Title: Survey of contaminated sites
1Centre of Excellence
Comparison of MSCE-POP calculations with
available measurements with emphasis on data from
the Czech Republic and Balkan countries - active
and passive sampling campaigns Ivan Holoubek,
Jana Klánová
RECETOX, Masaryk University, Brno,
CR holoubek_at_recetox.muni.cz http//recetox.muni.c
CRLTAP EMEP/TFMM Workshop on the review of the
MSC-East models on HMs and POPS Moscow, Russia,
2RECETOX - EU Centre of Excellence -
- Monitoring as a tool of environmental research
- Sampling strategy
- Air monitoring active and passive sampling
- Comparison of the results from MSCE-model and
RECETOX data from the CR - Comparison of the results from MSCE-model and
RECETOX data from the Western Balkan countries
- Monitoring as a tool of environmental research
- Sampling strategy
- Air monitoring active sampling
- Air monitoring passive sampling
- Comparison of the results from MSCE-model and
RECETOX data from the CR - Comparison of the results from MSCE-model and
RECETOX data from the Western Balkan countries
5EU-DG Research Centre of Excellence for
Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology,
Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic
6Why do we need the environmental data ?
- Occurrence and environmental levels
effectivness of measures, conventions,
directives, comparsion - Study of environmental fate scientific
interest, more of environmental realism, better
knowledge of distribution - Monitoring of temporal and spatial trends tool
for any approaches concerning to environmental
fate and distribution - Measurements vs. Modelling more of
environmental realism, better knowledge of
properties, distribution, effectivness of
measures - Decision making process, cost benefit analysis
- ..
7Environmental fate of POPs
How well do we understand the fate of POPs ?
Integrated monitoring of POPs the comparison of
the contamination on the regional and local
levels Why monitoring ? Is a monitoring only
rutine procedure or can we use this as a tool for
study of environmental processes ?
9Integrated monitoring
- The main aim of integrated monitoring programme
is to determine and predict the state of
ecosystems (or catchments) and their changes from
a long-range perspective, with respect to the
regional variation and impact of air pollution,
especially nitrogen, sulphur and ozone, and
including effects on biota.
- The overall aim of integrated monitoring was
originally to determine and predict the state and
change of terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems
in a long-term perspective with respect to the
impact of air pollutants including persistent
10RECETOX conception of POPs monitoring
Study of occurrence of persistent organic
polutants in the environment as a basic source of
information for evaluation of potential human and
wildife exposure - global, regional and national
- Monitoring as a tool of environmental research
- Sampling strategy
- Air monitoring active and passive sampling
- Comparison of the results from MSCE-model and
RECETOX data from the CR - Comparison of the results from MSCE-model and
RECETOX data from the Western Balkan countries
12RECETOX Sampling Strategy
Temporal and spatial trends on the regional,
subregional and local scale
Continental scale
Subcontinental scale
Country scale
Regional scale
City scale
Source scale
Observatory scale
13RECETOX Sampling Strategy What we have ?
Active sampling campaigns
Temporal and spatial trends on the regional,
subregional and local scale
Continental scale 10 sites, 1988 (1996) 20XX
A w 2w-? DEP evently - monthly PAHs,
Subcontinental scale 21 sites, 2003 - 2004,
week sampling campaigns PAHs, OCPs, PCBs
Country scale round 60 sampling sites, episodic
campaigns, few days every week, 1993 20XX,
Regional scale 3 20 sampling sites, one week
campaings, 1993 20XX, PAHs, PCBs, OCPs, PCDDs/Fs
City scale 3 5 sampling sites, one week
campaings, 1993 20XX, PAHs, PCBs, OCPs, PCDDs/Fs
Source scale 3 10 sampling sites, episodic
campaings, 1993 20XX, PAHs, PCBs, OCPs, PCDDs/Fs
Observatory 1 site, 1988 (1996) 20XX A w
DEP evently PAHs, OCPs, PCBs
14RECETOX Sampling Strategy What we have ?
