Management Science - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Management Science


Note the charts and statistics. Perform any appropriate ... basic statistics and create charts ... as GameCo1.xls. A Blank Worksheet for The Gaming ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Management Science

Management Science
QM 6433 -- Spring 2007
  • Using Crystal Ball for Simulation Modeling
  • Week of 2/19/2007

Instructor John Seydel, Ph.D.
This Weeks Student Objectives
  • Upon completion of this weeks course
    activities, you should be able to
  • Develop simulation models to be processed with
  • Identify decision factors that are stochastic
  • Incorporate randomness into spreadsheets for
    modeling decision outcomes
  • Use Crystal Ball to
  • Specify variability for inputs in spreadsheet
  • Control basic simulation execution and output
  • Perform repeated sampling from simulation models
    for multiple values of decision variables
  • Use the confidence interval approach for
    interpreting simulation results
  • Summarize the simulation modeling process

Refer to Our Course Outline
  • Spreadsheet modeling techniques
  • Further reinforce/strengthen this week
  • Basic decision modeling concepts
  • Further reinforce/strengthen this week
  • Specific modeling/solution techniques
  • Decision analysis
  • Linear programming
  • Simulation modeling analysis
  • Reinforce concept this week
  • Use Crystal Ball to facilitate simulation
  • Multicriteria decision making
  • Project management concepts tools

Overview Steps Involved in Basic Simulation
Analysis with CB
  • Define the problem / identify alternatives (per
    the SPSF)
  • Develop a base case model and use Excel to
    implement it test the model to verify it works
  • Start Crystal Ball and open the base case model
  • Using CB functions, convert the uncertain inputs
    to random values
  • Specify run parameters in CB
  • Identify the forecast cell(s)
  • Indicate the number of trials to be conducted
  • Specify which cells contain decision variables
  • Provide decision table parameters
  • Run the simulation
  • Review the results
  • Note the charts and statistics
  • Perform any appropriate statistical analyses

Using CB to Develop a Simulation Model for the
Gaming Company
  • Start with the base case model (from the homework
    for the week of 1/15/2007) start CB and open
    this model
  • Now, lets make the model more realistic
  • The demand input is not only uncontrollable but
    also uncertain
  • So convert demand to a truncated normal random
    variable by using CB.Normal() with the following
  • Average -- reference the cell containing the
    observed average
  • Standard Deviation -- reference the cell
    containing the observed standard deviation
  • Minimum -- reference the cell containing the
    observed minimum
  • Maximum -- reference the cell containing the
    observed minimum
  • Example
  • CB.Normal(DataAnalysis!E4,DataAnalysis!E7,Dat
  • Note the normal distribution assumption is just
    a convenience
  • Lets address one of the problems concerning the
    normal distribution . . .

About the Normal Distribution
  • Note that the demand values generated by CB are
    not integers (but should be)
  • This problem occurs because were using a
    continuous distribution to represent a discrete
  • We can overcome this easily (at least
  • Use Excels rounding function
  • Use the CB.Normal() formula from above for the
  • Specify 0 decimal places
  • Although its better to use a discrete
    distribution to when the variable is discrete,
    sometimes its OK to use a continuous
    distribution as an approximation
  • In general, we use the historical data
    (statistics, histogram, etc.) to choose/specify
    the probability distributions we use
  • More on the choice of probability distribution
  • Now, however, lets run the simulation . . .

Running the Simulation
  • First, verify that the random inputs really do
  • Click on
  • Define Cell Preferences (in the new version of
  • Cell Cell Preferences (in the old version of
  • Make sure Set to Distribution is unchecked
  • We can start out simply (refer to the screenshot)
  • Using the F9 key, we can simulate results for 12
    horizons, twice
  • First, use a (55,35) policy, then use a (60,30)
  • Record results, then do a statistical analysis
    more on this later
  • Recall
  • Any given stream of demand leads to a single
    total cost observation
  • Pressing F9 constitutes random sampling for total
  • However, this is too much work!
  • Consider the CB way . . .

