Title: Maree Pather
2Whats this all about then?
- Information
- Store data (e.g. employees details, production
data, etc) - Manipulate data (e.g. calculate salaries, taxes,
etc) - Retrieve usable information (e.g. reports, such
as What were the profits for 1999-2001?)
3How where is this data kept?
4How was this data retrieved?
5How was this data manipulated?
6How was this data transported?
7Why is this not good enough anymore?
- The world is a global village
- Technology has improved (The Internet) business
process re-engineering (BPR) - Real-time transactions
8How is it done now?
LANs facilitate local collaboration task
Data is available in Databases
Conferencing and information-sharing occurs
across computer networks
9Global Communication
The Internet allows the network to spread across
the globe
10Sowhere do we fit in?
- We create (software)
- the Databases (data files)
- the Front-end programs to allow data to be
entered and accessed (retrieved) - The logic programs for manipulating data
according to specified business rules (e.g. how
salaries must be calculated) - The code for allowing our programs to function
across the Internet (web-based)
11What else?
- We create the Hardware Infrastructure and
Networks, for connecting to the Internet, and
for publishing on the Internet (websites) - We configure the hardware (Servers) to enable
Internet functionality - We ensure that efficient commerce occurs across
the Internet (E-commerce) - We ensure that the necessary Security prevails
12Typical H/W Infrastructure
13Elaborating the Web Server
Web Server generally implies Server Farm
14Further, a Security Infrastructure must be
superimposed on basic config. admin
What must be done to ensure securityin the
various web contexts?
15So you need to know a bit about..
- Web Hardware Infrastructure
- Server set up and maintenance
- Web site design and development
- Principles of C-S development
- Languages and related technologies
- Databases
- Web site configuration and management/administrati
on - Web servers and operating systems
- Networking/Internetworking
- Security
16Contexts in which a WM works
- Internet website self-hosted or outsourced
- Intranet website(s) internal business
processes information dissemination, etc. - Extranets trading partners (value-chains) with
electronically linked business processes. - Virtual Private Networks secure remote access in
contexts of 2 or 3.
17Webmaster Skills
- Hardware and network infrastructure
- Operating systems and web server platforms
- Web site design
- E-Commerce
- Website development
- Site maintenance
18If you have any doubts.
19A Webmaster
- Installs, configures and manages Servers,
firewalls, routers, etc - Ditto for Operating System software
- Uses design/development tools such as Visual
Studio - Uses EC concepts to incorporate business features
- Uses tools to manage the site (Site Server)
20What the course is NOT
- A silver bullet /panacea
- for a quick easy qualification
21Edison states
- Genius
- 1 inspiration and
- 99 perspiration
22Equivalent certification
- Master Certified Internet Webmaster (as offered
by Intec) - Requirement Completion of 4 tracks-
- E-Commerce professional
- Security Professional
- Server Administrator
- Website Developer
23CIW contd
- Cost R 6620 per track gtR26 000
- Only online tutors self-study material
- 7 online Prometric exams
- Prerequisites A
24Student Status
- Your student status
- Enrolled as short-course students, since various
courses provide exit points - 1-year enrollments
- PET Student Card for identification and access
- Library facilities R250 per annum
- Same after-hours use of labs as other students
- All students pay for Internet access beyond their
allocated quota