Title: Operating Systems 2004 Project
1Operating Systems 2004Project 4
- Professor Tei-Wei Kuo
- TAs Jen-Wei Hsieh
- Yuan-Hao Chang
- Yan-Cheng Lai
- Motivation
- User Programs in Nachos
- Relative Nachos Code for User Programs
- Project Assignment
- Project Implementation
- Project Regulation and Submission
- Nachos keeps only one user program
- Nachos does not provide paging
4 5How Nachos Executes a User Program
If there is a user program
Object AddrSpace maps virtual page to physical
page in one to one (11) AddrSpaceAddrSpace()
pageTable new TranslationEntryNumPhysPages
Create a page table to run this program
Load program into physical memory
AddrSpaceExecute()1. Initial registers2. Load
page table registers3. Jump to the user program
Execute the program
For() OneInstruction(instr)//execute one
instruction kernel-gtinterrupt-gtOneTick()//Ad
vance timer tick
6The Way to Map Address Space in Nachos
Physical page
Physical memory
Virtual page
Valid or not
User Program
Offset 4
132128 4
132/128 1
Physical page size 128 Number of physical pages
7Load User Program to Physical Memory
- Read the header of the user program
- The header format is NoffHeader defined in noff.h
Magic number
Magic number
Virtual address
The header of code segment
Offset in file
Segment size
Vertual address
The header of read only data segment
User Program
Offset in file
Segment size
Code segment
Code and datasegments
8Load User Program to Physical Memory (Cont.)
- Load code and data segments into main memory
- In Nachos, the segments are loaded into main
memory with no offset.
Physical memory
Code segment
Code segment
Initialized data segment
Initialized data segment
Read only data sement
Read only data segment
9Execute One Instruction
- MachineOneInstruction()
- Use ReadMem() to read one instruction
- It will call MachineTranslate() to get the
physical address by checking the page talbe
(AddrSpace table). - Read data from the address returned from
MachineTranslate() - Parse the fetched instruction
- Update PCReg and NextPCReg according the
execution of the fetched instruction
10- Relative Nachos Code for User Programs
11Nachos Page Table
- The page table is
- declared in machine/machine.h
- Implemented as an array of TranslationEntry
objects . - machine/translate.hclass TranslationEntry
- public
- int virtualPage // The page number in
virtual memory. int physicalPage // The
page number in real memory relative to the start
of "mainMemory" bool valid bool
readOnly bool use bool dirty -
12Related Files
- The files you need to trace
- /userprog/addrspace.cc, addrspace.h
- /machine/translate.cc, translate.h
- /machine/machine.cc, machine.h
- /machine/mipssim.cc, mipssim.h
- The files you may also need to modify while doing
this projects - /threads/main.cc
- /threads/thread.cc
- /threads/scheduler.cc
- /machine/interrupt.cc
- /userprog/exception.cc
13AddrSpace Class in translate.cc
- AddrSpaceAddrSpace()
- The AddrSpace constructor
- Create an address space to run a user program
- AddrSpaceAddrSpace()
- The AddrSpace destructor
- Deallocate the page table
- bool AddrSpaceLoad (char fileName)
- Load a user program into memory from a file
- Nachos assumes virtual address equals to physical
address - The user program is in NOFF format
14AddrSpace Class in translate.cc (Cont.)
- void AddrSpaceExecute()
- Run a user program using the current thread
- Initialize the register values of the simulated
MIPS machine - this-gtInitRegisters()
- Set page table register this-gtRestoreState()
- Jump to the user program kernel-gtmachine-gtRun()
15AddrSpace Class in translate.cc (Cont.)
- void AddrSpaceInitRegisters()
- Set the initial values for the user-level
register set - void AddrSpaceRestoreState()
- Tell the machine where to find the page table
(pageTable) - Tell the machine number of pages needed by this
user program (numPages) - void AddrSpaceSaveState()
- Save any machine state for this address space on
a context switch
16Machine Class in translate.cc
- bool MachineReadMem(int addr, int size, int
value) - Read "size" (1, 2, or 4) bytes of virtual memory
at "addr" into the location pointed to by
"value". - If the address translation (from
MachineTranslate()) is failed, it will raise an
exception by invkoing RaiseException(). - Arguments
- add -- the virtual address to read from
- size -- the number of bytes to read (1, 2, or 4)
- value-- the place to write the result
17Machine Class in translate.cc (Cont.)
