Title: NMMSS Refresher Training
1NMMSS Refresher Training
- Ron Bonifay
- Protection Strategies Inc. (PSI)
3Sponsoring Organizations
- Department of Energy
- Office of Health Safety and Security
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response
4NMMSS Organizational Overview
5Fundamental NMMSS Overview
Materials Contracts Background Subsystem Projects
IMP/EXP Organizations NMMSS Central
Database Inventory Transaction Primary
Subsystem Material Balance
6Background Subsystem
- Facilities
- Reporting Identification System (RIS)
- Name
- Address
- Classification
- Nuclear Materials
- Reporting unit
- Material name
- Element/isotope applicability
- Import/Export Licenses
- Date
- Materials
- Country
- Composition Codes
- Descriptions
- Material types
- DOE Project Numbers
- Name
- Responsible facility
- Begin end dates
7Primary Subsystem
- Consists of three major components
- Inventory
- Transaction
- Material Balance
8Document Flow
Material Balance
DOE/NRC Form 742
9Acceptable Electronic Formats
- XML (Extensible Markup Language)
- 80 Column File
10Purpose of the D-23 D-24
- Provides formatting requirements for the
reporting of nuclear material information in
electronic file formats in accordance with DOE
NRC regulations and guidelines
11Four Major Categories of Information Products
- Reports
- Detailed
- Summary
- Analytical
- Directories
- Information Manuals
- PC Applications
12The Transaction System
13The Transaction Data System
- Began capturing data as an automated system in
1968 - The largest and most active component of the
NMMSS - Contains information on all events that cause a
facilitys inventory to increase or decrease - Data is stored in the NMMSS files at the level of
detail in which it is reported
14What is a Transaction ?
- Physical Movements of Material Between Facilities
- On-site Gains and Losses Resulting From
Remeasurement, Operating Losses, etc. - Movement of Material Between Programs Within a
15Data Submittal Media to the Transaction System
16Electronic vs. Source Document Correlation
converts 80 column to XML
17Electronic Submission
- D-23 D-24 Directory provide electronic
formatting requirements - - 80 Column
- - XML (Extensible Markup Language)
- Alternative for submitting electronic data
- - SAMS (Safeguards Management
- Software)
18Process Codes
- A Entry of New Data Set
- C Replacement of Data Set
- D Deletion of Data Set
- Z Accepts Shippers/Receivers
change (NRC use only)
19Action Codes
Code Description Ship Recv A Identifies
shippers original data X B Identifies
receivers data accepting X weights
without measurement C Identifies shippers
adjustment or X acceptance/acknowledgment
of a receivers adjustment D Identifies
receivers adjustment or
X acceptance/acknowledgment of a
shippers adjustment E Identifies receivers
independent X measurement
20Transaction System Record Types
- 1. Header
- 2. Descriptive (Detail)
- 3. Import/Export
- 4. Gross Weight
- 5. Quantitative (Detail)
- 6. Concise Notes
- 7. Obligated Material
21Transaction Terminology
- Shipment - one event
- Receipt - one event
- Transaction data set combined events
- Process date - year and month
- Data elements
- quantitative values
- special codes
- Transaction identification
22Dates to Remember in NMMSS
23Dates to Remember in NMMSS
- Action Date - MMDDYYYY, this is the date that the
activity (shipment, NOL/MD/AL. Etc.) actually
took place - Capture Date - MMDDYYYY, this is the date that
the 741 was captured by the system, i.e.,
received into the database - Process Date - YYYYMM, date of the process month
open during which the transaction was filed
24Reference Information
- NUREG/BR-0006, Rev. 7
- DOE Manual 470.4-6
- NMMSS Authority Reference Files
- Reports
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31 32What is an In-House Transaction?
- An In-House Transaction is a (741) transaction
used to report the on-site gains or losses of
reportable nuclear materials to the NMMSS, which
are not typically part of a shipment or receipt
associated with another facility.
33In-House Transaction Use
- Used to report gains and losses of your
inventory. - Report Stand-alone Concise Notes (IAEA).
- In some cases it is used to correct previously
reported data.
34How To Report In-House Transactions
- The same as shipment or receipt transactions,
except - Same RIS for both shipper and receiver.
- Action Code is M.
- Must use an Inventory Change Type (ICT)
- No Gross Weight reported
- No Number of Items reported
- Special edit checks apply to some ICT codes used
on an In-House transaction. (slide 9).
