Title: Fact or opinion
1Fact or opinion?
We are in a school.
2Fact or opinion?
I think that classical music is boring.
3Fact or opinion?
August follows July every year.
4Fact or opinion?
16-year-olds should be eligible to vote in a
general election.
5Fact or opinion?
Orange juice seems much tastier than apple juice.
6Fact or opinion?
Sunderland is a better football team than
7Fact or opinion?
It is a long way from here to Germany.
8Fact or opinion?
Its a wonderful day!
9Fact or opinion?
Earth is a planet, not a star.
10How accurate and reliable?
In 10 to 20 years time, we will be able to
build new organs artificially and replace an
organ with something synthetic. Dr Tom Okarma,
President and Chief Executive, Geron Corporation,
11How accurate and reliable?
There will be a permanent lunar base and a
manned exploration of Mars some time this
century. Martin Rees, Royal Society Astronomer,
12Authoritative statements
I think there is a world market for maybe five
computers. Thomas Watson, Chairman of IBM, 1943
13Authoritative statements
The world potential market for copying machines
is 5000 at most. Response from IBM to the
founders of Xerox, 1959
14fact? opinion?
15fact? opinion?
accuracy? reliability?
16When you consider the reliability of a website,
think about
- the URL, for example .gov, .ac, .ed, .org, .co,
.com, .sch - endorsements, e.g. NgFL(National Grid for
learning) - the date of the last update
- advertisements
- links to and from the website
17Slide 17