- bool MachineWriteMem(int addr, int size, int
value) - Write "size" (1, 2, or 4) bytes of the contents
of value into the virtual memory at location
address "addr". - If the address translation (from
MachineTranslate()) is failed, it will raise an
exception by invkoing RaiseException(). - Arguments
- add -- the virtual address to to write to
- size -- the number of bytes to written (1, 2, or
4) - value-- the data to be written
- Dirty bit would be set!!
18Machine Class in translate.cc (Cont.)
- ExceptionType
- MachineTranslate(int virtAddr, int physAddr,
int size, bool writing) - Translate a virtual address(virtAddr) into a
physical address( physAddr), using current
threads page table. - If error, return the type of the exception
- Argument
- "virtAddr" -- the virtual address to translate
- physAddr" -- the place to store the physical
address - "size" -- the amount of memory being read or
written - "writing" -- if TRUE, check the "read-only" bit
in the page table to see whether the process
attempts to write a read only page.
19Machine Class in Machine.h
- Some important variable definitions
- const int PageSize 128
- The page size of the physical memory in Nachos
- const int NumPhysPages 128
- The number of pages in physical memory
- char mainMemory
- Physical memory to store the user program code
and data, while it is executing. - TranslationEntry pageTable
- Point to the page table of current thread
20Machine Class in mipssim.cc
- MachineOneInstruction(Instruction instr)
- Execute one instruction from a user program
- If there is any exception or interrupt, we return
to kernel-gtmachine-gtRun() to invoke us again. - MachineRun() is a looping function
- On a system call, the exception handler has to
increment the program counter. - On an exception, we dont need to increment the
program counter in order to restart this
instruction again. For example page fault.
21 22Project Assignment
- Multiprogramming and Virtual Memory (90)
- Load multiple user programs to run on Nachos
simultaneously - Implement a paging mechanism without considering
page faults - Each user program starts at virtual address 0.
- The system uses Round-Robin scheduling Swap
current user program (thread) out in each timer
interrupt, which occurs once every 100 ticks. - Bonus (10)
- Consider the page fault and demand paging
- Either use FIFO as the page-replacement strategy
- Or design an arbitrary strategy (Remember to
explain in your report) - When page fault occurs, dont need to swap out
current user program. - It will be an extra bonus if you DO swap out
current user program while handling demand
23Load Process without Page Faults
Physical page
Virtual page
Page table 1
User program 1
Physical page
Virtual page
User program 2
Main Memory
Page table 2
24Load Process with Page Faults
Use FIFO strategy to replace page
Physical page
Virtual page
When program 2 fetch instruction at address 258,
which is located at page 2 (258 / 128 2 2)
Page table 1
Page fault occurs- Start on-demand paging
User program 1
Physical page
Virtual page
User program 2
Page table 2
Main Memory
25Loading Procedure
Program A
Program B
Create thread A with its own page table
Create thread A with its own page table
Load program A into main memory and setup thread
As page table in AddrSpaceLoad()
Load program B into main memory and setup thread
Bs page table in AddrSpaceLoad()
Put thread A and B into readyList
System start kernel-gtmachine-gtRun()
Switch current thread
Load the demand page
run user programs (an infinitive loop)
Timer interrupt occurs
Page fault
26 27Enable Loading Multiple User Programs
- Modify main.cc to let it enable loading multiple
user programs from parameters. - Ex gt ./nachos x a b //two user programs a
and b - Create one thread for each user program
- Modify AddrSpaceLoad() to let it
- Create a page table while loading a user program
- Load a user program into memory
- Configure its own page table for that user
program in each invocation.
28Handle Page Fault
- In exception.cc, you have to add the
PageFaultException case to load the demand page. - If the replaced page has been modified or is
dirty, write it back. - In this project, you dont need to write any page
back since no page will be modified in the test
user programs. - Dont advance the program counter while handling
page faults. - The system needs to execute the instruction that
causes the page fault.
