Title: Rensselaers Mobile Computing Program: A Whale of an Idea
1Rensselaers Mobile Computing ProgramA Whale
of an Idea!
- Myra Williams
- Ed Seeger
- Nancy Kutner
- Patrick Valiquette
2Rensselaer Overview
- Educates the leaders of tomorrow for
technologically-based careers - Private institution founded in 1824
- 7000 students 5000 undergraduates, 2000 grad
students - 520 faculty, 1430 staff
- Schools Architecture, Engineering, Humanities
and Social Sciences, Management and Technology,
3Why have a Mobile Computing Program?
- Academic need - technology used extensively in
the curriculum - Standardization offers best support
- Allows students to work anywhere/anytime
- Facilitates student collaboration
4Mobile Computing Program
- Laptops required for undergraduate students
- Standard high-end laptop including software at an
excellent price - Students acquire through purchase, lease to own,
or financial aid - Approximately 95 participation
- Laptops used inside and outside of class
- Over 6,000 laptops on campus
- http//www.rpi.edu/laptops
5Mobile Computing Package
- High-end laptop
- Backpack
- Ethernet cable
- Security cable
- Pre-loaded software suite
6Pre-installed Software
- Microsoft Windows XP Professional
- Microsoft Office Professional 2003
- Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Academic
Professional - Maplesoft Maple (symbolic algebra program)
- Mathworks Matlab
- SolidWorks (a CAD package)
- National Instruments LabView
- Bentley Systems MicroStation
- SecureCRT
- Microsoft Internet Explorer
- Anti-virus software suite
- IBM Rapid Restoreand more
- Help Desk
- Computer Repair
- Campus Computer Store
- All located in one building
- the Voorhees Computing Center (VCC)
- Coordinated with Residence Life
- Volunteers from across campus are involved
- Just before classes begin in the fall
- 250-300 per hour
- Pickup laptop
- Attend start-up session
- Every student leaves with a working laptop!
9Why a standard model?Advantages to Rensselaer
- Equal access for all students
- Consistent support
- Easier for classwork
- Volume discounts
- Lower support costs
10Why a standard model?Advantages to
- Student recruitment
- students consider available technology when
selecting a school - mobile computing has a strong influence on
potential students - parents like having a standard model
11Why a standard model?Advantages to students
- Value
- Appropriateness
- Easier for classwork
- Commonality
- Service and support
12The standard model
13Program Evolution
- Added administrative database
- Included security cable
- Increased deductible for theft and loss
- Began self-insured process
- Academic program - no sales tax
- (continued)
14Program Evolution continued
- Added ThinkPad Protection for accidental damage
coverage - RFP process - renewed contract with IBM
- Created trade-up program
- Lease changed to lease-to-own
- Presidents Award
15How do you get a program off the ground?
- Need support and involvement of the entire campus
- Need strong corporate partners
16Campus Support
- Division of the Chief Information Officer
- Mobile Team
- Banner Student Information System
- Networking
- Campus Computer Store
- Rensselaer Computer Repair
- Help Desk
- Media Operations
17Campus Support continued
- President
- Students and Parents
- Provost/Dean of Undergraduate Education
- Academic Departments/Faculty
- Enrollment Management (Admissions)
- Residence Life
- First Year Experience
- Financial Aid
- Volunteers from across campus
- Campus Planning and Design
- Environmental and Site Services
- Physical Plant
18Some of OurCorporate Partners
19Laptop Image
- Software is included in the image
- Large image 18 gigabytes
- Faculty can plan knowing the software is
installed and properly configured - Class time not used installing/configuring
software - Easier to remove software than install it
- Self-service re-image process available
20Academic Integration
- Course Software
- Maple Mathematics, Engineering
- SolidWorks Engineering
- MATLAB Engineering
- MS Visual Studio Computer Science
- Microstation Architecture
- LabVIEW Engineering, Computer Science
- Cygwin Computer Science, Engineering
- Calculus
- Physics
- Freshmen Studies
- Next Generation Studio Biology
- Advanced Manufacturing Lab (AML)
- Introduction to Engineering Analysis
- Engineering Graphics and Computer Aided Design
- Laboratory Introduction to Embedded Control
22Whats Missing?
- Licensing costs and issues affect included
software - Refresh program
- Faculty Mobile Computing Program
- Discipline-specific models
23Questions? Discussionhttp//www.rpi.edu/dept/arc