Passive sampling campaigns
Temporal and spatial trends on the regional,
subregional and local scale
Subcontinental scale 34 sites, 2003 - 2005, 28
d sampling campaigns, half a year or longer
PAHs, OCPs, PCBs (SCCPs), GENTOX ca 10 will
Country scale round 60 sampling sites, 28 d
campaigns, ca one year, 2004 20XX, PAHs, PCBs,
OCPs (SCCPs) ca 15 will continue
Regional scale up to 20 sampling sites, 28 d
campaings, 2004 20XX, PAHs, PCBs, OCPs (SCCPs),
GENTOX ca 7 ..
City scale 24 sampling sites, 28 d campaings, 1
y, 2004, PAHs, PCBs, OCPs, PCBs, GENTOX - ca 3
will continue
Source scale up to 10 sampling sites, 28 d
campaings, 2004-2005, PAHs, PCBs, OCPs, ca 5 will
Observatory 1 site, 28 d campaings, 2004 -
20XX PAHs, OCPs, PCBs, 1 will continue
15RECETOX Sampling Strategy What we have ?
Temporal and spatial trends on the regional,
subregional and local scale
Subcontinental scale 34 sites, 2003 - 2005,
during ASCs PAHs, OCPs, PCBs
Country scale round 200 sampling sites, 1
5-times per y, 1988 20XX, PAHs, PCBs, OCPs
(driens, tox.), PCDDs/Fs
Regional scale 20 40 sampling sites, one
times per y not regular, 1993 20XX, PAHs, PCBs,
City scale 3 5 sampling sites, episodic
campaings, 1993 20XX, PAHs, PCBs, OCPs, PCDDs/Fs
Source scale 3 12 sampling sites, 1-4 times
per y, research experiments, 1989 20XX, PAHs,
Observatory 6 sites, 1988 20XX 1-times per
16RECETOX Sampling Strategy What we have ?
Temporal and spatial trends on the regional,
subregional and local scale
Regional scale 20 sampling sites, one times per
y not regular, 1993 20XX, PAHs, PCBs, OCPs
Source scale 3 12 sampling sites, 1-4 times
per y, research experiments, 1989 1996, PAHs,
Observatory 6 sites, 1988 20XX 1-times per
y PAHs, OCPs, PCBs mosses, needles
17Use of the results from local monitoring for
validation of models
Local levels - small catchment (Central European
background) 3 km2 9 soil sampling sites ( 7
vegetation sites )
Regional level - river valley (small industrial
city) - 300 km2 22 soil sampling sites
Country level 127 000 km2 200 soil sampling
- Monitoring as a tool of environmental research
- Sampling strategy
- Air monitoring active and passive sampling
- Comparison of the results from MSCE-model and
RECETOX data from the CR - Comparison of the results from MSCE-model and
RECETOX data from the Western Balkan countries
19Regional monitoring of POPs
EMEP POPs Network
Observatory Koetice
20Integrated monitoring of POPs sampling sites
and sampling frequency Observatory Koetice
from 1988
21Integrated monitoring of POPs sampling sites
and sampling frequency Observatory Koetice
from 1988
22Determined POPs
- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
- Organochlorinated pesticides (DDTs, HCHs, HCB)
- Polychlorinated biphenyls (28, 52, 101, 118, 138,
153, 180)
23Monitoring network of POPs in EMEP
deposition, surface waters, sediments, soils,
mosses, needles
Assessment of the selected POPs (PCBs, PCDDs/Fs,
OCPs) in the atmosphere and water ecosystems from
waste materials generated by warfare in former
25HCB and PeCBz in air, observatory Koetice,
seasonal variations, sampling every week, gas
phase only, 1996 - 2004 ng.m-3
Effects of floods in Moravian region at 1997 and
in South and Central Bohemia at 2002
26R-TA Network
Sampling sites passive sampling
27APOPSBAL RECETOX sampling sites
- Monitoring as a tool of environmental research
- Sampling strategy
- Air monitoring active sampling
- Air monitoring passive sampling
- Comparison of the results from MSCE-model and
RECETOX data from the CR - Comparison of the results from MSCE-model and
RECETOX data from the Western Balkan countries
29Distribution of PAHs in DEZA vicinity,
19/03-16/04/2004 - Biggest circle represents the
total amount of 0.533 mg of PAHs sequestered on