Using CB for the Gaming Company
  • So far, theres not much benefit to using CB
  • At least we dont need to use complex
    mathematical functions to specify randomness
  • Its slightly simpler than using VLOOKUP()
  • We still need to press the F9 key numerous times,
    record the results, etc.
  • Where we can really benefit is by having CB
  • Automate the multiple pressing of the F9 key
  • Record the results, so we dont have to
  • Calculate the basic statistics and create charts
  • Automatically change the values of the decision
    variables after a certain number of trials for
    each combination

Using CB to Run the Simulation
  • Specify controls and then do the sampling
  • Define the run parameters
  • Cell (or cells) to track
  • Indicate the cell with the output measure to be
    tracked (e.g., C25 for total cost)
  • Click on
  • Define Define Forecast (in the new version)
  • Cell Define Forecast (in the old version)
  • Number of runs
  • Click on Run Run Preferences
  • Indicate value for Maximum Number of Trials
  • Click on
  • Run Start Simulation (in the new version)
  • Run Run (in the old version)
  • Look at the output . . .

When CB Is Done
  • At least one result window will appear
  • If they disappear
  • Click on Analyze Forecast Charts and select
    (in the new version)
  • In the old version
  • Click on Run Forecast Windows
  • Select Open All Forecasts
  • Choose results
  • Click on View Statistics
  • Click on View Frequency Chart (not actually a
  • Other views are available
  • Can copy and paste into other applications (see
  • We can save the results
  • Click on Analyze (in the new version) or Run (in
    the old version)
  • Generate report spreadsheet select Create
  • Actual data select Extract Data

Working with Various Combinations of Decision
  • One simulation run is just multiple repetitions
    of sampling from a single scenario
  • Decision variables (e.g., Q, ROP)
  • Deterministic inputs (e.g., setup cost)
  • Thus, only one alternative is being evaluated
  • CB provides a way for automating the what-if
  • That is, CB simplifies evaluating the results of
    numerous possible alternatives

Simulating Results for Multiple Alternatives
  • Its the same initial process as when dealing
    with single scenario
  • Define forecast cells
  • Specify other run parameters (e.g., number of
  • Then do the following
  • Specify which cells contain decision variables
  • Select cell(s), then
  • Define Define Decision
  • Cell Define Decision
  • Indicate range and step size
  • Select Decision Table
  • From Run Tools (in the new version
  • From CBTools (in the old version)
  • Work through the Decision Table wizard and click
    on Start
  • Review the results as summarized in the new Excel
  • Compare forecast charts
  • Use overlay charts to enhance comparison
  • You may find it helpful to save the new workbook

Statistical Estimation
  • Simulation results are just the beginning
    analysis must now be done
  • Distributional analyses
  • Other analyses, based upon initial hypotheses
  • Basic confidence interval estimates
  • Bear in mind that simulation results are just
    point estimates
  • Averages (e.g., total overall cost involved)
  • Proportions (e.g., times with negative fund
  • How good are these estimates?
  • We need to
  • Look at the variability in the simulation results
  • Incorporate that variability into the estimates
  • That is
  • True measure observed margin of error
  • This is a confidence interval estimate
  • This allows us to look at the margin of error to
    see if the estimate is sufficiently precise

Confidence Interval Estimation
  • Assume we desire to be 95 certain for large
    samples (ngt30), z 1.96 2
  • For averages, the margin of error is
  • So the estimate is
  • For proportions (probabilities), the margin of
    error is
  • So the estimate is
  • Examples Gaming Company (Total Cost Service

So, How Many Repetitions?
  • Look at the formulae for the margin of error (e)
  • Solve for the required number of repetitions (n)
  • We may need to start with guesses for s and p
  • Examples Gaming Company (continued)