Action Code M
Inventory Change Type (Use Code)
Type of Inventory Change
11 13 21 22 34 37 38 39
Procurement from DOE Procurement - for the
Account of DOE Production From Other
Materials Receipts - Miscellaneous Procurement by
Others Donated Material - From DOE to
Others Donated Material - From Others to DOE
Action Code M
Inventory Change Type (Use Code)
Inventory Change Type (Use Code)
Type of Inventory Change
Type of Inventory Change
Rounding Bias Degradation to Other
Materials Decay Fission and Transmutation Normal
Operational Losses and/or Measured
Discards Accidental Losses Approved
Write-Offs Inventory Differences
41 42 43 47 48 54 58 59
Expended in Space Programs Sales to DOE Sales to
Others for the Account of DOE Expended in DOE
Tests Routine Tests Shipments - Misc. Donated
Material - to DOE by Others Donated Material - to
Others by DOE
65 71 72 73 74 75 76 77
These are receipts on your inventory
Use the correct change code when performing
blending operations
These are removals on your inventory
Type of Inventory Change
Decay To Other Materials (ED,NE,ND,DE,DN,EE) Shipm
ents Miscellaneous Fission and
Transmutation Normal Operational Losses and/or
Measured Discards Inventory Difference
Please refer to NUREG/BR-0006 for a list of all
ICT Codes
Use the correct change code when performing
blending operations
39- Example ICT Code comparison for Gains
742 Form
40Example ICT Code comparison for Losses
742 Form
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42Other Instances to Complete an In-House
- NMMSS may ask you to correct previously reported
data in your NMMSS account. Sometimes using the
In-House transaction is the best way to make
certain changes. A NMMSS Analyst will assist you
in these instances.
43ADJUSTMENTS(Also referred to as corrections)
44When is a Adjustment transaction required?
- An Adjustment is required when correcting a
previously reported transaction that has been
processed and moved to the Historical section of
the NMMSS Database. - The month in which it was processed is closed.
45When do you use a Process Code to make an
- You can change or delete data on previously
submitted transactions that are in an Open month,
using a specific Process Code.
46Process Codes
A Initial transaction C Replacement
transaction D Delete a transaction Z
Receivers acceptance of correction
Only used in an open month.
47What is an Open process month?
- NMMSS normally closes the database processing
around the 22nd of each month for the previous
months data received. - Example April processing month will close
approximately May 22. Transactions with an
Action Date of April or earlier will move to the
Historical section of the database. May Action
Dates will stay in the Compatibility section of
the database. - Now May is the Open month.
48Action Code C Used by the Shipper to make
- Adjusting previously reported shipments
- Acknowledging receiver adjustments
- Accepting receiver adjustments
49Action Code D Used by the Receiver to make
- Adjusting previously reported receipts
- Acknowledging shipper adjustments
- Accepting shipper adjustments
50Action Code MUsed for One Party transactions
- The Correction Identifier (either alpha or
numeric) distinguishes it as an Adjustment.
51Five Numeric Fields to be Negated when Correcting
- Negated Fields
- Number of items
- Element weight
- Element Limit of Error
- Isotope Weight
- Isotope Limit of Error
52Back Reference Components
- Correction Identifier (First character)
- Was document being corrected
- Should be document now being completed
- Line Number (Second and Third Digit)
- Was line number being corrected
- Should be corresponding was line number on
document now being completed
May be Alpha or Numeric
53Back Reference IllustrationOriginal Shipment
ABC XYZ Transfer A A
Back Ref. Line Comp. Code Ele. Wt. Iso. Wt.
01 771 60 02 771 40 03 771
55 04 771 33
54Back Reference IllustrationCorrection number 1
ABC XYZ Transfer 1 A C
Back Ref. Line Comp. Code Ele. Wt. Iso. Wt.
It was
002 01 771 -40 101 02 771
22 003 03 771 -55 103 04 771 10
It should be
55Back Reference IllustrationCorrection number 2
ABC XYZ Transfer 2 A C
Back Ref. Line Comp. Code Ele. Wt. Iso. Wt.
001 01 771 -60 201 02 771
40 000 03 771 99
New line
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59Things To Remember
- The Action Date on a correction can be
- The same as your original transaction, or it can
be the current date. In either case, be sure to
report the difference on your next annual
Material Balance Report after. - The C and D Process Code can only be used in an
Open Month. Call NMMSS to see if the month is
open and for how long. We try to close on the
22nd of each month. - Numeric corrections Two Party NMMSS
- Alpha corrections One Party NMMSS
60The Material Balance System
61How is the MBR like a Bank Statement?
Beginning Balance Plus Deposits Less
Withdrawals Equals Ending Balance
62Role of Transaction System
Facility transaction data is used to create the
facility book inventory in the NMMSS, which is
compared to the reported MBR.
63 MBR Example
MBR Example
65Inventory Defined
The of a given
material in the
of a
at a specified point in
742C to reflect the scenario below. Coyote
Energy is preparing their physical inventory
reports for the annual period ending 7/31/2005.
The facility has privately owned material only.
Coyote Energy has fuel rods in the reactor that
total 120678638 grams of element weight and
3021428 grams isotope weight, enriched at 3
percent. There is 0.8 percent enriched uranium
in cooling with an element weight of 136045239
grams and an isotope weight of 1102837 grams. In
addition, the facility has enriched uranium using
a composition code of 864 in the amounts of 12
grams element weight and 12 grams isotope weight.
67PIL Example
68PIL Example
69 Thank You for participating and helping us to
improve communication and reporting to the NMMSS.
Please have a safe trip back home