the filter
30Distribution of HCHs in SPOLANA vicinity,
16/02-15/03/2004 Biggest circle represents the
total amount of 445 ng of HCHs (a sum of a, ß, ?,
d-HCH) sequestered on the filter
31Temporal variations of PAHs in DEZA vicinity,
sampling site Astronomic observatory Valaské
32Temporal variations of DDTs in Spolana, sampling
site Spolana-gate
33Wire frames the three-dimensional presentation
of the relative PAHs contamination (Kriging
geostatistical method)
34Correlation of the sum of PAHs (bars) and
induction factors
35Observatory Koetice comparison of measurements
and calculation - ambient air BaP
Measured and calculated temporal trends of BaP
air concentrations at CZ3 for the period 1996
2003 ng.m-3
Seasonal variations of BaP air concentrations
at CZ3 in 1997 - 2003 (outliers are marked green)
36Observatory Koetice comparison of measurements
and calculation wet deposition BaP
Measured and calculated BaP concentrations in
precipitation at CZ3 for the period 1997 2003
Seasonal variations of BaP concentrations in
precipitation at CZ3 in 1997 2003 (outliers are
marked green)
37Observatory Koetice comparison of measurements
and calculation - ambient air PCB-153
Measured and calculated temporal trends of
PCB-153 air concentrations at CZ3 for the period
1997 2003 pg.m-3
Measured and calculated seasonal variations
PCB-153 pg.m-3 air concentrations at CZ3 in
1997 - 2003 (outliers are marked green)
38Observatory Koetice comparison of measurements
and calculation wet deposition PCB-153
Measured and calculated seasonal variations of
PCB-153 concentrations in precipitation at CZ3
for the period 1997 2003 ng.l-1
39RECETOX main sampling areas (air, soils)
40Czech Republic comparison of measurements and
calculation - ambient air BaP
lt 4.6 6.6
0.59-0.89 1.78 0.01-4.77
0.89-1.3 0.269 lt 0.01-17.56
0.89-1.3 0.996 1.96-7.17
0.59-0.89 0.11 lt 0.01-3.49
41Czech Republic comparison of measurements and
calculation - ambient air HCB
0.068-0.07 0.117 0.016-0.835
42Location of basal monitoring plots, CR
43Basal soil monitoring POPs
44Soil POPs Study 2001
45Soil contents of PCDDs/Fs, CR, 1999
46Aggregated data concerning to the level of
contamination of selected areas in the CR by
Archive of Project TOCOEN (Toxic Organic
COmpounds in the ENvironment), owned by
Consortium RECETOX TOCOEN Associates median
(minimum - maximum) n number of analyzed
samples. Sampling continues
47Czech Republic comparison of measurements and
calculation - soil HCB
Ca 0.25 2.21 (0.47 11.9)
0.25-0.29-033 3.28 (0.02 44.2)
lt 0.20 2.54 (0.54 10Â 295)
0.25-0.29 0.75 (0.06 8.39)
0.25-0.29 0.55 (0.04 9.18)
48Aggregated data concerning to the level of
contamination of selected areas in the CR by POPs
Archive of Project TOCOEN (Toxic Organic
COmpounds in the ENvironment), owned by
Consortium RECETOX TOCOEN Associates median
(minimum - maximum) n number of analyzed
samples. Sampling continues
49Czech Republic comparison of measurements and
calculation - soil PCDDs/Fs
28.5 (11.2 141.6)
1.5-1.8 2.42 (1.27 4.45)
gt 2.0 1.82 (0.97 7.11)
1.2-1.5 0.78 (0.42 13.7)
1.2-1.5 1.3 (0.3 16.4)
- Monitoring as a tool of environmental research
- Sampling strategy
- Air monitoring active sampling
- Air monitoring passive sampling
- Comparison of the results from MSCE-model and
RECETOX data from the CR - Comparison of the results from MSCE-model and
RECETOX data from the Western Balkan countries
51Croatia PCBs - 2003
52Croatia HCB - 2003
53BaH PCBs - 2004
54BaH HCB - 2004
55SaM PCBs 2003/4
56SaM HCB 2003/4
57Thank you very much for your kind attention
- Acknowledgements for the support of our work
- EU DG Research Centre of Excellence
- EC 5FP APOPSBAL ICA2 - CT2002-10007
- MoEdu CR project INCHEMBIOL MSM0021622412
- MoE CR