Summary The Simulation Process
  • Involves the following
  • Identify the problem (decision, factors, . . . )
  • Determine the alternatives (values for decision
  • Evaluate the alternatives
  • Determine relationships and build model
  • Incorporate variability
  • Experiment numerous times with each combination
    of decision variables
  • Analyze results (inferential statistics)
  • Reiterate as appropriate
  • Make an informed decision
  • Monitor results
  • Modify as appropriate
  • Note how this corresponds to the SPSF

Recall the Decision Model for the Gaming Company
  • There is an underlying mathematical function
    (i.e, model)
  • y f(x1, x2, a1, a2, . . . , am)
  • We have no idea what the actual function is
  • We could figure it out
  • But we dont need to, thanks to Excel
  • Components of this model
  • Inputs
  • Controllable (xi) order quantity, reorder point
  • Uncontrollable (aj)
  • Cost parameters (setup, carrying, stockout)
  • Weekly demand values (described by probability
  • Output (y) total cost over the 10 week planning
  • Because the uncontrollable inputs include
    uncertain values (demand) we use simulation
    analysis to address this problem

Note Where Simulation Fits
  • Recall the Four Basic Types of Decision Modeling
  • What-if analysis
  • Making changes in the controllable inputs to see
    how a problems outcome is affected e.g., the
    Gaming Company case
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Determining how changes in the uncontrollable
    inputs affect a problems solution e.g., the MBA
    case (often used in conjunction with
  • Goal-seeking
  • Making changes in the controllable inputs until
    a desired outcome results
  • Optimization
  • Using an mathematical approach to determine the
    values of the controllable inputs that result in
    the best (i.e., optimum) problem outcome e.g.,
    decision analysis (the Fish House exercise and
    the SkullNet mini-case)
  • Simulation modeling is primarily an automated
    what-if analysis that also incorporates
    sensitivity analysis of the stochastic inputs
  • Stochastic
  • Means random, typically described by
    probability distributions e.g., demand in the
    Gaming Company case
  • The opposite is deterministic

Spreadsheet-Based Simulations
  • Start with base case spreadsheet
  • Assume all input values known with certainty
  • Tinker with decision variables and see what
    happens to performance measures
  • Determine best and worst case results
  • Identify optimal course of action
  • Incorporate variability
  • Replace deterministic inputs with values
    generated from distributions of these variables
  • For any given combination of decision variables,
    run repeated iterations, keeping track of the
  • Based upon results, perform statistical inference
    (typically confidence interval estimation)
  • Keep in mind that each resulting value for a
    performance measure is just a single sample
  • Try other combinations of the decision variables

Simulation Involves Three Stages
  • Preparation
  • Understanding the problem
  • Analyzing the input data
  • Modeling and running the simulation
  • Building the model
  • Using Crystal Ball (or other software)
  • Analyzing the results

Preparation for Simulation Analysis
  • Input values arent simply made-up
  • We must use realistic values
  • Look at historical data (e.g., Gaming Company
  • Determine (estimate) distributions involved
  • Type of distribution (e.g., normal, exponential,
    beta, gamma, triangular, . . . )
  • Parameters (e.g., average standard deviation)
  • Tools available
  • Informal analysis compare curve to histogram
  • Goodness of fit tests (e.g., chi-square,
  • Software (e.g., UniFit) try CBs distribution
    fitting tool
  • Select an empty cell
  • Define Define Assumptions
  • Click the Fit button
  • Select range of raw data and click the OK button

The Actual Simulation Using Crystal Ball
  • What does CB do?
  • Monte Carlo simulation of random inputs
  • Provides framework for organizing, record
    keeping, and reporting
  • Why use CB?
  • Simplifies the incorporation of variability
    (i.e., risk) into spreadsheet models
  • Specifying distributions for uncontrollable
  • May not need to worry about functional forms of
  • Automates the what-if analysis process
  • Repeated sampling
  • Tries various combinations of decision variables
  • Report generation calculates descriptive
  • Numeric measures
  • Graphical displays

