Title: Java 3D and one of its Applications: RoboSiM
1Java 3D and one of its Applications RoboSiM
Based on the paper RoboSiM Java 3D Robot
Visualization, Andreas Speck and Herbert
Klaeren. In IEEE, 1999
Jason Yindong Zhu Tuesday, October 24, 2000
2Introduction to Java 3D API (1)
- Java 3D API is a programming interface for
writing 3D applications and applets. - Goals
- Provide a rich set of features for creating
interesting 3D worlds - Provide a high-level object-oriented
programming paradigm - Provide support for runtime loaders.
3Introduction to Java 3D API (2)
- Features of Java 3D API
- Object-oriented Programming Paradigm
- Scene graph based programming model (DAG)
- Three different rendering modes immediate
mode, retained mode, and compiled-retained mode. - Add behavior to scene graph nodes
4Introduction to Java 3D API (3)
- Pro and Cons
- Pros
- High-level, object-oriented view of 3D
graphics. - Optimized for speed where possible
- Growing number of 3D loaders
- Support a number of input devices
- Cons
- Less portable
- No low-level access to rendering process
- Java 3D is heavyweight
5Introduction to Java 3D API (4)
- Application
- Computer Aided Design
- Simulation
- Education
6Introduction to RoboSiM
- Robot Simulation and Monitoring
- RoboSiM Application
- Training
- Off-line Robot Programming
- Monitoring real devices
7Introduction to RoboSiM
- System Architecture
- Device and Simulation Layer
- Communication Layer
- Application Task Layer
- GUI Layer
8User Graphical Interface of RoboSiM (1)
- Java 1.1 User Graphical Interface Demo
Figure from Wilhelm-Schickard-Institute for
Computer Science http//www-pu.informatik.uni-tue
bingen.de/users/speck/robosim/robosim1.gif Oct.
21, 2000
9User Graphical Interface of RoboSiM (2)
- Java 3D User Graphical Interface
Figure from Wilhelm-Schickard-Institute for
Computer Science http//www-pu.informatik.uni-tue
bingen.de/users/speck/robosim/robosim2.gif Oct.
21, 2000
- Java 3D graphics is more realistic than Java
- Easy to develop and supports more feature than
Java - Java is more portable now than Java 3D
- Java costs less
- Java 3D Official Home Page Sun Microsystems Inc
ex.html Oct. 9, 2000 - RoboSiM Java 3D robot visualizationSpeck, A.
Klaeren, H.Industrial Electronics Society, 1999.
IECON '99 Proceedings. The 25th Annual Conference
of the IEEE , Volume 2 , 1999Page(s) 821 -826
vol.2 - Java 3D API Specification Sun Microsystems
Inc.Version 1.2, April 2000