Educational Supervision - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Educational Supervision


... and assessment requirements that apply to their own specialty area(s) or school. Describe how e-portfolios function for their specialty or school ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Educational Supervision

Educational Supervision
  • Training requirements
  • Revised October 28 2009

PMETB DefinitionsOperational Guide for the PMETB
Quality Framework Version 4.2 published 26
February 2009
  • Clinical Supervisor
  • A trainer who is selected and appropriately
    trained to be responsible for overseeing a
    specified trainees clinical work and providing
    constructive feedback during a training
    placement. Some training schemes appoint an
    Educational Supervisor for each placement. The
    roles of Clinical and Educational Supervisor may
    then be merged.
  • Educational Supervisor
  • A trainer who is selected and appropriately
    trained to be responsible for the overall
    supervision and management of a specified
    trainees educational progress during a training
    placement or series of placements. The
    Educational Supervisor is responsible for the
    trainees Educational Agreement.

All Educational Supervisors must have received
training in the following(see further slides for
content guidance and exemptions)
  • Roles and Responsibilities of Educational
    Supervisors and an overview of the other key
    roles required in the training of doctors
  • Guidance on required trainee assessments
  • Appraisal processes and skills
  • Educational theory and practice
  • ARCP processes
  • Equality and Diversity (certificated)
  • Doctors in Difficulty

Roles and Responsibilities
  • The training must develop an understanding about
    the main processes an Educational and Clinical
    Supervisor must undertake and clarify individual
    Trust, Specialty and Deanery requirements of
    these roles
  • In particular the training must ensure that
    participants are able to
  • Describe the roles and responsibilities required
    of Educational and Clinical Supervisors
  • Identify the key stakeholders in this area of
  • Define what supervision of medical trainees
    requires and the specific activities that
    Educational/Clinical supervisors should be
    undertaking regularly
  • Identify where clinical governance impacts on
    post-graduate medical training
  • Describe how to advise trainees on career
    management and list key sources of information
    and guidance about this
  • Outline the learning in equality and diversity
    they must have undertaken

Guidance on assessments
  • The training must develop an understanding about
    good practice in using the key assessments
    processes and tools that an Educational
    Supervisor must be familiar with
  • In particular the training must ensure that
    participants are able to
  • Describe how to undertake assessments of medical
    trainees using a range of tools
  • Describe the features and best use of the most
    commonly required trainee assessment processes
    and tools
  • Outline the Royal College/specialty curricula and
    assessment requirements that apply to their own
    specialty area(s) or school
  • Describe how e-portfolios function for their
    specialty or school
  • Complete an Educational Supervisors report

3. Appraisal processes
  • The training must develop an understanding about
    good practice in educational and NHS workplace
    appraisal processes for trainee doctors
  • In particular the training must ensure that
    participants are able to
  • Understand the range of definitions of appraisal
    and how these relate to assessment and ARCP
  • Apply a framework, method and skills for
    appraising trainees and giving feedback
  • Outline the NHS Appraisal documentation for
    Doctors in Training
  • Be able to help a trainee to write a Personal
    Development Plan (PDP)
  • Describe ways to handle difficult feedback and
    problem trainees in appraisal sessions

Educational theory and practice
  • The training must develop an understanding of
    basic learning and educational theory and core
    teaching techniques including instructional
    methods, feedback and questioning to confirm
    learning transfer
  • In particular the training must ensure that
    participants are able to
  • Describe how medical trainees best learn and
    acquire knowledge and skills
  • Outline the conditions under which training and
    education most successfully occurs
  • Present information in a structured and clear way
  • List the factors that tend to block effective
    adult learning
  • Describe the principles and effective processes
    that assist helpful feedback
  • Outline the stages required in assisting a
    trainee to develop a successful personal
    educational or development plan

5. ARCP processes
  • The training must develop an understanding about
    how educational supervisors contribute to the
    trainees annual review process and explain the
    range of activities required to conduct effective
    annual reviews of post graduate specialty
  • In particular the training must ensure that
    participants are able to
  • Describe the roles and activities required of an
    ARCP review panel
  • Outline the key elements that constitute an
    effective educational supervisors report for an
    ARCP panel
  • Describe the process to be followed, the
    documents to be used and the decisions to be made
    in the annual assessment
  • Support trainees through the assessment process
  • Decide the extent to which a trainee has achieved
    the required competencies
  • Advise on the construction of the development
    plan for the next stage of a specialty trainees
    education and training
  • Conduct panel activities in a fair and equal
    manner, being pro-active about diversity issues
    where appropriate

