Title: Agricultural Carbon Sequestration and Poverty
1Agricultural Carbon Sequestration and Poverty
John M. Antle Dept of Ag Econ Econ, Montana
State U
Presented at the Workshop on Environmental
Services for Poverty Reduction and Food Security,
Food and Agriculture Organization, 30-31 May
2- Thanks to my colleagues without whose support
this research would not be possible - Charles Crissman, CIP, Nairobi
- Bocar Diagana, Montana State U
- Kara Gray, Montana State U
- Ibrahima Hathie, ENEA, Senegal
- Andre de Jager, LEI, the Netherlands
- Jetse Stoorvogel, Wageningen UR
- Roberto Valdivia, Montana State U
- Alejandra Vallejo, Wageningen UR
- David Yanggen, CIP, Lima
3- Basic Concepts
- Linkages to Poverty
- Evidence from Peru, Senegal and Kenya
- Conclusions
4- I. Basic Concepts
- Land use management practices increase or
decrease ecosystem C (key indicator of soil
5- I. Basic Concepts
- Land use management practices increase or
decrease ecosystem C
- Payments to farmers can create incentives for
farmers to change LU management to increase C
until stock is maxed - Issues in C seq literature
- Technical vs economic potential
- Productivity effects dynamics
- Permanence leakage
- Adoption costs
- Incentive design
- Additionality
- Per-hectare vs per-ton payments
- Symmetric vs asymmetric incentives
- Transaction costs
6 Contract participation decision (Antle et al,
JEEM, 2003) g gt ?NR A TC For per-ton
carbon payment, g P??C, thus P gt (?NR A
7- II. Linkages to Poverty
- Those who benefit most have low opp cost of
adoption - Are the poorest farmers on the adoption margin?
- Additionality targets non-adopters
- Fixed cost and trans cost create adoption
threshold - These costs have greatest impact at low C prices
and where carbon rates are low. - Opp cost ?NR may decline over time as C
accumulates and system productivity increases
8 Carbon Permanece as an Emergent Property of
Production Systems Farmers who lack knowledge
of system dynamics can be provided an incentive
to learn the benefits of improved soil
management. This can lead to permanent adoption
of improved practices without permanent external
incentives. (Antle and Diagana, AJAE 2004)
9- III. Evidence from Three Case Studies
- Case studies
- Terracing and agroforestry in the Peruvian Andes
- Nutrient and crop residue management in Senegals
peanut basin - Nutrient management (mineral fertilizer, manure,
crop residues) in Machakos district of Kenya - Methods
- Case studies based on statistically
representative samples of spatially-referenced
data - Bio-physical and econometric-process models
simulate site-specific land use and management
decisions under base scenario and carbon contract
scenarios - Spatial distribution of contract participation
decisions are used to derive carbon supply curves
for the population in the region
10 Tradeoff Analysis Integrated Assessment of
Agricultural Production Systems
Econometric- Process
Spatial Aggregation
11The Tradeoff Analysis Software is a GIS-based
system designed to integrate disciplinary data
and models for integrated assessment of
agricultural systems. An on-line course, the
software, and applications for Ecuador, Peru,
Senegal and Kenya can be downloaded at
12- Terracing and agroforestry in the Peruvian Andes
(Cajamarca) - Evidence shows terracing and agroforesty are
profitable for some farmers but adoption is only
about 30 - Incomplete adoption explained by spatial
heterogeneity in bio-physical and economic
conditions - Carbon contracts would provide payments for
carbon in soil and above-ground biomass - In contrast to conservation projects that
subsidize all farmers, only farmers at the
adoption margin would have an incentive to
13The importance of heterogeneity profitability of
terracing is a function of site-specific
conditions (e.g., slope). Carbon payments create
incentive for additional adoption.
14Carbon Supply Curves for Terracing and
Agroforestry for Low (LC) and High (HC) Carbon
Rate Scenarios
15The adoption margin What conditions favor
additional adoption of carbon-sequestering
16- Nutrient and crop residue management in Senegals
Peanut Basin - Field data show very low use of mineral
fertilizer, high rates of nutrient depletion,
very low SOM - Carbon contracts would pay farmers to increase
mineral fertilizers and incorporate crop residues
17 Crop residues are the key to increasing soil C
in nutrient-deficient systems
Note participation at zero carbon price
18 Key constraint is opportunity cost of crop
residues that are used by small, poor farmers to
feed livestock
19 Transaction costs constrain participation in C
contracts at low carbon prices
20- Nutrient management in Machakos, Kenya
- Mineral fertilizer use low in this maize-based,
mixed crop-livestock system - Extensive terracing has reversed catastrophic
soil erosion seen in the early-mid 20th Century
(Tiffen et al., More People, Less Erosion), but
WUR Nutrient Monitoring data show high rates of
nutrient depletion - Carbon contracts would pay farmers to increase
use of mineral and organic fertilizers
21Technology Zero-grazing units provide
opportunity to improve nutrient management
efficiency and livestock productivity.
22 Machakos C Supply Curves for Low, Medium and
High Carbon Rates
23 Machakos Impact of Carbon Sequestration
Payments on Poverty ( lt 1/day)
24 Machakos Impact of Carbon Sequestration on
Nutrient Depletion (kg/ha/season)
25 Machakos Impact of Carbon Sequestration on
Poverty and Nutrient Depletion
26 Importance of Heterogeneity Impact of C
Sequestration on Poverty and Nutrient Depletion
in Machakos, by Village (Medium C Rate)
27- Conclusions
- Evidence shows ag C sequestration has some
potential to reduce poverty and enhance
sustainability in semi-subsistence systems - However evidence also suggests that disadvantaged
areas may benefit less than more productive
regions. - Key issues are
- System dynamics and heterogeneity
- Opportunity costs of improved practices
- Transaction costs institutional capability
- Can participation in carbon markets help
disadvantaged areas overcome constraints on
technology adoption? - For example, could a carbon-based rural
micro-credit program enhance farmers ability to
reverse soil nutrient depletion in marginal
28This presentation and related publications are
available at www.tradeoffs.montana.edu www.clima
te.montana.edu www.tradeoffs.nl