Title: Theory and Modeling of Rare Events
1 Theory and Modeling of
Rare Events
- Weinan E
- Princeton University
- Joint work with Weiqing Ren and
- Eric Vanden-Eijnden (Courant Inst, New York
University) - Supported by ONR
2Problem Conformational change of biomolecules
in explicit solvent, at room temperature
3 Time history of torsion angles (in vacuum)
Conformational changes are rare events. This is a
multi-time-scale problem.
4Rare events are of general interest
- Conformational changes of biomolecules
- Chemical reactions
- Nucleation events
- ? ? ? ? ? ?
- Transition caused by very small thermal noise.
5What do we want to know?
- Transition pathways, bottlenecks,
- Transition mechanism.
- Transition rates
6Plan for the talk
- Theoretical foundation
- Numerical modeling
- Two different situations
- Classical case Simple energy landscape
- Complex systems Rough energy landscape
7Two different situations
8Consider the following (frictional) dynamics
Issues of dynamics Most results can be
extended to Langevin dynamics. Many issues
for Hamiltonian (NVE) dynamics remain open.
9Simple system Transition state theory
(H. Eyring, E. Wigner, H. Kramers, 1930-40)
- Identify transition state (saddle point)
- Compute rates by harmonic approximation
Extended to higher dimensions
10Transition State Theory Extensions
- Dividing surfaces, replace saddle points
- Variational TST optimal dividing surfaces
- Transmission coefficients (re-crossing issue)
11Pathways Minimum energy path (MEP)
- When transition involves several saddle points
and intermediate states, identify the relevant
sequence of saddle points.
This is also the most probable path
(consequence of path integral formalism).
12Langevin equation
13 Once we know MEP
- Go back to TST with harmonic approximation
- Use MEP as a local reaction coordinate,
- to obtain a one-dimensional reduction
- (compute potential of mean force, etc),
- then use Kramers theory to obtain rates.
14Complex systems Rough energy landscapes
- Saddle points, MEP are not the right object.
- No single most probable path. Many paths
contribute. - Notion of transition state needs to be extended.
15 Two dimensional rough energy landscapeResults
of finite temperature string method
16How do we describe transition over rough energy
Metastability related to existence of spectral
gap for L
Transition rates
17Reaction coordinate q(x) cst. gives a
foliation of configuration space
Foliation family of non-intersecting surfaces
that fill up
Importance of choosing the right reaction
coordinate (Bolhuis, Chandler, Dellago,
Transition path sampling (TPS)).
18A distinguished reaction coordinate
The committor function q(x) (TPS)
- level sets q(x) cst iso-committor surfaces
19Analytical characterization
Simple mathematical characterization
Backward Kolmogorov equation
This is a very high dimensional problem. Compare
with quantum many-body problem.
20Characterization of iso-committor surfaces
Hitting point distribution for reactive
trajectories Hitting point distribution for
all trajectories Equilibrium distribution
restricted to the surfaces
21Localization assumption
Equilibrium distribution on iso-committor
surface are peaked (localized).
Definition Transition tube -- connecting these
peaked distributions
This is the object of interest!
22Alternative Variational formulation for
committor function q(x)
- We are only interested in the iso-committor
surfaces around the - transition tube.
- Locally, we can approximate the iso-committor
surfaces there by - hyper-planes.
- The variational problem then simplifies
dramatically. - (choosing special test functions)
- Use these to reduce the many-body problem
- to coupled
one-body problem! -
23Finite-temperature string method (FTS)
- 1. parametrizing the family of hyperplanes by
strings - (center of mass) or by their normals
2. evolution of the string sampling
24Dynamics of the string
Sampling on the hyper-planes e. g.
25Calculation of the free energy
Value of the committor function
Connection with the variational problem
26Transition state ensemble
27Example Two dimensional rough energy landscape
28Example Isomerization of alanine dipeptide
in vacuum, and in
explicit solvent
- (in collaboration with Paul Maragakis, M.
Karplus) - Simple system which exhibits generic features
common to more complex biomolecules. - Conformation state described by torsion angles
but mechanism of transition unknown before string
method (transition state region? role of solvent?)
29Actual conformation change
Two conformation states
microtime 1 fs
time per transition 1ps
time between transitions 1-10 ns
30Transition path identified by string method
Two conformation states
mean string
31Projection of the transition tube on the torsion
angle map
32Projection of Transition state region
33Free energy and committor function
34Center of the transition tube (black
curve) Transition state region (red dots) Color
lines actual trajectories (stay confined in
35Checking the result Computing the
committor distribution (operational
definition of committor)
Committer distribution (peaked at 1/2 for the
transition region)
36Alanine dipeptide with explicit solvent
37Alanine dipeptide with explicit solvent
38Committor distribution for the transition state
39Martensitic phase transformation
40Two stable configurations
41Dynamics suggested by mean string
42Phase transformed by Twinn boundary propagation
43Propagation of twin dislocation inside the twinn
44Mean potential energy along the path
45Special case T0, Zero-temperature
string method (ZTS)
Transition tube ? Minimum energy path
Connection with nudged elastic band
46Example Mueller potential
47Comparison with nudged elastic band
(Jonsson et al) LEPS potential
48(No Transcript)
49(No Transcript)
50Summary 1. Conceptually
- Saddle points (isolated transition states)
- ? dividing surfaces
- ? foliation
- Minimum energy path (isolated transition path)
- ? transition tube A distribution in the
state - space connecting the reactant and
product - states, and tells us where the reactive
- trajectories are.
51Committor functions and
iso-committor surfaces
- Operational viewpoint (as in TPS)
- launch trajectories and count them
- Analytical viewpoint (as in FTS)
- Backward Kolmogorov equation or
variational - problem, in very high dimensional space
- Localization assumption allows us to reduce the
many-body problem to coupled one-body
522. String method for computing transition
pathways and rates
- Zero-T string method (ZTS) for simple systems
- Finite-T string method (FTS) for complex
systems, and when entropic effects are important.
A bridge between NEB and TPS
Adaptive blue moon sampling
533. Advertising
Tutorial, references, sample codes available at
Mathematics and Chemistry A year-long special
program at IMA, Univ. of Minnesota,
2008-2009. Organizers Don Truhlar, Anne Chaka,
Weinan E, Bill Hase, Claude Le Bris and Tamar
- Rotation of aromatic ring of Tyr 35 in BPTI
- (Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin Inhibitor)
- computed by Paul Maragakis (Harvard)
- Ring flipping time scale 0.1 1 s
- (compare with time scale for atomic
vibration - 1 fs 10-15 s)