Analyzing the Results
  • Remember, simulation is just a sampling process
  • The controls and deterministic inputs are set
  • Multiple repetitions result in multiple
    observations of the performance measures (i.e.,
    the forecast values)
  • Thus, statistical analysis is called for
  • Distributional analysis (descriptive statistics)
  • Best case
  • Worst case
  • Most likely results (averages, medians, modes)
  • Estimate of risk (i.e., variability) involved
  • Inferential statistics
  • Estimation
  • Hypothesis testing
  • When its all done, its time to make and
    implement the decision at hand

Summary of Objectives
  • Develop simulation models to be processed with
  • Identify decision factors that are stochastic
  • Incorporate randomness into spreadsheets for
    modeling decision outcomes
  • Use Crystal Ball to
  • Specify variability for inputs in spreadsheet
  • Control basic simulation execution and output
  • Perform repeated sampling from simulation models
    for multiple values of decision variables
  • Use the confidence interval approach for
    interpreting simulation results
  • Summarize the simulation modeling process

Creating the Base Case Model
  • Download GameCo0.xls (a blank worksheet/template)
  • Dont open it instead save the file locally
  • Start Excel and then open the file
  • Add functionality by entering the formulae for
    Week 1 cells, Week 2 beginning inventory, and
    total overall cost
  • C5 C15
  • D5 C7C8
  • C7 MAX(0,C5-C6)
  • C9 IF(C8gt0,C16,0)
  • C10 C7C17
  • C11 IF(C6gtC5,(C6-C5)C18,0)
  • C12 SUM(C9C11)
  • C25 SUM(C12L12)
  • Copy formulae in rows 5-12 across the worksheet
  • Save this as GameCo1.xls

A Blank Worksheet for The Gaming Company
Screenshot of GameCo4a.xls
One Possible Set of Results
Crystal Ball Output Frequency Chart
Crystal Ball Output Statistics
The Scientific Problem-Solving Framework (SPSF)
  • Define the problem
  • Define decision variables
  • Determine criteria of importance
  • Specify whether criteria are associated with
    goals or with objectives
  • Identify constraints
  • Consider alternatives
  • Identify them
  • Evaluate them
  • Select best one
  • Implement solution
  • Monitor and revise solution re-solve if

Gaming Company with Service Level Added
Total Cost Simulation Results
Service Level Simulation Results
Interval Estimates
  • Average Total Costs (if needed, refer to the
    results slide)
  • (55,35) policy
  • 59.49 2(2.30v12)
  • 58.16 lt----gt 60.82
  • (60,30) policy
  • 53.62 2(4.54v12)
  • 51.00 lt----gt 56.24
  • Conclusion these intervals dont overlap,
    indicating that we can be confident at the 95
    level that theres a difference in average total
    costs for the two policies being considered
  • Service Level (if needed, refer to the results
  • (55,35) policy
  • 0.892 2v0.892(1-0.892)/12
  • 71 lt----gt 100 (maximum possible)
  • (60,30) policy
  • 0.908 2v0.908(1-0.908)/12
  • 74 lt----gt 100 (maximum possible)
  • Conclusion these intervals overlap, indicating
    that we cant be confident at the 95 level that
    theres a difference in service levels for the
    two policies being considered

Determining the Required Number of Trials
  • Average Total Costs (if needed, refer to the
    results slide)
  • Suppose we need an estimate thats within 10
    cents (e 0.10) of the true overall average
  • n 4 (2.302)/(0.102) 2,124 observations
  • That is, we need an additional 2,112 trials
  • Service Level (if needed, refer to the results
  • Suppose we need an estimate thats within 5 (e
    0.05) of the true overall service level
  • n 4(0.89)(1-0.89)/0.052) 133 observations
  • That is, we need another 121 trials
  • Thus, in order for both levels of precision to be
    reached, we need to run the simulation for
    another 2,112 trials
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