6. Equality and diversity
  • The training must develop an understanding of
    how deliberate and inadvertent unfair
    discrimination can occur against trainees,
    colleagues and applicants and provide guidance on
    what to do about this and how to maintain human
  • In particular the training must ensure that
    participants are able to
  • Explain the key concepts underpinning human
    rights, equality and diversity initiatives,
    particularly indirect discrimination and cultural
  • Summarise the legislative requirements that
    affect job interviews and trainee assessments
  • Describe how to prepare for and conduct
    interactions (formal and informal) that are fair
    and equitable
  • Devise useful and appropriate questions for
    selection interviews and assessments
  • Outline how interview and assessment panels
    should work together to bring fairness and
    equality to their work

7. Doctors in Difficulty
  • The training must develop an understanding about
    recommended practice in managing trainees who are
    in difficulty or about who there are specific
    concerns that require tackling
  • In particular the training must ensure that
    participants are able to
  • Recognise a trainee in difficulty
  • Understand and describe the causes and
    contributory factors
  • Summarise what is expected of Educational
    Supervisors when they come across a trainee in
    difficulty or about who there are specific
  • Confidently and skilfully discuss and clarify any
    concerns with a trainee, and give effective
    feedback about these
  • Describe how to document the feedback discussion
    fairly in a simple report including making
    specific recommendations and creating or adapting
    an educational plan

All Educational Supervisors must attend to their
ongoing professional development as trainers by
at least
  • Updating their knowledge base on Educational
    Supervision through an e-learning module
    annually- available from January 2010
  • Refreshing their trainer skills through
    attending a skills programme in the following
    areas minimum of one day every two years (could
    be ½ day annually)
  • Interviewing skills
  • Careers guidance
  • Mentoring
  • Coaching
  • Teaching skills
  • Leadership skills
  • Managing cultural diversity

  • Educational Supervisors can claim exemption from
    the listed minimum requirements if they have
    attended prior training which covers the aims and
    objectives of the seven required areas this may
    have been through attending a lengthy training
    programme such as a post graduate Diploma in
    Education or through attending shorter workshops
    or training days that cover specific aspects.
    Exemption can therefore be claimed from all or
    parts of the minimum requirements.
  • It is also recognised that experienced
    Educational Supervisors who have been carrying
    out this role for considerable time will have
    developed the understanding, knowledge and skills
    required without necessarily attending a formal
    training course. The Deanery is developing a
    process for recognising and accrediting this too.

Appendix 1
  • Relevant excerpts from the Foundation Programme
    Operational Framework and PMETB Gold Guides that
    define the roles of Educational and Clinical
    Supervisors and indicate the training that is
    appropriate for undertaking these

Operational Framework Requirements excerpts 1
  • all doctors involved in clinical and
    educational supervision will have to meet the
    standards for trainingagreed by the GMC and
    PMETB (para 174)
  • Educational and clinical supervisors will,have
    to demonstrate their competence in educational
    appraisal and feedback, and in assessment
    methods, including their ability to use the
    specific workplace-based assessment tools(para
  • All foundation doctors must have named
    educational and clinical supervisor for each
    foundation placement or part of a placement as
    appropriate..relevant information about progress
    and performance is regularly exchanged between
    clinical and education supervisor. (para 178)
  • Educational supervisors must be trained for
    their roleshould include equality and diversity
    training. Educational Supervisors must have time
    set aside in their contracts and job plans to
    allow for educational supervision (para 179)

