Title: Oregon GEAR UP External Evaluation Plan
1Oregon GEAR UPExternal Evaluation Plan
- NWREL Team
- Dr. Eve McDermott
- Dr. Changhua Wang
- and Judith Devine
2What is NWRELs Role?
- To provide an independent assessment of the
effectiveness of GEAR UP Program implementations
in Oregon. - To assist GEAR UP sites with their data
collection, evaluation, and reporting. - To ensure that state and local plans are aligned
with performance indicators established by the
U.S. Department of Education
3Key Questions in NWRELs Evaluation of GEAR UP
Sites Implementations
- To what extent (if any) and why have local
projects deviated from original plans and
budgets? - To what extent do local implementations align
with federal goals and objectives for GEAR UP? - To what extent do local implementations result in
desired impacts?
4Federal Indicators of GEAR UP Meeting its
- 1. Increasing percentages of students passing
academically challenging college preparatory
courses such as - algebra
- geometry
- chemistry
- physics
5Federal Indicators of GEAR UP Meeting its
Objectives cont.
- 2. Higher rates of student attendance,school
completion, and postsecondary enrollment. - Improved attendance rates
- Improved promotion rates
- Improved graduation rates
- Higher college enrollment rates.
6Federal Indicators of GEAR UP Meeting its
Objectives cont.
- 3.1 Improved student and parent knowledge about
what it takes to go to college and to succeed in
college. - Improved knowledge of the academic preparation
needed for college - Improved knowledge of college costs
- Improved knowledge of financial aid available for
college attendance.
7Federal Indicators of GEAR UP Meeting its
Objectives cont.
- 3.2 Each of the following participating groups
will have high educational expectations for
students throughout the life of the program. - Students
- Students Parents or Guardians
- Teachers
8In Summary, NWRELs Evaluation Focuses on
Identifying GEAR UPs Impacts upon Three Groups
- Students, Parents, School Staff
9Evaluation Focuses on Identifying GEAR UPs
Impacts upon Three Groups
- To what extent do students knowledge,
expectations, and achievement improve? - To what extent do parents knowledge,
expectations, and involvement improve? - To what extent do the skills of schools staffs
and their expectations for students improve?
10GEAR UPs Impacts upon Three Groups
- Survey of Students, Parents and Educators.
- Determine need for visits to some or all sites to
provide technical assistance or on-site
information/data collection. - Schedule and conduct visits.
- Based on findings from all preceding steps,
adjust the internal and external evaluation
processes (as needed) to ensure complete,
accurate and credible evaluative data
11How You Can Help Us To Properly Evaluate GEAR UP
in Oregon
12Coordinators role in this evaluation effort
- Communicate your needs and concerns regarding
evaluation data collection, analyses, and
reporting. - Meet deadlines for data and information requests.
- Ensure that quarterly and annual reports are
complete and accurate.