29Save Necessary Info. on a Context Switch
- You dont need to implement context switch by
yourself and dont need to save or load the
machines state, but need to load and store some
extra information by yourself. - In ThreadRun() of scheduler.cc, the system
- Calls oldThread-gtSaveUserState() and
oldThread-gtSaveState() to save the state of the
old thread, and - Calls oldThread-gtrestoreUserState() and
oldThread-gtspace-gtRestoreState() to restore the
resumed thread. - Therefore, you can load and store your extra
information in the above four functions.
30Sample Programs
int main() int i for(i1i)
printf("da000\n",i) printf("da001\n",i) p
rintf("da002\n",i) printf("da003\n",i) print
f("da004\n",i) printf("da005\n",i) printf("
da006\n",i) printf("da007\n",i) printf("da00
8\n",i) printf("da009\n",i) printf("da010\n"
int main() int i for(i1ilt10i)
printf("db000\n",i) printf("db001\n",i) p
rintf("db002\n",i) printf("db003\n",i) print
f("db004\n",i) printf("db005\n",i) printf("
db006\n",i) printf("db007\n",i) printf("db00
8\n",i) printf("db009\n",i) printf("db010\n"
,i) Halt()
31Sample Execution and Sample Output
Start running user programs/threads ContextSwi
tch currentmain selecteda 1a000 1a001 1a002 1a00
3 1a004 1a005 1a006 1a007 1a008 ContextSwitch
currenta selectedb 1b000 1b001 1b002 1b003 1b004
1b005 1b006 1b007 1b008 ContextSwitch
currentb selecteda 1a009 1a010 ...
Loading program a Number of pages 14 Size of
code segment 656 Virtual address of code
segment 0 Size of readonly data segment
96 Virtual address of readonly data segment
656 Loading program b Number of pages 14 Size
of code segment 656 Virtual address of code
segment 0 Size of readonly data segment
96 Virtual address of readonly data segment
32Another Example with Page Faults
int main() int i1 printf("da000\n",i)
printf("da001\n",i) printf("da002\n",i) prin
tf("da003\n",i) printf("da004\n",i) ... pr
intf("da445\n",i) printf("da446\n",i) printf
("da447\n",i) printf("da448\n",i) printf("d
a449\n",i) printf("da450\n",i) Halt()
int main() int i for(i1i)
printf("db000\n",i) printf("db001\n",i) p
rintf("db002\n",i) printf("db003\n",i) print
f("db004\n",i) printf("db005\n",i) printf
("db046\n",i) printf("db047\n",i) printf("d
b048\n",i) printf("db049\n",i) printf("db050
33Sample Execution and Output with Page Faults
ContextSwitch currentmain nexta 1a000 1a001 1
a002 1a003 1a004 1a005 1a006 1a007 1a008 Contex
tSwitch currenta nextb PageFaultException at
virtual address2924, virtual page22 Loading
the demand page in physical page
0 1b000 1b001 1b002 1b003 1b004 1b005 1b006 1b007
1b008 ContextSwitch currentb
nexta 1a009 1a010 ...
Loading program a Number of pages 110 Size of
code segment 9408 Virtual address of code
segment 0 Size of readonly data segment
3616 Virtual address of readonly data segment
9408 Loading program b Number of pages 23 Size
of code segment 1424 Virtual address of code
segment 0 Size of readonly data segment
416 Virtual address of readonly data segment
1424 Invalid pages (pages not loaded) 18-22
34- Project Regulation and Submission
- The sample user programs will be published on the
course web page. - If you can pass the test for two user programs,
you can get the standard score - If your program can pass the test of arbitrary
user programs, you can get higher score. - Your output doesnt need to be exactly the same
as the sample output, which is just for your
reference. - Run your program
- gt ./nachos x program1 program2
- Handling page faults will get the 10 bonus.
- You have implement the system call, printf, for
the testing files
- The files you should include
- The whole nachos system without any object files.
- Include the four sample test files, a.c, b.c,
a_big.c, b_big.c - Your Makefile under /code/test directory should
be able to compile the four sample files - All Nachos source files.
- A report without page limitation
- Pack the above files in a file named by your full
student ID - Email your project to TA d93944006_at_ntu.edu.tw
with the email title OS Project 4,
YourName(FullStudentID) - For the delayed submission, deduct two points for
each day - Deadline 2005/01/12 2400 The End