Operational Framework Requirements excerpts 2
  • All educational supervisors should
  • ..understand educational theory and practical
    educational techniques
  • Be trained and accredited as competent to offer
    educational supervision and assess the competence
    of foundation doctors
  • .regular, planned reviews through educational
  • All clinical supervisors should
  • Be fully trained in clinical care and understand
    their responsibilities for patient safety
  • Offer a level of clinical supervision appropriate
    forcompetence and experience and appropriately
  • Make sure that no foundation doctor is expected
    to take responsibility for, or perform, any
    clinical, surgical or other technique if they do
    not have the appropriate experience and expertise
  • Make sure that foundation doctors only perform
    tasks unsupervised if if the supervisor is
    satisfied that they are competent to do so..
  • Be appropriately trained to teach, provide
    feedback and assess foundation doctors

Operational Framework Requirements excerpts 3
  • Training for educational and clinical
    supervisors in appraisal, assessing competency,
    career management and equality, diversity and
    human rights is available. (para 177)
  • doctors need advice and accurate
    information about current and future career
    opportunities. They will also need support,
    advice and coachiongto help them plan their
    careers. (para 185)
  • It will not be enough for only educational
    supervisors to offer informal career advice, as
    has often happened in the past. (para 187)

Operational Framework Requirements excerpts 4
  • The main principles of the assessment process
    are that it is
  • Based on the doctor's competence
  • Led by the doctor's individual circumstances
  • Based on the workplace-based assessment
  • Open and fair
  • Developmental
  • Can be used to confirm that a doctor has reached
    the required standard of competence (para 194)
  • Assessments
  • 6 DOPs per year
  • 6 Mini-CEXs per year
  • 6 CbDs per yesr
  • 2 Mini-PATS

Operational Framework Requirements excerpts 5
  • When a foundation doctor fails to make progress
    during foundation training
  • Educational supervisors should look for these
    (reluctance or failure to take part in training
    or assessments, concerns raised and serious
    incidents) and other early signs of problems, and
    be ready to offer support to foundation doctors
    who are having difficulty adjusting to the role.
    It is essential that the educational supervisor
    raises such concerns early and formally with the
    foundation doctor concerned. (para 198)
  • The educational supervisor may need to arrange
    an in-depth assessment, looking at the foundation
    doctor's health, attitudes, skills and their
    training environment, so that they can take
    appropriate supportive action. All meetings,
    discussions, assessments and so on should be
    recorded in writing. (para 199)

PMETB Requirements 1
  • Healthcare organisations should explicitly
    recognise that supervised training is a core
    responsibility, in order to ensure both patient
    safety and the development of the medical
    workforce to provide for future service needs
    (Gold Guide 2008, 4.15)
  • All of these individuals (training programme
    directors, educational and clinical supervisors,
    and any other Deanery or NHS agents) must receive
    training in equality, diversity and human rights
    legislation which is kept up to date (4.19)
  • There should be explicit and sufficient time in
    job plans for both clinical and educational
    supervision of trainees (4.20)
  • Educational supervisors are responsible for
    overseeing training to ensure that trainees are
    making the necessary clinical and educational
    progress. Where possible, it is desirable for
    the trainee to have the same educational
    supervisor for the whole of their training
    programme or for stages of training (4.23)

PMETB Requirements 2
  • Educational supervisors also have
    responsibilities through their supervision of
    trainees to support the delivery of the
    educational contract which exists between
    employers which provide postgraduate training and
    Postgraduate Deaneries (4.23)
  • Employers of educational supervisors must have
    this role recognised within job planning
    arrangements (4.26)
  • Each trainee should have a named clinical
    supervisor for each placement, usually a senior
    doctor, who is responsible for ensuring that
    appropriate clinical supervision of the trainees
    day to day clinical performance occurs at all
    times, with regular feedback (must ensure patient
    safety, clinical care, tailored experiences for
    trainees and proper delegation for out of hours
    etc) (4.27)

PMETB Requirements 3
  • Educational and clinical supervisors should
    demonstrate their competence in educational
    appraisal and feedback and in assessment methods,
    including the use of specific in-work assessment
    tools approved by the PMETB for the specialty
    (Gold Guide 2008 4.17)
  • Educational supervisors are responsible for both
    the educational appraisal of trainees, and also
    for review of their performance based on Good
    Medical Practice. This links educational
    appraisal and performance review (workplace based
    NHS appraisal) of trainees. (4.24)
  • All clinical supervisors should
  • Be appropriately trained to teach, provide
    feedback and undertake competence assessment to
    trainees in the specialty (4.27)
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