
- include ltstdlib.hgt
- include ltunistd.hgt
- int main()
- int a
- cout ltlt "hello" ltlt endl
- int pidvar fork()
- cin gtgt a
- cout ltlt "world" ltlt endl
12Class Exercises
- include
- int main( )
- int a 10
- int anything fork()
- cout ltlt a ltlt endl
- coutltlt"PID is "ltltanythingltltendl //assume
child PID is 18754 - if (anything 0)
- cout ltlt this is a child ltlt endl
- cout ltlt a ltlt endl
- int anything2fork()
- if(anything20) cout ltlt this is a child of
a child ltlt endl - else cout ltlt this is a child and a parent
ltlt endl - cout ltlt a ltlt endl
- else
- coutltltthis is the parent and a
grandparent"ltltendl - a 5
- cout ltlt a ltlt endl
13Creating new processes
- How do you replace a running process with a new
process (new set of instructions) - Use the exec function
- First, create a second version of your process
- via fork( )
- Next, replace the contents of this new process
with another program - via exec( )
14Exec function
- Exec comes in many flavors (see man exec)
- We will use execl
- Specify location of new process (1st arg)
- Specify name of new process (2nd arg)
- Specify any arguments passed to new process
- Specify NULL to end parameter list (3rd arg)
- include ltiostream.hgt
- include ltstdlib.hgt
- include ltunistd.hgt
- int main( )
- cout ltlt "hello world" ltlt endl
- int pid fork()
- coutltlt"PID is "ltltpidltltendl
- if (pid 0)
- execl("/usr/bin/ls","ls",NULL)
- else
- coutltlt"original proc"ltltendl
15What happens with exec ?
- Before fork( )
- After fork( )
- After exec( )
- One process still contains the original code we
started with - Other process now has completely different code
int main() int pid fork( ) if (pid
0) exec( )
int main() int pid fork( ) if (pid
0) exec( )
int main() int pid fork( ) if (pid
0) exec( )
int main() // another program // starts
at beginning
int main() int pid fork( ) if (pid
0) exec( )
16Another example with exec
- Consider the print routine shown below
- Prints a number N times
- include ltiostreamgt
- include ltstdlib.hgt
- int main(int argc, char argv )
- // argv0 is the program name
- int num atoi(argv1)
- int loops atoi(argv2)
- for (int a0 altloops a)
- cout ltlt num ltlt " "
- Use print in this code
- include ltiostream.hgt
- include ltstdlib.hgt
- include ltunistd.hgt
- int main() cout ltlt "hello world" ltlt endlint
pid fork()cout ltlt PID is " ltlt pid ltlt
endlif (pid 0) - execl("./print", "print", "1", "100",
NULL)else - execl("./print", "print", "2", "100",
17Class Exercises
- Run the example shown on the previous page
- Compile print.C (from previous slide) into an
executable print - Compile the main program and run it
- Try it printing each number
- 100 times
- 1000 times
- 10,000 times
- 100,000 times
18Creating new processes
- Lots of applications where the ability to
generate a new process comes in handy - Simple example command shell in Unix
- The shell is a C program
- Basic algorithm
- Get a command from user
- Interpret the command
- Invoke a process to execute this command
19Implementing a simple shell
- Overview
- Prompt user
- Get command
- If not time-to-exit
- Fork new process
- Replace new process with either who, ls or uptime
- Read next command
- int main() int cmd, numcout ltlt "Enter 1who,
2ls, 3uptime -gt "cin gtgt cmdwhile (cmd ! 0)
int pid fork() if (pid 0) if
(cmd1) execl("/usr/bin/who", "who",
NULL) if (cmd2) execl("/usr/bin/ls", "l
s", NULL) if (cmd3) execl("/usr/bin/uptime
", "uptime",NULL) exit(1) cin gtgt
20Class Exercises
- Implement the program shown on the previous
slide. Run it, and watch its execution. - What happens when you give an invalid number?
- Modify the program (add two more commands to the
shell we are writing), consider - date
- hostname