Title: Computer Vision and the Web
1Computer Vision and the Web
2Exploring online photo collections Flickr.com
- Flickrvision
- Flickr tag browser
- Flickr time graphs
3Artistic Visualization
- Jason Salavon
- 100 Special Moments
- Homes for Sale
- Every Playboy centerfold
4Problems with image access on the Web
- To find anything on the Web, you must search with
Small sand-colored African mammal?
Small furry animal with pointy snout and long
Beige-colored animal with dark eyespots, ears,
and tip of tail?
Cute gopher-like beastie that likes to stand up
and hang out in groups?
5Short-term solution Human computation
- Identifying bugs and birds
- Labeling images ESP Game, Peekaboom
6Where does computer vision come in?
7Visual search
- Linking physical objects to the web Microsoft
Lincoln project - Product search Like.com
- Searching personal photo albums Riya.com
8Visual sentiment analysis
- Attractiveness Hot or Not (research project)
- Cuteness Cute overload
- Interestingness Flickr
9Exploring photo collections in 3D
- Photo tourismSnavely, Seitz and Szeliski
(SIGGRAPH 2006) - Automatic photo pop-upHoiem and Efros (SIGGRAPH
10Practical details
- Tuesdays at 330, room SN 115
- Basic format weekly discussion group
- Paper list http//www.cs.unc.edu/lazebnik/fall
07 - Variable credit talk to me about doing extra